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New stock (yes again)

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  • SRC Member


I have caught many other stuff.

Crabs, prawns, cowries, sea slug, hermit, star fish, puffer baby, pipe fish

and a few more diff types of baby fishes. Oh, anemones also.

I'm what pple would call a beach comber. ;)

(U can seach other sections for diff pics that i've already posted!)

Few things that i haven't catch due to personal safety is:

1) sea snake (hate them regardless of venom or not)

2) jelly fish (stinger)

3) octopus (venom)

:) God's creation is truly beautiful !!!

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  • SRC Member
Few things that i haven't catch due to personal safety is:

1) sea snake (hate them regardless of venom or not)

2) jelly fish (stinger)

3) octopus (venom)

Yup... Sea snakes are highly venomous. If I am not wrong, I think all sea snakes are venomous. Even if there are some species that are not venomous, I still think it's wise to treat all as venomous and be on the safe side.

You may have read from the other forums, a guy bought a blue-ringed octopus without even knowing what it was! <_<:pinch: It is buyers like that which makes me damn worried, man.. Well, I guess some can say that its the LFS's fault for not informing the buyer. To me, it's the buyer's choice. Don't just buy something because it looks pretty, without knowing if it's venomous or not. <_<

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  • SRC Member


get from LFS....

The stock from sea are so skinny,

they look invisible from top view.


I use those small net use for fish tank loh.

Scoop them 1 by 1. Its part of the fun.

Use fisherman net is overkill.


The octo issue is just wrong. I really don't

approve the LFS selling such stuff.

Debateable issue to some ....

Watever. :snore:


I live pasir ris. Nuff said right !?

:thanks: for all the interest shown.

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