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nitrate lvls way off scale


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  • SRC Member

hey guys... my tank is in day 8 of its water cycle and i just did some tests. all the other values (ph, no2 kh etc) are well within the parameters for the tank at its stage in the water cycle... but my no3 lvls are way off scale reading at 80mg/l! hope someone can shed some light on this for me

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  • SRC Member

the circle run in this manner:

Amania - No2 - No3.

Which mean you may want to test your amonia 1st then No2 then, lastly No3.

each run in curve bell manner eg, when Amonia is reaching the peak then it will start droping till you get the value =0. Then follow by the No2 & No3. The whole cycle usually took 3 weeks to a month.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ususally NO3 test kit reduces the NO3 to NO2 first.

So you need to wait for your NO2 to become zero before you test for NO3.

I'm using Tetratest Nitrate Test Kit. The instruction say that i need to wait 10 minutes to take the NO3 reading. Is that waiting for the tester required so as to reduce the NO3 to NO2 first?

If so can i say immediately after i add the test solutions, the color shown is the NO2 level? So i can no buy NO2 tester?

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