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RAV-65's Reef Haven...


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Hi all,

after months of planning, finally got a clearer picture of how my new tank would be like... :yeah: tentatively, these are the details which I can confirm :

Tank : 60"x30"x27" - 12mm with crystal glass front panel.

Sump : 48"x24"x18" - 8mm.

Return Pump : 3xOR6500 - 1 to go through chiller and direct back to main tank.

Chiller : Resun C1000 - modified thermostat

Lights : Aqualight Mini1600 - 3x250W DE

5x80W T5 HO driven by Icecap 660

Flow : 2x Tunze TS12

Skimmer : Dual Beckett driven by Iwaki MX-100

Comments are most welcomed as I hope to leave no stones unturned in the planning of this tank... :)

Here's a mock-up pic of how I wish the tank would finally look like... :)


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wow.. its like a walk in gallery, cant wait the see the set up....BTW, Can Pm me yr tank maker n price for Tank/Sump. :thanks:

I think u might need more tunze.. since its a hugh tank

Sure bro... will PM you the details you wan...

Btw, I got 3 return pumps and using 2xTunze TS12, still not enough ah?? Thought of using this setup 1st, if really not enough den add another 2x TS12... :evil::evil: wat do you tink? :P

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one suggestion, since you are doing your house.....built a drain hole near your tank and have the floor under the tank slant toward the hole (or build drains to direct the flow of water to the drain hole.....)

save you a lot of flooding incident.....:D

Good idea bro... but dunno if can do drain hole... coz this is actually my dining room converted to fish tank area... tink gotta talk to my ID again... :)

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haha... 2 X TS12 will be great... :eyebrow: , BTW why do u need 3 return huh, 2 not enough meh ?

Aiyoh bro...

I Sing Ka Por Lang leh... must be kiasu abit mah... :)

Actually, will be keeping mainly SPS, so would like the exchange rate between the main tank and sump to be as high as possible... I estimate to have about 16 to 18 times exchange between the tank and sump per hour.

The return pipes from the sump will also help to create more flow around the tank... :)

Also, in case one of the pump fail ( Murphy's knocking! ) at least I still got 2 to run... :)

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Aiyoh bro...

I Sing Ka Por Lang leh... must be kiasu abit mah... :)

Actually, will be keeping mainly SPS, so would like the exchange rate between the main tank and sump to be as high as possible... I estimate to have about 16 to 18 times exchange between the tank and sump per hour.

The return pipes from the sump will also help to create more flow around the tank... :)

Also, in case one of the pump fail ( Murphy's knocking! ) at least I still got 2 to run... :)

:lol: u super Sin ka po lang lar........BTW good planning, Actually i was thinking of 2 return if i'm going to get a new tank, U 3 :bow:

What about using other types of pump with high flow, say RD. buy 2 enough liao :eyebrow: can save on PUB too.. :P

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Just to add :

There will be 4 door panels beside the tank, top, bottom, left and right...

Top panel will be access to the lights and tank.

Bottom panel would be access to sump.

Left panel would be access to skimmer and CR

Right panel would be access to Chiller ( hung up and outlet facing window ) and a water basin for me to wash my hands etc etc... :P

The lights will be hung on a set of rails so that I can push it further in from the front to have more space to access the tank... :)

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Aiyoh bro...

I Sing Ka Por Lang leh... must be kiasu abit mah... :)

Actually, will be keeping mainly SPS, so would like the exchange rate between the main tank and sump to be as high as possible... I estimate to have about 16 to 18 times exchange between the tank and sump per hour.

The return pipes from the sump will also help to create more flow around the tank... :)

Also, in case one of the pump fail ( Murphy's knocking! ) at least I still got 2 to run... :)

Why do you need a high turnover rate to your sump?

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:lol: u super Sin ka po lang lar........BTW good planning, Actually i was thinking of 2 return if i'm going to get a new tank, U 3 :bow:

What about using other types of pump with high flow, say RD. buy 2 enough liao :eyebrow: can save on PUB too.. :P

Actually was tinking of the "Ang Leng" also leh...

But the 12,000LPH one also not cheap and the support locally sucks!

Imagine if the shaft breaks, where to get parts??? :(

In the end, decided to use OR pumps... :nc:

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Why do you need a high turnover rate to your sump?

Hey bro!! :P

Well, currently intending to use one MX-100 to feed into dual becketts for my skimmer.... in case if it's still not good enough, I'll either add another MX-70 to the skimmer or 2xMX-100 to drive the dual beckett... :P

My beckett will be 8" diameter and about 4 feet height chamber.

With this kind of skimming capability, it would be a waste if the turnover rate between the tank and sump is too low, i.e. isolated skimming...:)

Also toying with the idea of twin-FR... so that I can use more rowas!! And hopefully reduce more po4...

Without the use of Zeovit ( I'm too lazy to follow the regime ), I need a good plan to churn out as much DOC and po4 as I can... :)

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Ok, based on 2 mx-100 firing your beckett. How much turnover in L/hr is that? and also whats the turnover rate of your total water volume thru the skimmer?

Assuming I'm using 2xMX100, with minimal head-loss, the through-put to the skimmer should be around 10,000-12,000LPH...

Estimated water volume is around 1000L or about 250G ( rough estimate )

Estimate total turnover rate through the skimmer is around 10-12x per hour.

But these are estimates only, coz I'm not a statistically inclined person... so my estimates might be abit off...:)

However, if I use one MX-100, the figures would be halved... :)

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Nice concept bro!! :shock::bow::bow:

Dont forget to have open house to reefers only! :evil:

Good idea bro... I'll provide the food and drinks... but everyone gotta bring one frag... :evil:

If not, by the time my tank setup, will be very empty and broke!! :D :D :D

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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