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Do not use 5-plan tanks for 3 feet and above


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as above. my 3 feet tank sprung a leak this morning. flooded half the living room thru the night. i think the glass bottom couldnt take the weight n pressure of my LR n sand n all that water.

transferred all corals to a holding tank with a powerhead and a airpump, and all LR to pails and all LS to the coral holding tank.

then wiped the floor clean. i think the vinegar helps to remove the stickiness.

so, pls do not use 5 plan tanks. 2 feet ones are ok tho. 3 feet is a no-no.

sadly, extra expenses this month. a little tempted to stop altogether.

any one knows how much a custom made 3 feet tank is? i was thinking 8mm with bracing all around, and wooden stand. (not cabinet)

now i worry about my corals (altho soft corals only) n whether my YT will get ick now that its stressed.

wat im really pissed about is that the LFS told me the tank can be used for marine. apparently they didnt know better. i had my doubts initially, but becoz they were so established as a LFS i took their work for it.

so, everyone (esp newbies) pls do ya homework b4 starting a marine tank.

jon. :(

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  • SRC Member

If this is a kotobuki 3 ft tank, should be okay as they use asahi tempered glass. You can try going to pasir ris fish farm for it. About 150 w/o stand and looks similar to your 5 plan tank. There is also a marine display tank for your reference.

btw, is it possible that you may have accidentally break the tank? like a scratch? :(

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  • SRC Member

hmmm....thats the worst nightmare a reefer could have!.....I used to have nightmare when I started reefing.....because I DIY most of my stuff......

Relax brother...soft coral are quite tough! Take your time to browse around....

Happy reefing! ;)

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  • SRC Member
as above. my 3 feet tank sprung a leak this morning. flooded half the living room thru the night. i think the glass bottom couldnt take the weight n pressure of my LR n sand n all that water.

transferred all corals to a holding tank with a powerhead and a airpump, and all LR to pails and all LS to the coral holding tank.

then wiped the floor clean. i think the vinegar helps to remove the stickiness.

so, pls do not use 5 plan tanks. 2 feet ones are ok tho. 3 feet is a no-no.

sadly, extra expenses this month. a little tempted to stop altogether.

any one knows how much a custom made 3 feet tank is? i was thinking 8mm with bracing all around, and wooden stand. (not cabinet)

now i worry about my corals (altho soft corals only) n whether my YT will get ick now that its stressed.

wat im really pissed about is that the LFS told me the tank can be used for marine. apparently they didnt know better. i had my doubts initially, but becoz they were so established as a LFS i took their work for it.

so, everyone (esp newbies) pls do ya homework b4 starting a marine tank.

jon. :(

i know of such case too.

Had a friend who started a small 2 feet.

5 months later his mum woke him up 8am in the morning with a wet living hall.

the front of the tank cracked.

he had to mop the floor like... 10 times!!

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If this is a kotobuki 3 ft tank, should be okay as they use asahi tempered glass. You can try going to pasir ris fish farm for it. About 150 w/o stand and looks similar to your 5 plan tank. There is also a marine display tank for your reference.

btw, is it possible that you may have accidentally break the tank? like a scratch? :(

im very sure that its not an accident. anyway, the bottom was bulging a bit this morning when i checked. i think the silicon gave way as i didnt see any crack when i moved the sand away.

wats a kotobuki tank?

how thick is it?

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