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selling octopus


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wat is the basic needs? have already been reefing for 2 yrs.. reef safe?

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If this is indeed a Blue Ring Octopus, suggest anyone who wants to keep this to do a bit of reseach first.

"The Blue Ring Octopus, Hapalochlaena lunulata, is the most venomous octopus. "


"It has a tiny, parrot like, beak that can bite through your wetsuit

The Blue-ringed octopus is only the size of a golf ball but still carries enough poisin to kill 26 humans in minutes The poisin is not injected but comes from it's saliva"


Apologies to the seller, I don't mean to dampen your sale. Just want to make sure that whoever buys this octo knows what he is getting himself into.

Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be, be one.

Marcus Aurelius

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  • SRC Member

if not wrong .. it is a blue ring octopus

The bite might be painless, but this octopus injects a neuromuscular paralysing venom. The venom contains some maculotoxin, a poison more violent than any found on land animals. The nerve conduction is blocked and neuromuscular paralysis is followed by death. The victim might be saved if artificial respiration starts before marked cyanosis and hypotension develops. The blue-ringed octopus is the size of a golf ball but its poison is powerful enough to kill an adult human in minutes. There's no known antidote. The only treatment is hours of heart massage and artificial respiration until the poison has worked its way out of your system.

Although the painless bite can kill an adult, injuries have only occurred when an octopus has been picked out of its pool and provoked or stepped on.


Onset of nausea.

Hazy Vision. ( Within seconds you are blind.)

Loss of sense of touch, speech and the ability to swallow.

Within 3 minutes, paralysis sets in and your body goes into respiratory arrest.

The poison is not injected but is contained in the octopus's saliva, which comes from two glands each as big as its brain. Poison from the one is used on its main prey, crabs, and is relatively harmless to humans. Poison from the other gland serves as defense against predators. The blue-ringed octopus either secretes the poison in the vicinity of its prey, waits until it is immobile and then devours it, or it jumps out and envelops the prey in its 8 tentacles and bites it.

So why should you NOT buy a blue-ringed octopus?

THESE ANIMALS CAN KILL YOU! as it is most deadly octopus.

handle with extra extra extra care .. which ifs sell u this blue ring octopus!!!!!!!! very very dangerous !

In thailand.. u k be Jail for selling or keeping such animal.. i believe AVA will not allow any ifs or people to keep it as pet too!!!

bro.. how about pass this animal to experts such as Sentosa Underwater World


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  • SRC Member
The bite might be painless, but this octopus injects a neuromuscular paralysing venom. The venom contains some maculotoxin, a poison more violent than any found on land animals. The nerve conduction is blocked and neuromuscular paralysis is followed by death. The victim might be saved if artificial respiration starts before marked cyanosis and hypotension develops. The blue-ringed octopus is the size of a golf ball but its poison is powerful enough to kill an adult human in minutes. There's no known antidote. The only treatment is hours of heart massage and artificial respiration until the poison has worked its way out of your system.

Bro Piglet..

Copy and paste thing from website, make sure you give credit leh.. later get into trouble.. haha..

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yup.. it is from a website. i never state that it is my knowledge.. just want the owner to know about blue ring octopus. i don't need to hide anything, if i want to hide it, i will edit it.. u think i am a PHD or DR who know so much about blue ring octopus or the symptoms ;) anyone interested in this animal, search yahoo about it, sure k find the same article i found etc.

not trying to show that i know about blue ring.. but do u know the potential danger to the current keeper and potential buyer? grow up pls.

u want to attack me ,feel free to start a thread to attack me ..

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So called dangerous animals are only dangerous if you do something stupid/foolish. Octopus don't purposely escape from tanks and look for people to bite. Anyway maybe you could look for terrorists and try offering them the animal for $25,000. :eyebrow: Then again $28 is a rip off. I believe the cost price is below $10. If you do intend to keep it, it will probably only last a couple of months at most as its probably already a mature specimen. Black cobra? Never heard of people keeping it in Sg..but albino cobra yes.. :ph34r:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member
yup.. it is from a website. i never state that it is my knowledge.. just want the owner to know about blue ring octopus. i don't need to hide anything, if i want to hide it, i will edit it.. u think i am a PHD or DR who know so much about blue ring octopus or the symptoms ;) anyone interested in this animal, search yahoo about it, sure k find the same article i found etc.

not trying to show that i know about blue ring.. but do u know the potential danger to the current keeper and potential buyer? grow up pls.

u want to attack me ,feel free to start a thread to attack me ..

hey bro piglet.. haha.. i was just pulling your leg lah.. cuz i read this in another website also mah.. then i want to kid about it.. haha.. no hard feeling bro!!

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  • SRC Member

haiya.. after all is that LFS who is irresponsible.. they should noe the spec of the octopus well.. but the choose to act blur.. they can clear their stock can liao.. ya.. after all... better kill that octopus.. =X haha.. but don think SENTOSA wans to keep.. haha.. later they kill them selves.. haha.. btw, black cobra Sg have leh.. my dad bring mi to a factory and they keep a small one at the back of their factory.. Very nice and Fierce! haha.. btw.. juz my 2 cents.

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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  • SRC Member

bro, not that i want to spoilt your sales, but do be a responsible person and please withdraw the sale (stop selling this animals to recover your lost).

The blue ring octo is highly dangerous animal that i seriously doubt is legal to be kept here (don't think our authority will allow cobra, tiger...etc to be kept here!)....

not doubt Fuel says that the animal would only be dangerous be you do something stupid....but pitcure this....a reefer brought the octo home knowing full well the danger. the octo escape out of the tank (octo are great escape artist)...a family member pick it up (can be a child, his parants or silbing)...ot bitten, died.....

ARE YOU SERIOUSLY going to let this type of 'accident' hang in your consious for the rest of your life, just because you want to recover S$25!!!!

PLEASE DO THE RIGHT THING....bag up the animal, hand over to AVA and file a compliant....the LFS reposible should be prevented from doing this kind of dangerous act!

(PS: We will have a hint of what happen if enventually the paper come out stories of blue octo related death in Singapore....)

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  • SRC Member

haha ok this is veryinteresting! i've read thru all 2 pages of posts and now i'm imagingin the face of the seller. I fully trust that he's not interested to sell it anymore cuz he's responsible. But rather, he's wondering how to get rid of it or even BAGGING it for ava etc etc

lol 26 humans, paralysis in 3 mins, i dunno man, if it was me you guys would've scared the sh*ts outta me haha

but then again, thanks for the warning guys!

as for the seller. i recommend a pair of extra long tongs, and paramedics on standby. J/K! :D

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