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My New Tank


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  newmarine said:
Yeah, my 3 x 3 x 2.5 tank just arrived today... so excited. Will try to take some photo and post it... Starting this thread to keep track of the progress.

Will need advise from fellow reefer on the cycling.

Cheers :P

You going to put Live Rocks rite? IF so, jsut fill the tank up with saltwater of salinity about 1.025 and run the return pump and let the tank cycle for a few weeks.

Switching on the skimmer is an option. You can switch it on or off. Works both ways and its really up to you if you want to switch it on or off.

You dunt need lights to be switched on during cycling.

The way to test if your tank has cycled is by measuring Ammonia,Nitrite and Nitrate using a reputable testkit like Salifert. Once the levels show 0 for Ammonia and 0 for nitrate, you can consider the tank cycled.

After you reached this stage, its advisable to wait it out for another week to let things stabilised. You should do a major water change first and start doing weekly 10% water changes if possible too.

Hope that helps :)

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Thanks Alfra for the info.

Yes, I will filling up the tank tomorrow only. Let the silicon for the pipe to dry before I add water. Intend to run without LR for 3 days then will add the LR and let it run for 2-3 weeks.

Yes Bro, the tank is from Iwarana. Must say that they are very prof... good service.

Yes, I took the photo in the morning before I go to work. Can't resist looking at it even it is empty. :)

My initial idea is to make it a "TANG" Dynasty. Instead to keep various species of Tang. Any idea how should I add them, which one to go in first?

Will post more pic whenever I have.

Had been so excited about the new tank that even working time also thinking of how to scape the LR.... hope boss did notice I day dreaming during meeting :P

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Just finish the tank's piping, filled with 6 package of Grade 3 sand and water.

Running one of the return pump to cycle the tank. will be adding Tropic Marine Salt later. Here are some photo update. My wife helping to clean the stain left by the tape used to secure the door when delivery.


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