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cost under-cutting and equipment pirates


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When One reefer recently changed his reflector to local diy LA3.I was surprised that it could actually heat up the water so much.I have no experience in that as i'm not a user.So out of curiousity to double confirm that i smsed the person.He was so pissed off and said the best help would be a cheaper chiller

its too lenghty... i didnt read all the explanations given by u... from the above :

I say :

1. U r surprised becos u didnt have the knowledge and yet u refer me to another forum where as per yr saying : nobody says lumenarc heat up the tank.

2. Do u think i need a cheap chiller ? If I did, why should u offer me an Arctica Chiller , u should offer me a " resun " chiller instead. "no offence to other user"

BTW, my one day of income "might" be yr one month's income... sorry to be so direct... Do u need the CPF statement. So please do not degrade me.

Hello a88hole, dun put words into my mouth.

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Tell me : why did I say I need a cheaper chiller to support my tank...................... :lol: , sms, PM or watsoever, post mit like a man dude... u bloody a33hole.

"PROVE IT PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" to support yr statement mah..................If not. jus like another thread banging n banging... end up wta happen ............. :lol:

lastly : DO IT DUDE ;)

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  • SRC Member
When One reefer recently changed his reflector to local diy LA3.I was surprised that it could actually heat up the water so much.I have no experience in that as i'm not a user.So out of curiousity to double confirm that i smsed the person.He was so pissed off and said the best help would be a cheaper chiller

its too lenghty... i didnt read all the explanations given by u... from the above :

I say :

1. U r surprised becos u didnt have the knowledge and yet u refer me to another forum where as per yr saying : nobody says lumenarc heat up the tank.

2. Do u think i need a cheap chiller ? If I did, why should u offer me an Arctica Chiller , u should offer me a " resun " chiller instead. "no offence to other user"

BTW, my one day of income "might" be yr one month's income... sorry to be so direct... Do u need the CPF statement. So please do not degrade me.

Hello a88hole, dun put words into my mouth.

Yes i did pm you those that you pasted.Nothing for me to hide.Maybe i have been too kpo to poke my nose into your matters.You can tear all the face that you want.It shall be the very last and i will mind my own business.Good luck to you.

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Yes i did pm you those that you pasted.Nothing for me to hide.Maybe i have been too kpo to poke my nose into your matters.You can tear all the face that you want.It shall be the very last and i will mind my own business.Good luck to you.

BTW u say I need cheap chiller ????????? Can u support yr statement ??? Please dude......... DO IT

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As the saying goes 越描越黑. In the first place we did not mention your name openly but since you choose to let pple tear your face then we help you.

Bo pian mah bro, nowadays 2 snake got 3 mouth, 4 snakegot 8 mouth... but worse still : an dumb still can still utter a dialodge, but not from his mouth but a**

PROVE IT DUDE................ no gang gang here, so dun quote quote like nobody business <_<

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BTW u say I need cheap chiller ????????? Can u support yr statement ??? Please dude......... DO IT

With all due respect i do not mean you cannot afford any expensive chiller.Maybe you are misunderstanding what i mean.No one doubts your spending power.I did not say you need a cheap chiller,but it was in your sms that you stated so.This arguement will never stop.I have nothing to support as i deleted the sms.I will end my comments from here.

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Bo pian lor... everything I say he just deny, which is expected. I thought he could do better than that :P

Sell chiller make money say till like helping other reefer.

There's more behind the scene story but all grandmother old stories which I find no point to drag out lar.

Wait for him to explain himself but you expect he give you good explanation? tan ku ku

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[With all due respect i do not mean you cannot afford any expensive chiller.Maybe you are misunderstanding what i mean.No one doubts your spending power.I did not say you need a cheap chiller,but it was in your sms that you stated so.This arguement will never stop.I have nothing to support as i deleted the sms.I will end my comments from here.

LOls.......In my sms I said so :lol: , lucky u deleted my sms...... ;) If not, I kanna falmed as a cheapo sps keeper.

BTW, u posted yr own 'feelings" which "all of us" will share with u yr feelings. extracted from the last few post :

I'm just trying to support a reef that has been planned for a long long time and i somehow got blinded and was'nt too righteous on my actions

So I wish u will be righteous after this lesson..... ;) Good luck

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Bo pian lor... everything I say he just deny, which is expected. I thought he could do better than that :P

Sell chiller make money say till like helping other reefer.

There's more behind the scene story but all grandmother old stories which I find no point to drag out lar.

Wait for him to explain himself but you expect he give you good explanation? tan ku ku

:lol: already explained. " my sms was deleted" lolsssssssssssss

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It is really bad IMO to make DIY into this state

The whole meaning of DIY is not to undercut commercial products but just as an interest if you were to make your own equipment.

Just think about it, you can get a table from Ikea and at the same time, Ikea provides DIY materials for those who wish to build their own.

Copying wholesale of commercial products are the worst thing a DIYer could do. Having the mindset to undercut other people's prices is even worse.

Even local DIY gurus have their own design, they do R&D on a small scale and improve their products. It is those few people who gain the respect and support from us reefers.

Check out the Beckett skimmers, almost all of them available look identical. All of them had the same flaws and few have done something to improve it.

Of course we do not condemn those who wish to build their own stuff but we cannot tolerate those who blatantly copy without proper understanding of how a product works.

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

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errrr....techincally, if they make to sell, they are no longer DIY'er (no matter how bad the quality).....its a commerial product which ever way you dice it......probably the correct term is hand-made, custom made, or local made product.......

i don't see the problem with undercutting, its business anyway.....but i do have issues with people conducting their business in a underhanded manner (spreading lies and rummors, claiming to be non-profitable, sliming your competitors, misleading advertisment...etc)......this kind of practics will almost alway come back and haunt you.....;)

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BTW, my one day of income "might" be yr one month's income...

Brother....what business or trade are you in? Can teach me some skills? I am desperately in need of some cold hard cash! :lol::lol::lol:

Think you have the rights to be that arrogance?! .....Money is POWER!.....No money....talk also softy.....walk also slowly.....no wind!...I admire you....hope one day I can talk like that!....POWER!

Bro Cavin, I know you briefly and I admire your entreprenership giving the fact that you are still very young. While I was your age I only know how to spent! You are lucky you have some guidance be it from your elder siblings or your parents or reefers from SRC.

Tell you what.....you want to make it big.....get away from SRC.....do more unscrupulous things......no need to apologies like you do here!.....business is business........winners stay.......If you have some marine lobang.......tell everybody you are here to earn money if you want to make it big!....think about it.....K.N.N.....how much can you earn from selling a chiller! or what ever!.

I previously offer you an opportunity but you turn down......if you want to do something....make it big and known to people! Thats my advise! ;)

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All in all, its is not wrong to custom make stuff

Jus make sure you do it the right way and you can even be one of our sponsors.

We have sponsors who do DIY and are proud of it!! :lol:

Just a disclaimer. I do not have the intention of stereotyping people who make their own stuff, because I do know of a few who have spent time and effort on improving their stuff :)

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

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You don't understand, sponsor needs to pay and when need to pay some pple don't like/want.

Give you an example, unlicensed hawkers. Weekends unlicensed hakwer setup stall at the market selling their things so how the hawkers in the market feel?

Don't like yet still like to come here try sell in the background thinking the admin/mods dunno.

If not why you he (calciumreef) has to say

As i have told AT, i'm not doing commercial sales already

Makes sense?

But here we still see him PM pple selling things :P

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Yep I do know that sponsors had to pay for their forum here but if he is going to do commercial, then it is the only way out here.

But according to what you said, I would recommend him to either post in another place ;)

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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See my car. It once was wreak in a car accident, my original trustworthy and arrogant mechanic quoted 9K to fix and refused to lower by a dime. Broke like hell then, went to another mechanic on that undercut by 2K.

It came back totally unsatisfied. Return to the old mechanic now, never worry again about anything again.

Not the price that matters, but it is the knowledge, service and quality that matter most.

I'm in engineering outsourcing, I no longer lower price to compete but offer knowledgable services (I use to). I told customer direct to go get a cheaper quote and try it out. If is that cheap and good, I too will outsource to them. They return eventually. I also told them "You pay peanuts, you get monkey." But some customer scare loss face returning though...


30G Corner Tank with 10G Sump, 2 x 24W artinic T5, 1 x 24W 10K, 1x 24W 20K, 3" Grade 0 sand & Live rocks, Activated Carbon, Bio-home, 2 x Seio M620, Hailea 1/2HP Chiller, Redsea Pro Skimmer

Live Stock:

Turbo Snail x 1, Green Mandarin Dragonet X 2, Blue Tang X 2, True percular x 2, 1 x Algae Bleenie, Clarke clown x 2


1 x 2" Blue maxima, Red/Brown/Purple Mushroom (Discosoma), Pink Ricordea yuma, A little colony Brown/Green common Zoanthus, Red/Pink/Green US Zoanthus, Eagle-eye Zoathus, 14 Branch Goniopora Pandoraensis, 1 Starburst Polyps, 3 + 2 Branch Frogspawn, 4 Blasto, palythoa, Cheato

RIPs (Since June 2005):

1. Sabae clown (KO by Clarke clown) 2. 1 branch melted frogspawn 4 branch 3. Golden maxima (Ripe the base off rock by me) 4. Algae Bleenie x 2 (Starvation) 5. Blue Maxima x 1, 2 x Maxima, 1 x frogspawn, rics (Overtemp...)

Old 30G Corner Tank.

Restarted 30G Corner Tank.

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Someone who bought the new range of Deltec Cr complained that the twist and turn feature leaks.

So can share who bought the new range of Deltec CR and complained that the twist and lock mechanism has the tendency to leak?

As far as I know, the feature of the twist and lock are the same as the Deltec skimmers, so if that is the case, then all Deltec skimmers also will leak. :angry:

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So can share who bought the new range of Deltec CR and complained that the twist and lock mechanism has the tendency to leak?

As far as I know, the feature of the twist and lock are the same as the Deltec skimmers, so if that is the case, then all Deltec skimmers also will leak. :angry:

When that happens in the deltec skimmer, it's due to either the O-ring wear and tear (which is normal for all O-ring) due to usage or the user never tighten sufficiently.

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Ya lor....but the CR is so new, how can the o-ring wear out so fast one? Further the new twist and lock on the CR quite fool proof one lah....if not lock properly, the alignment of the top plate will be in a very funny position and sure know will be not locked properly.

So Calciumreef, sometimes do not any how quote for fun. Later people who own it will shoot question back. :D

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