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  • SRC Member

Hi all,

This thread is for anime (japanese animation) lovers. Come share what you are currently watching and have watched so far.

Currently watching

Naruto - A story about the world of ninja, how a outcast boy (a nine tail fox demon trapped in his body) work hard to be strong and recognised by his comrades, etc. Series is still running. Early episodes have alot of humor. i give 5/5 rating as i simply love this anime.

Bleach - Just started watching this, so far from my understanding, it show how this 15 year old sch kid become death god. (slaying evil spirit and giving good spirit burial so as to send them to "heaven"). I give 3/5 rating up to episode 10 i am watching. Series is still running.

Prince of tennis - All about tennis, how this prodigy kid and his sch team progress through compeition. Series is still running. I give 3/5 rating.


Hunter X Hunter - A story on a boy in search of his father. Through his journey, he made friends with alot of people. I give 3/5 rating before greed island episodes and 4/5 for the green island episodes.

Hikaru No Go - It's the story of a boy called Hikaru who found a Go Chess board and releasing a spirit called Sai. The spirit is a Go teacher of an old Japanese emperor and his only wish is to obtain the "Hand of God" (the perfect move/match of Go). The series show how the boy who know nothing about Go chess to follow on to be a professional. I give a 4/5 rating.

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  • SRC Member

HunterXHunter, the island is greed island. :)

I really like this anime.

As for Hikaru No Go, the story is interesting, but the manga ending suck big time. Not so sure about the anime's ending.

Anyone watched FMA? It is a nice series too.

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  • SRC Member

my fren watched love hina....quite disgusting..haha... :P

view my 2ft tank thread update here!!


Tank Dimension: 24'x15'x19' with black silicon. All round 8mm.


Return Pump : Hailea HX6540

Skimmer/Chiller : Sicce 2500lph

Skimmer : Weipro 2011

Lightings: 4xT5s HO..2 20,000k & 2 Blue Pro(Aquaz) Retrofits

Chiller : Resun CL280

Auto Water Top Up

Life Stock:

More then 35kg of figi rocks

Blue Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Bristletooth tang, Clown Tang, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, Sunrise Dottyback. 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Green Bubble, Orange Yuma, Hammer, True Octopus, Acans,

Frogspawn, Green/Orange Cyannaria, Red Prata, Red Open Brain, Star Polyp, Acan Enchinata

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  • SRC Member
Watching Naruto now. Nothing else. But hope to complete HunterXHunter if you guyz finished can lend me the CDs or DVDs?

er, I got the complete 1-78 series but in cantonese with subtitle, u want?

u got any other series? maybe can do a swop lending for watching

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  • SRC Member
Hikaru No Go - It's the story of a boy called Hikaru who found a Go Chess board and releasing a spirit called Sai. The spirit is a Go teacher of an old Japanese emperor and his only wish is to obtain the "Hand of God" (the perfect move/match of Go). The series show how the boy who know nothing about Go chess to follow on to be a professional. I give a 4/5 rating.

Hikaru No Go quite anti-climax leh bro.....

The art and the storyline was getting on nicely until the last part when the story was ended quite suddenly.

It was the same for Shamen King...

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  • SRC Member

er, I got the complete 1-78 series but in cantonese with subtitle, u want?

u got any other series? maybe can do a swop lending for watching


My cantonese half-past six leh. Can select Japanese language? I only have Initial D which belongs to my wife. :lol::lol:




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  • SRC Member

How can i also forget the following

Macross - My childhood most favourite anime after Mars and Transformers :P

Initial D - Story is about this guy who know nuts about car parts but is a drifting expert. Series still running. My rating is 3.5/5

Gundam Seed - A story on the war between natural and genetic modified human and how a boy was caught in between. I think the graphics is pretty good and the mecha designs is pretty nice compared to older gundam series. My rating is 4/5

Wing Gundam, G-Gundam, V Gundam - Forgot the plot as it been some time since i watch it....

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  • SRC Member

Hikaru No Go quite anti-climax leh bro.....

The art and the storyline was getting on nicely until the last part when the story was ended quite suddenly.

It was the same for Shamen King...

I never get to see the ending leh, only managed to see until Sai disappeared. Do you have the series? Can do a swop lending :eyebrow::eyebrow:

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been catchin the Initial D 4th stage - a muz for the car freaks :o

One Piece - still runnin

finding the GrandLine and the treasures(pirates)

Saiyuki Reloaded -( any1 has the Saiyuki version ? )

japanese version of the Journey to the West

prob we can list a full series /collection dat we have n share ard ?

sometime the anime abit outdated , hard to find /dl

any1 has fisherman sanpei ?

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  • SRC Member
I never get to see the ending leh, only managed to see until Sai disappeared. Do you have the series? Can do a swop lending  :eyebrow:  :eyebrow:

er.. Shaman King anime dont have... sorry

I did collect the Shaman King comics but quite angry it stop halfway :angry:

almosted wanted to burn the entire series but later give my cousin

The anime was showing on Central a few weeks ago but I must say that the ending was much more acceptable than the manga itself

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  • SRC Member
My cantonese half-past six leh. Can select Japanese language? I only have Initial D which belongs to my wife. laugh.gif laugh.gif

Er, sorry dont have. Mine is in Mpeg4 format...

only Cantonese

I also have Samurai X as well, also Mpeg 4 format.

same cantonese with chinese subtitle.


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  • SRC Member

top 10 animes . ( i have watched countless , trust me )

1. Bleach & Gensomaden Saiyuki & hellsing ( cant decide )

2. Trinity Blood

3. Berserk

4. Elfenlied

5. Full metal alchemist

6. Ghost in the shell

7. Trigun

8. Naruto ( too childish not enough violence )

9. Samurai X ( my old favourite )

10. X ( by clamp )

These are the best . watch them in order of 1st to last b4 u die

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  • SRC Member

1) Cowboy Beebop

2) The Blue Submarine. ( I think I may not have the exact title correct)

3) Macross Zero Part 1-4 only. Have not watch part 5 yet.

4) .......wolf ? Watch it before on Art Central a few years back.

Currently watching Ghost In The Shell SAC 2nd Edition series on Animax.

Looking to watch-

1) Macross Zero Part 5.

2) Akira. I still haven't watch this old anime.

3) Ghost In The Shell. Same as above.

Anyone can recommend any good Anime titles? I favour futuristic ones but no kiddies stuff.

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  • SRC Member

I'm a big fan of anime, esp those with magic, demons, ghost and other fantasy stuff.

So far... i feel that Shaman king is great! But was kinda disappointed by the ending of teh cartoon shown on arts central leh... Heard the comics actually run further into the story (After HAO died and the shaman fight was postphoned.)

Can anyone fill me in? :P

The other one is 12th kingdom. Woah... man. Totally swept me mind away. The graphics are ok... but its the idea of the entire story that really attracts me. Summon monster... creartures etc etc.. :P

Nv read any of the comics though. Coz most in chinese or jap la. Cant read. :lol:

Anyone have anime along the lines of these? Can intro to me?

My Tank

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  • SRC Member

Hmm .. was looking thru, no body recommened Full Metal Panic. Think it is also quite nice, wif humor, technologically advanced weapons and not a bad plot.

The second series, Full Metal Panic (TSR) is out .. to episode 5 or 7 i think ...

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  • SRC Member

wow man....

so surprise to find so many hardcore anime fan around in Singapore!!!

Er, how come no one mention Transformer??

My fravourite is the Victory series and the Powermaster series where the human transform with their bracelets. I am finding that one, any can lend me? ;)

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  • SRC Member

eh BFG ...

u referring to blue submarine no. 6 ah ??

u still got it??

old anime leh .... couldnt find it in sg or taiwan the last time i looked


some of the anime watched and still remember :

most of mizayaki's early works eg laputa castle, kiki delivery

love hina, chobits

ayashi no ceres, noir

funny no one mentioned evangelion, thot that was a classic ....

watching naruto, bleach, shuffle and tide line blue, full metal panic tsr, initial D currently

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