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A new start in my tank


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  • SRC Member
Bro... The SH you target feed huh... Setting up a SH tank for them huh... lol... Very difficult to get SH nowadays...

oh.. my sea horse all feed on frozen liao.. haha.. feed them with fresh water shrimp when then haven eat frozen.. haha.. ya.. hard to get it.. when u wan to rear sea horse tell mi lor.. i help u.. haha.. i very gek sim that the kuda marcus sell to mi have died.. den the kuda mia olso.. cannot find it.. haiz.. :(

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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Sorry for the blur pic.. if got chance will post it with a clearer pic.. comments are welcome.. as i need to learn from u guys more..

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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oh.. my sea horse all feed on frozen liao.. haha.. feed them with fresh water shrimp when then haven eat frozen.. haha.. ya.. hard to get it.. when u wan to rear sea horse tell mi lor.. i help u.. haha.. i very gek sim that the kuda marcus sell to mi have died.. den the kuda mia olso.. cannot find it.. haiz.. :(

Ya... Very sad when the seahorse mia or die...

Got a spare 2ft... Considering to keep frogfish or SH... lol...

Need your help with SH... lol..

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  • SRC Member

Ya... Very sad when the seahorse mia or die...

Got a spare 2ft... Considering to keep frogfish or SH... lol...

Need your help with SH... lol..

haha.. my 2ft prepare for my SH le.. haha.. se bro lester and club for their Frogfish it soo nice.. haha.. maybe rear in my sump =X haha.. but SH don mix with other fish can liao.. haha.. ya.. when u need any help juz msg mi.. haha.. btw.. u can go cash converter to get a 2ft tank at a dirt cheap price.. haha.. that is the place wher bro loster intro mi to.. haha..

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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  • SRC Member

wow :yeah: didn't know you posted your tank thread since yesterday... you sandbad looks clearer... you big clam? how many corals survived from you last tank clash? your yellow tang still there?

been so many months didn't see you huh :lol:

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haha.. ya lor... my yellow tang up lorry liao.. sad.. left my purple.. haiz.. my dad juz bought mi a pair of true percula and a RBTA.. very nice and big.. haha. will post pic of it when i have time.. haha.. few orange yuma is in my tank too.. haha.. btw.. iwarna and ah beng got alot of true percula for u guys to choose.. haha.. and cheap now..

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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how is our preparation coming? exams very near hor... :pinch:

haha.. i didnt prepare much.. laZy to study.. lol.. nxt week my exam liao lor.. haha..

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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todae went to buy some PVC pipe with my dad.. doing it for my sea horse tank.. have some problem need u guys to help.. as i don wan to have any more space to be occupy in my hse.. so i share my sump with my sea horse tank.. tomorrow will post the real pic.. now will post a pic draw by mi using power point..

this is how my tank look..


Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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and my sea horse tank is place next to my main tank.. and it is place on the floor.. ya.. but i DIY a over flow pipe for my sea horse tank.. but the water coming out are very slow or even no water..

this is wher my sea horse tank is place..


Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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and this is the top view.. and i did make a hole on the end cap.. but the water still nvr flow.. and one wanna help mi? thankx..

Top view..


Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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