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Most of my acros are green

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  • SRC Member

Hi, I came across this post and wonder if you share or experience this... I believe they shouldn't be green, but sorta of turn green in the tank.. growth is ok, slow I'd say... the tips are usually of a different colour, most times light blue, sometimes a lighter shade of green.. but the main colour is green.


My acros are turning green

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  • SRC Member
I have come across info on the net that mentions corals turning green due to high values of FE in the water. Dunt know if its true in your case. Might be worth investigating.

BTW, whats your PO4 level?

never measured... why?

Fe yes that could be too... but I hv no idea where it comes from... maybe from the source water which I buy from a PasirRis FF. That could also explain the cyano boom. No other additives beside Seachem Reef Ca Adv, kalk & baking soda.

I was wondering if there were common experiences among reefers where having a larger exposure to actinic lighting resulted in acros turning more green, or maybe an observance where a move away from actinic/blue towards lower K lighting brings out other than green.

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  • SRC Member

never measured... why?

Fe yes that could be too... but I hv no idea where it comes from... maybe from the source water which I buy from a PasirRis FF. That could also explain the cyano boom. No other additives beside Seachem Reef Ca Adv, kalk & baking soda.

I was wondering if there were common experiences among reefers where having a larger exposure to actinic lighting resulted in acros turning more green, or maybe an observance where a move away from actinic/blue towards lower K lighting brings out other than green.

You are using NSW from a FF? ahhhhhh... I dunt really wanna know which FF but have you tested the levels in the water? PO4/NO3? That can definately be why u r having problems with cyano etc etc. Especially since the surrounding waters in Singapore is not considered clean/pristine.

If you can, Its advisable to mix your own water since we have definate control over whats in the water.

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If you can, Its advisable to mix your own water since we have definate control over whats in the water.

That's very true.

I would not trust something I've no control over.

Every new batch of salt I buy, I also test for NO3 and PO4 after I mix the salt.

One wrong move and that might spell trouble.

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  • SRC Member

That's very true.

I would not trust something I've no control over.

Every new batch of salt I buy, I also test for NO3 and PO4 after I mix the salt.

One wrong move and that might spell trouble.

Have you tested Marine Env salts for NO4 & PO4 ? ;)

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The single 250W 10K BLV is 6 months, same as the aquaz T5s, 2*20kk and 2*actinic running 12hrs even. MH is on for 7 hrs. I'll post pic of the acros which I think should be another colour bur is green instead tonite.

Noted Alpha, I'll have to seriously consider getting another source of water. The wet-skim takes alot out for a small tank like mine.

Funny thing is I was actually enjoying seeing the corals go from brown to green...thinking ahh thats better... I'm doing something rite... duh :blink: well maybe not.

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thank you, I do enjoy my tank... very much so... the corals and the fish, even the lousy ones, maybe you don't believe me, I'm seeking out to improve and learn.. which is why I posted this in the hope that someone here may have experience and can advise something relevant.

This particular zoox really likes blue light and phosphates. Eliminating one or both will help.

Truth is, I like that one and if it wasn't for that particular one and a few others, all our corals would be shades of golden brown. I've never seen a coral completely go back after it's got it though.

It's also a high producer and corals that have it, tend to grow noticeably faster.


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Bold is my reference. Oh, I keep a very close eye on kh and to a certain extend my PO4 too, jus so you know, doesn't mean I never tested my PO4 by conventional colour-metric kits means the SPS are left neglected. ;)

I wanted to know whether reefers here had experienced a shift towards green on too much actinic lighting... all other things being equal. Most of my SPS were bought not in the same state as they are now.

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Funny thing is I was actually enjoying seeing the corals go from brown to green...thinking ahh thats better... I'm doing something rite... duh :blink: well maybe not.

From brown to green??? did it occur to you that those SPS were green to begin with? :P

Juz a thought... :)

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From brown to green??? did it occur to you that those SPS were green to begin with? :P

Juz a thought... :)

hahaha...i have a theroy that there is no brown acro in the first place to begin with.....why would coral farmers grow brown SPS or coral havester collect brown sps to begin with.....doesn't make commerial sense..... rather, its our inadequet knowledge of the origin of our corals that results in brown out sps..... :P

anyway, :off: ... i understand that in Zoevit, if you lack green, you add iron concentrate.....so could the inverse be true......meaning you got too much iron in your water?

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  • SRC Member
From brown to green??? did it occur to you that those SPS were green to begin with? 

Yes, some are jus plain had to guess... maybe not experience enough... try guessing this

now scales are green, with a brownish orange body


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  • SRC Member
hahaha...i have a theroy that there is no brown acro in the first place to begin with.....why would coral farmers grow brown SPS or coral havester collect brown sps to begin with.....doesn't make commerial sense..... rather, its our inadequet knowledge of the origin of our corals that results in brown out sps..... :P

anyway, :off: ... i understand that in Zoevit, if you lack green, you add iron concentrate.....so could the inverse be true......meaning you got too much iron in your water?

In indonesia, they do havest brown corals.... not intentionally because maybe lighting is poor below, etc, etc..

This pic shows what it was when first purchased, today its about the same, except there is a yellow greenish hue on the body as seen from the top, growth tips are light blue.


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