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Lumenarc reflectors - does it heat it more than


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  • SRC Member

I use to run 2 X 250W DIY 10K in my 4ft using a specific chiller. When I upgrade to Lumenarc or rather(DEmenarc) my water heat up like nobody business....

PLease note that I have 3 X lumenarc. When I fire up 2 of them... i can see the temp rising continously... when I fire up the third one... &^@)^$*^$ my chiller cant support it....... <_<

those lumenarc user please comments.....

(I receive sms saying I bull shit, that 3 X lumenarc reflector cannot do wonders to the tank (heat). and also direct me to a forum that I visit almost everyday :lol: ....... however, I challenge him and say... "I still have my existing lights at home, why not do a review together.......... LOL

So for those who r not very sure about the heat generated by the lumenarc and/or reflector, please do not comment.......... (sorry if I offended anyone here)


Users, please comments......... ;)

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i don't have a lumenarc (can't afford one)...but will still comment anyway....:P

I use to have a atman, and the design have vent holes at the top. for the 150w lamp its cool enough that you can touch it without the burning hot sensation - could it be that the atman was good enough to dispitate heat and thus a lower specification for your chiller????

i have not used one, but sure have seen it before, the design of the lumenarc does look like those parabolic heat reflector that people used for solar cooking.....:D....your lumenarc comes with a glass filter???

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  • SRC Member
i don't have a lumenarc (can't afford one)...but will still comment anyway....:P

I use to have a atman, and the design have vent holes at the top. for the 150w lamp its cool enough that you can touch it without the burning hot sensation - could it be that the atman was good enough to dispitate heat and thus a lower specification for your chiller????

i have not used one, but sure have seen it before, the design of the lumenarc does look like those parabolic heat reflector that people used for solar cooking.....:D....your lumenarc comes with a glass filter???

Hi tineng , my reflector doesnt comes with add on glass to "reduce heat", even the originals doesnt comes with it.

Though it does contribute alot more heat that a normal reflector... the sps will be happy, cos its very much brighter but my pocket is alot poorer.

Some salesman PM me to buy artica chiller thru "his lobang". However, he's not convinces that the reflector does contribute more heat to the tank. He also challenge me to vist another forum, which i visit almost everday lolssssss. He's selling me a chiller. (GET THE POINT)

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how much it cost to diy 2 mh with this reflector

and also the price of the ballast (for XM bulbs )

It is really affordable IMO

Even less expensive than some commercial ones available :lol:

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Hearsay hearsay.

Luminarc generate more lighting output but also generate more heat.  I have to put exhaust fans and duct attached to pull out those heat from it.

Bro, those who nv use it thought it generate the same heat to the tank. I thought the same too... only after when I tried it.... its hell lots of different in terms of brightness and heat :whistle

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  • SRC Member
Putting a 4mm tempered glass will be better and with the duct and fan, the hot air will be drawn out with min escape. Best of all, no hot air above the water surface. ;)

Bro, where do u get the tempered glass.... :huh: but mine without exhaust leh... by putting glass on it, the reflector will be damn hot leh... :(

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Bro, where do u get the tempered glass.... :huh: but mine without exhaust leh... by putting glass on it, the reflector will be damn hot leh... :(

u wont be touching the reflector mah....the heat will be contain and it might reduce the heat.

can order if there is qty...for the tempered glass :D

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  • SRC Member
u wont be touching the reflector mah....the heat will be contain and it might reduce the heat.

can order if there is qty...for the tempered glass :D

normal glass can or not har... u think it will break :pinch: BTW, if by putting a glass right after the reflector, how much intensity is lost ? I wonder if this is a stupid Q though some gurus might have the answer :P

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Mine is alot bigger than yours. and not mini version.

At 400W as compared to 250W, which is hotter?

With 3 nos 400w, and in a totally enclosed hood. Definitely it will be hot inside and generate heat to the water surface.

I do not know yours, maybe you can post a pic of your DIY one. My luminarc with 2 openings for intake of air and exhaust of hot air. I put a round duct attached to the opening, leaving the other open without any duct. (see picture attached previously)

This duct run and attached on the top of the hood with an exhaust fan. Everytime the timer on the MH, the fan also turn on. Hence it suck the hot air continueously.

Definitely there are changes in brightness and heat generated. Previously, using normal Spider reflectors. I need 3 nos 400W and 2 nos 250W to cover all the area. Now only need 3 nos 400W to cover. and with quite min gap in between.

Tempered glass can be purchase from those glass hardware shop. When i bought it, it doesnt comes with it. But there is a gap in the reflector to slot this glass in. I tried to get least thickness glass. But in the market only min tempered glass is 4mm. So got to live with it. After putting this glass, the whole reflector is heavy. Better secured it properly.

The usefulness of glass is to prevent the heat to the water and of course you must have a exhaust fan to pull the air out from the reflector. so the reflector will at least be warm not hot.


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The usefulness of glass is to prevent the heat to the water and of course you must have a exhaust fan to pull the air out from the reflector. so the reflector will at least be warm not hot.


Stanley, mine is the mini version w/o the exhaust...., so do u reckon that I should put a tempered glass even without an exhaust ? May I know where u get the tempered glass from ? If its not convenient to post here, please PM me.... :thanks:

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Stanley, mine is the mini version w/o the exhaust...., so do u reckon that I should put a tempered glass even without an exhaust ? May I know where u get the tempered glass from ? If its not convenient to post here, please PM me.... :thanks:

Hi Simon,

Without exhaust, then i suggest you cannot put the tempered glass, as it will be too hot and the hot air has no where to go. Alternatively.

Try to put 2 or 3 fans above the water surface and below the reflectors so that at least the surface of the water will be cool.

Tempered glass i got from my friend. Will have to check with him where he got it from. B)

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