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racism? what do you think?


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Yup. I already agreed with Weisoon's reasoning before this post. Cheers! :)

My reply was not against you but to relate the facts so other readers can understand better. Most reefers here would be from the Army so they might not know what's going on in the navy and airforce.

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On the other hand, to think in the 'garment' side, it is quite difficult to test/guage one's patriotism especially where the Musilm brothers strong bond to its religion. Muslim brother please do not flame me for saying out loud. Which religion is able to conviince its followers to die for the cause of its teachings? 'Peace :peace:

To die for the religion will only occur if someone is threatening the person to convert with a weapon in his hand. Not the kind you see or hear in the news which suicide bombers are known to do. That method is wrong and muslim have been told not to take their own life or take another life as is written. Even if a war occur in the country that a muslim reside, he should assist and defend the country in which he is living. His job is to protect his family, friend and his country no matter what it will cost him.

This is not a flame.

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  • SRC Member

Agreed that the main aim of religion is to help one achieve inner peace and discover oneself. It is really sad that some terrorist mastermind actually capitalized on those who are less educated and use the distorted religion teachings to brain washed them into helping him achieve his terrorism aim.

Lets hope that less people will fall into the tricks of the terrorist mastermind and let there be peace in the world.

Lets not discuss further into this religion topic as it can get quite sensitive for those without a more open mind. :peace:

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  • SRC Member

Bro Weileong, I hope the main reason for lack of malays in the navy or air force is due to population ratio. Using the 'special food requirement' as a reason is so lame.;)

All you need is to have one kitchern to cater for Halal food. And Halal food doesn't mean cooking like the Hot spicy malay food. And if you look closely on how to cater for that you'll be surprise how easily it can be done.

As for racism, it's how much you can tolerate each other. During 'hunger ghost' we have our neighbour/friends/bros that need to burn some 'paper' <not sure if that's the actual term to use> .... and candles. It might create some discomfort. But we accept it as part of our life.

Bro weisoon, you got to consider what you have written ...

"No discrimination to anyone in particular but if you ask me why there are few malays in the Airforce and especially those flying fighters, the reason is very clear. Our neighbours are muslim countries and the 'garment' does not want to compromise if a war really breaks out and they need the fighter to protect the air space."

Man, that's not cool. I might have wrong idea that you don't trust the Singaporean Malay in time of war. Regardless of what race or religion, if another country tries to take over your homeland, you'll fight back right? ... well unless you have no feeling for her.

I think we need to learn more from each other.

Like what bro AquaRa said, get out of our comfort zone and understand other group(s) that you are not comfortable with. Accept and enjoy the good part. Learn and tolerate the differences.

Just a 2 cents tot ;)

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  • SRC Member
Bro weisoon, you got to consider what you have written ...

"No discrimination to anyone in particular but if you ask me why there are few malays in the Airforce and especially those flying fighters, the reason is very clear. Our neighbours are muslim countries and the 'garment' does not want to compromise if a war really breaks out and they need the fighter to protect the air space."

Man, that's not cool. I might have wrong idea that you don't trust the Singaporean Malay in time of war. Regardless of what race or religion, if another country tries to take over your homeland, you'll fight back right? ... well unless you have no feeling for her.

I am cool. :lol: What I am trying to say is the hidden reason why the main front line forces does not have many Malays, not none. I am actually speaking the 'garment' mind if you read carefully what I had written, not speaking my own of course.

See, this religion topic is getting sensitive. I am cool but I am getting out of here. :peace:

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Bro Weileong, I hope the main reason for lack of malays in the navy or air force is due to population ratio. Using the 'special food requirement' as a reason is so lame.;)

All you need is to have one kitchern to cater for Halal food. And Halal food doesn't mean cooking like the Hot spicy malay food. And if you look closely on how to cater for that you'll be surprise how easily it can be done.

As for racism, it's how much you can tolerate each other. During 'hunger ghost' we have our neighbour/friends/bros that need to burn some 'paper' <not sure if that's the actual term to use> .... and candles. It might create some discomfort. But we accept it as part of our life.

Bro weisoon, you got to consider what you have written ...

"No discrimination to anyone in particular but if you ask me why there are few malays in the Airforce and especially those flying fighters, the reason is very clear. Our neighbours are muslim countries and the 'garment' does not want to compromise if a war really breaks out and they need the fighter to protect the air space."

Man, that's not cool. I might have wrong idea that you don't trust the Singaporean Malay in time of war. Regardless of what race or religion, if another country tries to take over your homeland, you'll fight back right? ... well unless you have no feeling for her.

I think we need to learn more from each other.

Like what bro AquaRa said, get out of our comfort zone and understand other group(s) that you are not comfortable with. Accept and enjoy the good part. Learn and tolerate the differences.

Just a 2 cents tot    ;)

Bro Zarkon,

Please read my post again. You probably not aware of how the crews on the ship works. They can be out at sea for up to a week or even longer if they had overseas mission. Our ships are all very small and packed and that does not allow for another kitchen and another cook to specially prepare the meals for probably 1 or 2 crews which has special meal requirements. Will the muslim take food prepared by non-muslim cooks? Probably not. This is not lame excuse but a restriction on board ship due to the lack of space. Now if we operate large ships like cruiser or aircraft carrier then you can have as many kitchens as you want.

If you are not aware, they do have a separate muslim section cookhouse at the naval base and there they cater for the muslim. Yes there are muslims in the navy but none onboard ship for the reasons I already mentioned.

I feel that most of us have already accept the inconvience as part and parcel of our life, chinese eat Halal food, muslim and hindu having to put up with the burning of all the joss sticks, paper offering etc.

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WL, eating halal food is an inconvenience? I dunt get it as im quite slow today...

Eating halal food is not inconvenience lah... you want to give me English lesson?

What I meant is most of we accept eating halal food as part and parcel of our lives in Singapore.

You talk to people from Israel before? You see what they say about those stuffs with the halal logo?

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  • SRC Member

Eating halal food is not inconvenience lah... you want to give me English lesson?

What I meant is most of we accept eating halal food as part and parcel of our lives in Singapore.

You talk to people from Israel before? You see what they say about those stuffs with the halal logo?

ohhhhhh ok. I mis-understood. :)

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  • SRC Member

Cannot resist but to come back and post :lol: Halal food.....can only make me drool.....Nasi Padang...yum yum. :off: In fact too much of the rendang made me gained 13 kgs over the 10 years. But I am happy that now after a gruelling task of exercise and dieting, I managed to lost all that fat of 13 kgs in 5 months. Hope I am not boastful to all who read this but I find this is really an achievement I am proud of. :lol:

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  • SRC Member
Cannot resist but to come back and post :lol: Halal food.....can only make me drool.....Nasi Padang...yum yum. :off: In fact too much of the rendang made me gained 13 kgs over the 10 years. But I am happy that now after a gruelling task of exercise and dieting, I managed to lost all that fat of 13 kgs in 5 months. Hope I am not boastful to all who read this but I find this is really an achievement I am proud of. :lol:

Hahaha, Congrats! Looks like I have to lay off the halal food like briyani, nasi padang, prata and mee-goreng! No , Im not trying to tempt you! ;)

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  • SRC Member
how abt certain company lookin for job seeker who can speak ch too??

im askin a quest so dun flame me :evil::evil::evil: i knoe not all but theres some of it......

dun believe me tomoro buy ST & browse the classified sect.....

Bro, it will come back to the ratio thing since the majority of the ppl in Singapore are chinese, it would make sense to get chinese speakers.

But is there a difference in chinese-speakers who r are chinese and chinese-speakers who r Malays/Indians in an interview? I dunno the answer to dat.

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  • SRC Member
In fact too much of the rendang made me gained 13 kgs over the 10 years. But I am happy that now after a gruelling task of exercise and dieting, I managed to lost all that fat of 13 kgs in 5 months.

wah bro....u xcersice everyday ar....any tips beside eatin non fatty foods hehehe..aiya i also gotto lose weight liao.....used to weigh 75kg nowadayz after marriage gain 10kg :ph34r: n look :upsidedown: .... need to trim down abit like lastime lor hehhee

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  • SRC Member

Bro, it will come back to the ratio thing since the majority of the ppl in Singapore are chinese, it would make sense to get chinese speakers.

But is there a difference in chinese-speakers who r are chinese and chinese-speakers who r Malays/Indians in an interview? I dunno the answer to dat.

tatz y my quest is y they askin ch speakin....i knoe some mly/indian can speak ch/hokkien inc my dad n wife n some frnz....

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  • SRC Member
Generally speaking, offering beer to a muslim is a no-no. Its fine if the muslim decides that he wanna drink it on his own but should not be offered. this is speaking in general.

Offering beer to a muslim is similar to the act offering a hindu/buddist beef. :)

offer me beer la.....my hand r wide open to accept it hehehehee

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Generally speaking, offering beer to a muslim is a no-no. Its fine if the muslim decides that he wanna drink it on his own but should not be offered. this is speaking in general.

Offering beer to a muslim is similar to the act offering a hindu/buddist beef. :)

You never said you're a muslim in the first place?? So now we know.

You must make known that you're a muslim then obviously people won't offer you liquor.

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