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RAV-65's Reef Haven...


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Does the 30" width include the overflow section?

Good point brought up by Simon. Besides, a wider (front to back) tank would be more visually appealling IMO. More space for your corals to grow out too. :)

An external overflow box would be ideal, one on each side (since you have the space). Alternatively, you could create one in the centre, but that would be internal.

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Jus an idea... since u have 3ft space for both sizes , why not make yr overflow at either side, at least it wont kill the width of the tank. ;)

Really like the idea actually, but the two 3'x3' space on both left and right sides of my tank is for my 2 chillers (one main and one backup), skimmer, CR, washing basin, spare tank for water change ( or grow-out ) and all my barang barang like tunze controllers, monitors, additives etc etc... :P

Having 2 overflows mean the tank would be actually 6'x3'x2.75'..... The height of the stand is 40"... I dunno like that if I could reach the back of the tank liao... :( :( :(

Balance space on each side would be about 2.5'x3'... dunno if enough leh... :rolleyes:

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Does the 30" width include the overflow section?

Good point brought up by Simon. Besides, a wider (front to back) tank would be more visually appealling IMO. More space for your corals to grow out too. :)

An external overflow box would be ideal, one on each side (since you have the space). Alternatively, you could create one in the centre, but that would be internal.

30" will be the depth of the tank w/o the overflow chamber... This may be further reduced as the tank maker have advised that he may need 8" for the overflow chamber as he need to install larger dursos....

Do you tink I should go for 3 dursos instead??

Simon however has given me ( and most probably my tank maker :lol: ) a major headache... 3' depth is something that really attracts me and something which I have seriously considered before but I'm really worried about the maintenance, placement of corals, flow within the tank, lighting spread....

Howwwww?!?!?!??! :(

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12mm i reckon...You sure you want 2.5ft height? :lol:

Nope... not 2.5ft height... actually it's 2.75 ft height... :paiseh::paiseh:

Coz the facade very big, all the way to the ceiling, if the tank height too short, the tank looks very small as compared to the tank's height...

Tink I need my diving gear ready just in case.... :lol:

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But what about lighting?Can it punch so deep 2.75ft maintenance really difficult

Dats one concern... dat's why I might be using up to 5x250MH ... additional 2 that runs for about 3 hours to simulate the mid-day intensity... :)

But the planning for that still in the pipeline... :)

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Spending on tank is more important than having equipment. Build slowly lah bro.

If not regret later.

Dat's why 5 feet tank lor... always wanted a 6 footer, but gotta succumb to budget...

This year will probably be the year I spend the most money in my life! :(

The tank-maker say with all the euro-bracings and centre brace can take it lah... if not, den I sue him lor... :lol:

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Dat's why 5 feet tank lor... always wanted a 6 footer, but gotta succumb to budget...

This year will probably be the year I spend the most money in my life! :(

The tank-maker say with all the euro-bracings and centre brace can take it lah... if not, den I sue him lor... :lol:


If for me, i will go for 15mm thick glass and with that added stability, the centre 2 euro blazing can be remove. Hence i will have easy maintenance. and lighting will not be block by these 2 centre glass blocks. Even rescaping will be easy. :lol:

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If for me, i will go for 15mm thick glass and with that added stability, the centre 2 euro blazing can be remove. Hence i will have easy maintenance. and lighting will not be block by these 2 centre glass blocks. Even rescaping will be easy. :lol:


I tink even with 15mm might be risky without the centre bracings, coz the crystal glass while hard, its very brittle...

How many times you wanna rescape leh?? :D :D :D

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I tink even with 15mm might be risky without the centre bracings, coz the crystal glass while hard, its very brittle...

How many times you wanna rescape leh?? :D :D :D

You never know hor.

But with 15mm and the 4 blazing around it should be safe mah. ALso those silicon must be ensure that they are cured 3 to 4 times. Not do all at 1 go.

6ft to 8ft, maybe 19mm lah. but 5ft 12mm quite thin.

Rescape can be because of

1. Wow, so ugly, need to adjust this rock to there, and this to here. Maybe creat more space for this large table (special) here.

2. Opps i put the wrong fish, and implusive buying. all my sps got eaten. Need to catch that fellow.

3. That irritating crabs, i must get rid of, seems never ending.

4. Wow, so many algaes from this bloody LR, regret buying cheap LR. Hope i purchased those $16 to $18 per kg.

5. New reefing method. Maybe my corals not so colourful enough, need to try this, but must need to remove the LR 1st.

Well, all this i may have think of. With that 2 bars over it.. Only you can put in small rocks. Not large one. Small rocks will not be stable especially for the base structure.

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You never know hor.

But with 15mm and the 4 blazing around it should be safe mah. ALso those silicon must be ensure that they are cured 3 to 4 times. Not do all at 1 go.

6ft to 8ft, maybe 19mm lah. but 5ft 12mm quite thin.

Rescape can be because of

1. Wow, so ugly, need to adjust this rock to there, and this to here. Maybe creat more space for this large table (special) here.

2. Opps i put the wrong fish, and implusive buying. all my sps got eaten. Need to catch that fellow.

3. That irritating crabs, i must get rid of, seems never ending.

4. Wow, so many algaes from this bloody LR, regret buying cheap LR. Hope i purchased those $16 to $18 per kg.

5. New reefing method. Maybe my corals not so colourful enough, need to try this, but must need to remove the LR 1st.

Well, all this i may have think of. With that 2 bars over it.. Only you can put in small rocks. Not large one. Small rocks will not be stable especially for the base structure.

Haha... you really experienced hor bro.... but it seems that if it's crystal glass, cant avoid the centre bracing due to the weekness in the glass leh...

I also headache.... :(

Maybe I just dun buy Blue-face angels lor... :D

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Haha... you really experienced hor bro.... but it seems that if it's crystal glass, cant avoid the centre bracing due to the weekness in the glass leh...

I also headache.... :(

Maybe I just dun buy Blue-face angels lor... :D

from glass 16 mm the other side 12mm lor.....would that work???

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Tink I need my diving gear ready just in case.... :lol:

just let me know.. i'm more than happy to dive into ur tank.. :lol:

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