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Nassarius Snails Breeding In My Tank

Achilles Tang

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Hi folks, several months ago, I got about 70 nassarious snails from Maxima. I heard that these snails are hard to breed but he has been able to do so with the use of mud substrates and provision of algae in his outdoor fibreglass clam tank.

Also, breeding is only possible if you have very large specimens 'Queen Kong' nassarious snails, I believed he called them! ;)

To my surprise, recently in the past few weeks, I noticed the emergence of many tiny nassarious snails in my tank and it was probably due to a very large 'Queen Kong' nassarious snail I remembered seeing before in my tank. It should probably be around 3cm in size? The last time I saw it was about a year back and now it has made its reappearance again... probably due to the many suitors available? :eyebrow:

I now have about 30 or more of these baby snails of very sizes wondering around my tank and they seem to be busy wondering on rocks and the glass wall munching on algae, unlike the usual adult size ones that are usually buried in the sand.

Anyway, here's Queen Kong, about 3 cm long.


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They should be fed regularly... otherwise, their scavenger role will become that of a opportunistic feeder... hahaha...

Anyway, they help to turn the top layer of the sandbed over and help remove excess food, decaying matter quickly and efficiently.

I like them!

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Yea...like little troops marching over your sand bed..lol!

Btw..initially when I saw my nassarius I did'nt know what it was...I almost killed it...as I thought it would grow bigger and hunt my fishes by harpooning them...looks like it wun get any bigger. :D

Always something more important than fish.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Another nassarius snail species' egg sacs.

Much smaller in size. My front glass has more than 16 seperate eggs sacs on it... i destroyed a few with my cleaning magnet. :pinch:


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