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Cow/boxfish And Others


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  • SRC Member

Hi all,

As i have read so many contradicting information about

cowfish/boxfish, can someone tell me that if the cow/boxfish will

eat the corals in a tank? And also what about the cleaner shrimps

that im intending to buy? Will they be eaten too? Can a fast fish

like the blue tang be kept with the cow/boxfish as well?

I havent bought any fishes or wat, just bought the live rocks and

some corals first. This is the combination i would like to put:


1x Cowfish

1x Boxfish

2x Firefish Goby

1x Royal Dottyback

1x Blue Tang

1x Yellow Tang

2x Mandarin Fish


1x Blood shrimp

1x Coral Banded Boxer Shrimp

1x Camelback Shrimp

1x Cleaner Shrimp

1x Hawaiian Boxer Crab

1x Flaming Scallop


Tree Sponge

n other corals

Pls.... I hope its a positive answer......... :ph34r:

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  • SRC Member

Cowfish onli targets tubeworms.....

Boxfish is veri hard to coax it to eat..... since it is tooo shy....

plan properly the sequence of buying fishes.... shy fishes shld be introduced first....

btw, mandarin fish feeds mainly on LR inhabitants.... dun buy unless u hav a lot of LR...

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  • SRC Member

Tangs are alright w cowfish and boxfish. I used to have all three types before giving up the cow....he is too huge and also been eating up my mushies and tubeworms...However, just realised that boxfish loves Christmas Tree Worm!!!

Btw...my boxfishes eat anything that I throw...but they do love the pellet food alot which I observed...

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i have a tiny box for abt 4mths n it post me no problem up till now. he dont disturb my hammer, bubbles, tube, sponge,fan, shrimps......etc. maybe its too small....let u know when he grow bigger


believe less then 50% of wat ppl tell u n bring it up tp 99% by confirming it urself

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Tangs are alright w cowfish and boxfish. I used to have all three types before giving up the cow....he is too huge and also been eating up my mushies and tubeworms...However, just realised that boxfish loves Christmas Tree Worm!!!

Btw...my boxfishes eat anything that I throw...but they do love the pellet food alot which I observed...

Hey IMO tangs are very fast movign fish thus if you cow is very small they might be stress by the tang's fast movement

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  • SRC Member
Where's R*b*w?

Eh...you wouldn't want to know...It has been ostracised by many but frankly I am satisfied with their service and prices for certain things. However, their neighbour next door, P*tma*t is worth visiting too... :P

They are at Serangoon North Ave 1

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  • SRC Member

Hey IMO tangs are very fast movign fish thus if you cow is very small they might be stress by the tang's fast movement

I guess I heng ah...When I got Cowie...tTango aka the yellow tang and Bluey aka the blue tang were already much bigger than him...Guess Cowie has gone through oceanic 'jungle' training...He knows how to tolerate... :P

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  • SRC Member
So how? Im flabbergasted!  :angry:  Looks like my combination is no good. hmm........ I really love the box/cowfish. theyre so lovely.........  :cry2:

Try the boxfish and get a small one first and also provide liverock full of algae for them to pack on and maybe they will ignore your goodies... :P

Btw...not advisable to get the dottyback as they are rather agressive towards boxfish..(Read from someone's thread)

As for mandarins and firegobies, dun get a pair unless you are very sure they are already being paired...as their squabbles and darting about the rocks and water can stress the boxfish too.

I have got three firegobies and ONLY one mandarin but it is alright...Maybe I give them enough space and rocks to move around so they dun affect Boxy and Boxster that much...

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  • SRC Member

Oh hi,

Maybe i didn specify. Im goin to get 1xpsychedlic green mandarin, and 1xspotted mandarin. I love the fish's prints. And the firefish gobies, i haf read that they are always found in pairs, so i wana make them comfortable by keeping 2. As for the half-purple half yellow dottyback, i really like the colour of the fish... :P

And none of you has mentioned that thebox/cowfish will eat the prawns/invertabraes rite? Ok to put together rite?

Thanks :)

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  • SRC Member

So all in all, a box or cowfish just suits an empty tank isnt it? No other living things seem to benefit from it. (Either gets eaten or will irritate the box/cowfish) :ph34r:

So if i omit the box/cow, this will be a workable tank? :ph34r:

Sigh......................................... :cry::cry2:

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To each his own...Maybe my fish is comfortable in my environment so they dun squabble a lot...My Mandy aka mandarin has been w me for alomost nine months laio...always see her around the tank on the liverocks. Seeing her 'choomp choomp' as she goes around...so I think got food lah...on the other hand...I ever see her eating brine shrimps when they dropped on the sandbed leh... :P

Scavenger is a term I will use for her... :rolleyes:

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  • SRC Member

DUN try putting the two different types of dragonets!!! It is disastrous!!! The dotted ones are usually fiercer than the other type. :erm:

Decide on one type only and if you want two, must al least get a pair. Remember the pair has a longer thread on his dorsal fin.

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  • SRC Member

Mr Boxfish,

Pls share your experience in boxfish/cowfish with me if you dn mind. And Fluberina, thanks for the advice on the mandarins, i never knew that it was dangerous to keep 2 diff species. I planned my combo based on the colours the fishes had and their unique looks and characters. I hadnt much info on how the rest get along with each other.. :(

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