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  • SRC Member

hi bros, would just like to ask an opinion whether powder or flake form for cyclop eeze is better. Coz i had this impression that fishes will definitely whack cyclop eeze in any form but it seems that my ocellaris pair don't really like it...not sure whether powder form will be any different....opinions and personal experiences?

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i always switch off return pump while feeding with frozen brine/mysis or powdered type food like cyclopeeze, even do same for floating pellet food. this reduce greatly the chance of these floating food going into the overflow and then the sump or trap by filter. i only feed them once a day.

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  • SRC Member

I use the dried powdered form, and yes, the fish go crazy and eat like mad when it floats everywhere. You got to make sure it gets properly soaked and not filled with airbubbles. Dunno about the flake version though. Maybe not enough of the smell circulates in the water to attract your clowns.

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

haha..as usual there's always two sides to everything....guess my clowns may be just being picky or too small...at first when i bought they did eat it...after awhile....their appetite for it shrank...clownfish trying to be funny...dont know whether will manage to get them to feed on it only...also...the 2 jokers also don't eat mysis...sheesh...maybe should just soak eevrything in garlic guard..

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  • SRC Member

I've tried both the wet and dry types. Now I'm using the dried type and mix it with other fish food (fish/prawn paste, cut-up seaweeds, etc). I usually mix extra and keep them in the freezer - flatten out in a plastic bag and break out or cut up pieces of the mixture during feeding time. Then I add garlic or vitamin to the thawed mixture to feed the fish.

By doing so the cyclop-eezes are properly mixed and soaked and my fishes simply wallop everything. This also reduces the amount of cyclop-eezes floating on the water.

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  • SRC Member

bro when u say wet and dry meaning the frozen kind issit? coz the flake one is also kinda moist and smells like uncooked belachan chilli....wondering if that's the idea or is the one i bought defective.

anyway...since i bought it liao...and the fish don't eat...i think i'll just blend with garlic guard and mysis and see how...hopefullyh the garlic will spur them on coz they don't take mysis and cyclopeeze...sheesh. weird fish...clownfish trying to be funny.

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  • SRC Member
hmm...suddenly feel like i've bought the wrong form.the flake form quite smelly leh

Not really! Most fish food (pellets & flakes) do have the "blachan smell", because of prawn (shrimp) as one of the ingredients. If you store them properly and keep them dry they should not go bad. Otherwise, you get something "smelly" not just blachan smell. In fact, pellets and flakes are not stored properly, they will turn into powder form - when seen with a magnifying glass they are very tiny mite-like creatures and they smell like "blue ginger".

Your cyclop-eezes in flake form could be mixed with other ingredients, not just cyclop-eezes.

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From what I understand, freeze dried are better than flake form. Some of my fishes that never eat pellets or dead food started to take it. My friend who used the flake form said his fishes ignore it!

To prevent the food from going over the overflow I used a floating food station. The fishes will eat at the station or at the mid-section when the food starts to sink after the enough soaking.

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