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  • SRC Member

Quickly read... if not closed again :lol:

BTW, here it goes... chinese/hokkien always say this


Chinese ; mei you da ke pi ku jiu pu yao chi da ke sie yao

english : without the buttock please do not eat diarrhea medicine :lol:

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  • SRC Member

told u already it's a gang up wa...

and they keep bad mouthing with 1 side story..

SRC is like that one ma.. so long you gang up with some mod you can go openly attack anyone you dont like and keep saying his 1 sided story..

and yet he himself is the worst....

WL: I'm ok with all the wacking.. cause I know my sps really got color or not, I see it everyday. He is the one who is crying everyday why not color up. Lieing to himself, he already suffer the most..

So let's move on... now every know what type of person he really is will do...

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  • SRC Member
don't worry, very soon this thread also will be closed.

He need to wipe out traces of the post and photoshoped photo ma...

I dunno why, 2 reefers but 2 treated differently.

sorry hor.. mine is 1 wrongly posted photo hor..

if not come wack me on my other photo also la..

his is not mistake hor but really purposly do it one hor..

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sorry hor.. mine is 1 wrongly posted photo hor..

if not come wack me on my other photo also la..

his is not mistake hor but really purposly do it one hor..

You go guess who speaks out against you the most in that thread?

Who speaks out the loudest?

He can save him here but can't save him in other forums that he posted all those heavily photoshop photos :P

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  • SRC Member

err..... since I'm the thread startar... can I close the request to close the thread........ :lol: if not also close by someone mah... :whistle

last one......

tengok tv di bawah jendela

banyak penyanyi mukanya lawa

tak tau giri ketawa ketawa

pasal di pantat ade kecoa :lol: my maid havent sleep :whistle

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err..... since I'm the thread startar... can I close the request to close the thread........ :lol: if not also close by someone mah... :whistle

last one......

tengok tv di bawah jendela

banyak penyanyi mukanya lawa

tak tau giri ketawa ketawa

pasal di pantat ade kecoa :lol: my maid havent sleep :whistle

Can translate or not? This is like German to me lol.

As long as you don't mention the rat's name then his identity not exposed hence the objective of saving his reputation is done lor.

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  • SRC Member

You go guess who speaks out against you the most in that thread?

Who speaks out the loudest?

He can save him here but can't save him in other forums that he posted all those heavily photoshop photos :P

haiya you and I know his pattern long ago..

how he come pretend befren us and then suddenly turn into a mad dog and attack us for no reason..

Seeing his photo and how he dose his zeovit already know how much stuff he got.. just dont really want to expose him... else he no face to come surf net anymore..

anyway we concenrate on planning our up coming new tank or modified our current tank to make it better..

result is there.. u know i know dont need other to come tell me.. mine sps color is real or not.

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  • SRC Member

Can translate or not? This is like German to me lol.

As long as you don't mention the rat's name then his identity not exposed hence the objective of saving his reputation is done lor.

if u r watching tv.. laughing like nobody business

I thought u enjoying the tv

but actually got one cockroach in yr ###### that makes u laugh :lol:

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tick tok tick tok.....

Sometimes don't have the SPS then don't try to do some stunt (photoshop) to the photos then post it to tell pple you have those stuffs :P

Serves no real purpose because once the truth is revealed all your reputation will be gone and you need your friends to come save you.

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