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John's Marine Tank


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I used to have a 1FT marine nano tank, thats where alot of fishes died and I painfully learnt the importance of water chemistry. Then one day, my neighbour threw away these 2 tanks and with a cast iron stand and the lighting as well, so happily I took everything home... It was very exciting because for this tank, I decided to design and build the filtration system all on my own base on whatever I've read up.

The trickle down filter on the left was constructed from a piece of glass I bought from a photo framing shop. My first attempt failed, but from there I learnt the art of using silicon on glass to very good effect. (Those seeking advice I'm more than willing to share) The filter is filled with foam, bioballs and a bag of chemipure carbon. At the base of the filter, a simple syphon sucks water into the sump tank.

Enough of technicalities, here's what is living inside: 1 Juvenile Emperor Angel, 1 Golden Maroon Clown, 1 Doctor Shrimp, 3 Rainford Gobies, 2 Anemoes, 1 Anemone Crab, Seagrapes and some mushrooms.

I intend to add a pair of twinspot gobies, 1 spotted mandarin goby, 1 royal dotty back and another 2 bigger fish say maybe a singapore angel and copperband butterfly.



The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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What supports the tank other then the trickle down filter. Water in a trickle down filter is highly oxygenated and so de-nitrifying bacteria can work very effectively. Water is then drawn down into the sump and then pass through 2 seperate DIY coil de-nitrators, made from plastic tupperware and coils of hose from the hardware shop. About 15ms of hose in all for the entire tank. Bacteria is suppose to manifest in the hose and in time grow to an extent where it will sap the water of oxygen. The water runs down the coil and exits at the bottom of the tupperware and the floods upwards. The tupperware is filled with coral chipps, bioballs and other fitlratio medium. This is where the de-nitrafying bacteria is suppose to take effect on the de-oxygentated water. Water will overflow the tupperware and flow into the main sump, where I have a airpowered protein skimmer and you may have also noticed the mangrove plants. Mangrove plants are supposed to be very effective and if grown properly, you wouldnt need a protein skimmer anymore. Water is then pumped up thru an Eheim 1002 1000L/H pump.

The green cylinder you see, its actually a DIY seperator. Its made of a filter bag with a piece of plastic netting inside to give it shape. That is where i quarantine my fish.



The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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Nice work bro!

Can see that you have a pair of handy hands!

Keep your posts coming. ;)

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  • SRC Member

Bro good and simple tank.

Lotsa room, Like the idea of mangrooves in yur sump. But one question, do u need very bright lights for them?

Do u face a problem of increase in temperature then?

My Tank

Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy

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the mangroves I've just started experimenting on them. For now i dont put any lighting for them. They just take in the ambient light. Its been in there for less than a week, and i've read that effects will only be seen in 2 weeks onwards. When i plucked them out, the leaves were drooping cos of loss of water. Then after putting them in my tank, the leaves became turgid and firm again, so I think the plant is drawing in water. But one thing I've noticed is that the edges of the leaves are turning black. No idea why. So i'm just gonna carry on and observe.


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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Bro.. my mangroves leafs in my sea horse tank also turn black.. and it will turn all black soon.. and it will be growing new leaves again.. that wad i face.. ya.. cheers!! and nice tank u have there..

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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Everybody seems happy and they're all out to play.. except that maggot (if you've been following my other thread)



The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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zephyros: I'm not too sure abt the coil de-nitrator actually. Cos I really wonder if its functioning as it should. Maybe its just a filter thats all. Not that confident about it.

LoReNsIa: Lets hope so for the mangroves. I dont see any new shoots. Does it really help with the nutrient waste in your tank? Talking abt seahorses, my dad's been asking me to try a seahorse but i've never seen one at my LFS.

Brunei: Mangroves can be harvested at our wetlands. of course you gotta be a lil discreet. Try places like labrador, Sungei Buloh, Chek Java.. I found mine at West Coast Park. Maybe this weekend or next week gonna get somemore.


The Deep Blue Sea in My HDB!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Sea horse are not easy.. u got to have a tank only for it.. not suitable for reef.. ya.. and if they don eat frozen, u will have problems handling them liao.. ya.. haha.. read more in the sea horse forumn.. ya..

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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