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Nice SPS photos.


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  • SRC Member
holy cow!! chio chio chio....

Brother you sure your photo is real one or not? lol.... hard to believe lei.

Hello.... u mean I use photoshop meh......... dun believe come to my house n see lor...... but I'm not at home most of the time :lol:

BTW, here's another pic under actinic :lol::eyebrow:


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  • SRC Member
Now you see color up photo :P

Green become purple. Which is which?

sometime colour morph change mah.... it could be under "erratic" tank conditions mah........ last time i also like that leh... KH jumping n squating like a clown.. end up all acros turn different morph.......... :lol: blue acro become yellow, den from yellow become brown, den brown become white... RTN :lol::whistle

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  • SRC Member
How?? chio or not? which one more natural look and which one is photoshop?



wa............. Sun Wo Kong got 72 bian also cannot bian until like that leh :shock:

Maybe need to master a combo between Sun Wo Kong n Pai Ku Ching den can do something like that :lol: "aka combo of pontianak n pocong" :lol:

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"wow now then I know the one who claim and keep shooting ppls edit photo is the photo editor king. Ppls just post 1 mistake photo and he go attack like mad dog. And look at him, sure not a mistake photo been posted right?"  ;)

aiya... sometimes either pple just keep 1 eyes closed or sometimes pple don't even noticed it as they don't look closely.

He's been doing it for quite sometime already so no one expose him only.

So you know why and why I had to speak out in Alanseah's thread.

Sometimes if don't have that type of color then don't need to try to show pple you got that type of colors :P Cos when the truth is revealed, all the reputation will go down the drain.

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  • SRC Member
Now you know why I had to speak against him in Alan Seah's thread.

Ownself photoshop his photos yet want to wack other pple *pengz*

err why say my name..??? ;)

Sorry I'm not here for revenge...but...

Pls mine is 1 wrongly uploaded photo and gatta attack and everyone can come judge me and say I'm this type of person or that. Base on 1 sided story when they have not even see me or hear my voice before.. and yet they like god so powerful to know what type of person I'm, lolz dam funny when I think of it...

His photo I know long ago and so is some other.. that's why I ask for a none lighting sps photo.

I just dont want to make things ugy so I choose to stay low profile and happily play with my own tank and know myself my sps is real color or not.

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  • SRC Member

hello piggy n Wl, can dun post chinese or not... I know its definitely chinese, but I nv download the translation leh... only my office have it. Can u guys translate it in english........... I dun want to wait till tomolo den get the meaning....... :P

PLease translate.... if not where can I dunload the software :P

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