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What makes the BK so effective?


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Haha thanks :lol:

What are the pivotal differences between the needlewheel and foam head anyway? Of course not considering the thing itself :P

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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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One is made for creating foam in fountain.

length and dia of downtube and the pump used will affect the performance.

The other is made for skimmers.

RPM of the needlewheel impeller, length, spacing and placement configuration of the pin will affect the performance too.

And of course the rest of the parts of the skimmers got to be properly balanced.

Doesn't meant you take this part add onto that part and it will work well.

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  • SRC Member

To determine the efficiency of a skimmer; there are a number of factors such as contact time, air-water interfacial area, amount of dissolved nutrients in the water passing through the skimmer, foam riser and collection cup design etc However, I believe that it is important to consider the following two fundamental factors:

-rate of surfactant removal per unit of energy input~how much energy(electricity) used to remove the given amount of dissolved nutrients.

-rate of surfactant removal per unit of time-can the skimmer keep the water at the desired level of dissolved nutrients, given feeding rate and water volume.

our primary motivation is to be able to feed more while maintaining the same water quality. Any skimmer k remove dissolved nutrients but a more powerful skimmer will be able to maintain a lower level of dissolved nutrients than a weaker skimmer. To use a high-end skimmer like BK or 2 digit skimmer -depends on the tank size, nutrient input rate and the level of dissolved nutrients the reefer want to maintain.

Moreover, can we look at skimmate color to determine the efficiency of the skimmer? ? I believe it is more accurate for us to measure the dissolved nutrients in the tank water to determine the efficiency of the skimmer. Furthermore, i felt that it is important for reefers to support and respect the original manufacturer as they spend a lot efforts and $$ to R&D ~by buying the genuine products. ;)

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Good inputs piglet.

I would also support the genuine manufacturers but DIY is not merely copying the design wholesale. As you can see I did some modifications to some parts in the skimmer diagram I had drawn.

But let us put that aside since we are still discussing about the unique features of a BK :lol:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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