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Is Justiana Er a sexy girl/woman ?


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Me copy cat for those nice nice words :)

I'm glad that hasn't happen... perhaps with the timely appearance of HER

.... I dunno... but since everthing is fine, I'm glad....


Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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And i thought someone is so wise and adamant that our "poor" Justiana Er is on the verge of terminating oneself that the individual have to use a sexist topic to lure her back...

I guess all that self-proclaimed wisdom/EQ/IQ is a sheer flash in the pan.

I very happy today coz I'm having my last laugh...


People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

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  • SRC Member

Hi RAV65

I give you full respect however I start feeling that you are a bit taking personal than business.

And please don't forget I used ######, Old Urgly Woman word are a lot more gentle than your word

this is your ( I know it's not mean for me but ... )

Disclaimer : There's no intention to pin-point or criticise anyone in particular in my post, all purely from wat I see and the way I feel... If you feel offended reading my post, let me 1st apologise. If my apology is not accepted and you tink I'm talking cxxk.... come lick my a$$....

I beg so many time you to read and read before jumped into conclution. And you were the one who started.

Now, I am going to ASK you one serious question.

Are you taking personal ?

If your answer is YES, than I am going to take it as a challenge and we will talk OPENLY here NO PM.

You prepare to take WIN or LOSE.

All the rule that I'd set out in Rules of the Game Applied.

How about that.

If your Answer to my QUESTION is NO

Than just quiet , and don't respond to my thread or my post.

Dear AT and MODs team.

I feel very sorry, If I put SRC to on the not so good face.

Please go ahead and suspend my account ( and I give you my word, I will not register again )


Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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I can't edit my previous post should be read this

Dear AT and MODs team.

I feel very sorry, If I put SRC to on the not so good face.

Please go ahead and suspend my account ( and I give you my word, I will not register again )


Dear AT and Mods team.

I feel very sorry that I had put SRC into urgly flamming and too personal.

Please go ahead and suspend my account ( and I give you my word, I will never register again )

However, I beg you not to suspend while I am clearifying thing with RAV 65, so I have chance to defend my POV.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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1st Lets establish who is more known to J. Er.

J. Er has started 10+ threads in between 29 Aug to 4 Sep.

You replied to her on only the thread

"Fish r the best friend."

any thing else ?

I replied to almost her threads. We did chit chat, plays fool, talks rubbish.

She said Cloth = Stauts

than we started

Watch = Status

Car = Status..

so on so forth.... ( Advised you to read all my post to her )

In Hermit ( Who claimed that he HATES me the most ) thread

name some points why you dont like minsmarine ???

She expressed how she saw me as

cos' he is funny

So what can we conclude from here!

I am just a joker to her who talks nonsense, rubbish, and no intension to hurt anyone.

You ? ( I don't know , you ask her )

2nd Lets Read Heated Thread

When some of reefer’s heat were started, I was the one who started to say please cool down.

She did show how her emotion was high. So I posted

Her EQ must be beyond 170

What does it mean, you won’t know unless you tested your EQ.

I even joked compare with NKF to thing cool down.

You only came in after halfway and damage was done.

Once AT had stepped forward and explained the rule.

Everything was stop! But not cool.

So I started purposely my thread “Is J. Er a ###### girl/woman?”

3rd Is J. Er a ###### girl/woman?”

I have prove that I was a clown to J. Er.

So I asked her

“Are you a ###### girl”

So what would be her answer ?

“You so funny minsmarine” Right

If some others people asked the question that will be different degree.

In this thread b4 acidjazz came in,

we didn’t insult, call name, describe how ######, ugly her,

We were just cheating friendly to thing cool down.

Hermit, framerunner , akahoshi were there.

There was no FLAME, no PERSONAL.

Acidjazz just read the title and came to conclusion that a little offending.

I replied to him

If no1 know what we are talking about and want to judge from the book outlook let it be. Here we were showing our true color to her. ( Yes, it’s white )

Than he asked me ,

Didn’t I find insulting ?

My answer, Why must I ? My intention was simple to see ( If you come along with us ). And Even explain I started this thread, so think alright.

U posed U r a good man who try to cool thing down

Than u came into picture without reading all the necessary posts.

And not establish who am I to her.

Advise Mod to close the thread.

The reason you gave was

be the catalyst to all hell's breaking loose again .

On SRC not I have right to start any thread, all the black sheep also can.

So what is your motive here ?

I replied to you ,

If u ever want to know what is my intention, than advise u to go and read all the thread I posted

Simple, straight and sweet right.

Than again in my next post

I explained to you and acidjazz

You guys jumped into conclution after reading ( or may be not all post ) the title.

Let put stright forward, there is a guy HERMIT keeps posting HE HATE ME...

Did you ever asked yourself, Does he mean it ?

what is the meaning of it? Don’t tell me you don’t know how to get the message.

Piglet even joke and tell what Hermit will think and what he think, The Answer was already there to CATCH.

Than Weisoon , a reputable man start talk…..

I guess u didn’t read again and jumped into conclusion again this time

U claimed I didn’t see the picture

u acknowledge , my intention was to play down thing.

U pick up my HIGH in IQ and HIGH in EQ to represent the whole SRC.

Than, u have to fire every1 on the SRC man comeon.

My word ###### , OLD UGLY is a lot lower in degree than



But did u fire to every one ?


Personal ? I have no personal problem at all.

Than what I don’t know.

Than u claim your self again by

So what if it doesn't backfire?? Well, if it does not, very good, but what if it does? I believe it would be a better situation if we dun take the risk that something like that might happen. We dun wan to do damage-control again like the last time.

On a micro-scale, you've got a well-thought of intention for this thread, have you taken a look at it from a macro-scale?

U claim credit that u had done damge control and I didn’t think through.

Now I am going to prove.

Piglet started posting some beautiful.

I warned him, YELLOW CARD, cause this might lead to some other people posting the wrong picture.

Than AT came into the picure.

He didn’t ask me what was my intenstion nor what ever.

He follow his rule, if you are not happy , DON”T READ.

And I gave my words to him, we won’t go stray.

So what. Everything back to normal.


Andy and Aplha was start having misunderstanding.

I BEG them not to as I didn’t want the thread to closed down.


I dun doubt your intention at all, though you show no signs of being sensitive towards J Er.,

U glad because AT came in.

Come on, even before AT was appear, we have no word of



Name calling

All are just simple and no hurt feeling.

U asked me u don’t know how J. Er take it.

It’s show u didn’t read.

U think u r right that’s all.

U didn’t fire Piglet, who posted the picture, and Your FOCUS TO ATTACK was just simply ME.

Than I kept explaining.

and u r just attacking ######, Old Ugly.

On the page 7

U blamed me that I hide my real intension.

Come on RAV65

I don’t owe you living.

So now u started.

Any of your view to ADD ?

To insult my character ? because I called my friend ######, Old Lady ?

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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Dear Minsmarine,

1st of all, let me establish certain points :

1> Wat business are you refering to? This is a discussion forum...

2> I never said that u owe me a living... why did you bring this up? It's redundant, but since you brought it up, I dun owe you a living too, I'm free to express my views.

3> The level of familiarity to the person J. Er here is not of essence, I dun even know her, but does it matter? I requested that you dun start threads like the "######" as some people might start their flaming again but you said your thread is for the people with high EQ/IQ and dat you know she might do something silly like committing suicide? This is evident through the subsequent posting of several threads on your part to "try" to prove your point.


4> Why PM? I've never PM-ed you on this matter and I dun intend to, anything you wanna say or post, I'm glad to read it and respond here.

5> I dun pose as anything. I didn't respond to her threads as I dun feel the need to, she is a fellow reefer and she is free to post anything she wans, I don't interfere. Why are you so concerned whether I responded to her threads?

6> If you tink that only by responding to her threads, would I be "closer" to her and more familiar to her and hence be able to tell if she wanna commit suicide, read point 3. And anyway, you were wrong.

7> I find it strange that you have to post a thread such as "Rules of the Game"... who are you trying to challenge into the game? And even if you have a person in mind, i.e. me? You mean we are supposed to correspond within the confinements of your rules and regulations? You play your game, within your rules? Another redundant thread.

8> Why are you trying to implicate other people like Piglet?? I didn't make any comment about him coz I dun see a need to in the 1st place. Why izit that you feel I should "fire" him? Why are you upset that I didn't fire him?

9> Strange also that you mentioned that when AT posted, I'm glad... what is there to be glad about? Wat make you tink that I'm glad?? But I do notice that when AT posted, you were quick to explain and apologise, I didn't, coz I dun mince my words and I stand firm on what I post, I maybe wrong, but when I come under fire, I dun twist and dodge and create stories to cover myelf.

Now, the reason why I'm responding to your "challenge", bearing in mind this is not an admission that I take it personally, but your lengthy thread and your reference and inception of the " Rules and Regulations Thread " seem to indicate that you've already fired the 1st salvo long time ago.


And you claim that you give me full respect and it "seems" that I'm victimising you?

Now, my question to you is :

1> If you are so concerned that J. Er might commit suicide, why not PM her? Why

post it in the forums via your "######" thread?

2> If J. Er is distraught as mentioned by you with all your extensive "proof" ( cause

you mentioned that you know her very well ), wat if someone posted something

very nasty in respond to your "######" thread? Are you trying to drive her to her

grave sooner?

Wat safe-guards, do you have in place when you posted that thread? Are you

concern whether any reefer might just come in and post something nasty about


If you are as concerned about her as you claim to be, why are you willing to take

a risk dat some nasty comments might be posted by another reefer that might

just push her over the limits and kill herself?

3> By having posted the "######" thread, can you justify how your thread can lead her

back into SRC? Wouldn't a " Please come back Justiana " thread be much more

sincere and effective?

4> On page one of your "######" thread, framerunner asked if she's prettier than his

avatar and you replied that his avatar looked better? Now, you're really trying to

kill her huh?


In my opinion, I dun tink you have any intention of being concerned and trying to prevent her from commiting suicide at the point of time when you posted the thread, you maybe trying to get her back, but to prevent her from commiting suicide? it was only when the thread came under criticism from some reefers that you start conjuring some "reasons" ( i.e. she might commit suicide ) why you have to post it.

It doesn't matter how gentlemanly some reefers might tink of you as, but to me, it was never your real intention when you started the thread, only after when it came under criticism, and you needed some excuse...

You dun have to give elaborate "proof" of what you tink, and wat you're "trying" to do, I only take it as a pinch of salt, you may fool many, but dun say I'm a poser trying to make myself sound like a nice person!

Lastly, if you tink I'm posting this post as a "challenge" (as defined by you) to you, pls read the last few posts in this thread by you.

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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Just to add, you tink wat you wan, and do wat you wan, I've made my stand very clear and I got better things to do than to play your childish "game" with you.

I have a job, and I guess my time would better served than to be entwined in all this.

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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  • SRC Member


Let see the whole picture.

In start

U said, U wanted to stop the thread because other black sheep might come into my thread start again.

You should aware.

Any1 in the forum can start flamming thread, no need to follow my thread.

In middle

u got ur points

I got my points

At the end

She came back and posted here.

She never said I am over or what.

My analysis might be worng, so I am glad.

If she is not happy with my thread, she would have slap me left and right.

But I did appologize to her in public.

I don't owe you living, so I don't need to tell you or prove you what I think.

If u think it's useless and childish, you should not read my thread at all,

since every1 knows me that

I am old man, who always talk rubbish.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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Reading from all the posts to date, I tend to agree with Vincent more.

I don't think a troubled person will appreciate being "talk" or "counselled" in a Public Forum not to mentioned that it is now the hottest topic in Kopi Tiam.

I believe PM is a better choice for this kind of things if we do not have the fellow member's contacts.

I personally feels that by bringing our the "Talk" & "Counselling" stuffs in the open only serve to feed oneself's ego, posts or maybe even hidden agendas. ;)

As I have stated, the above are only my personal views. It is not directed at anybody or group.

If I have offended anyone, I hereby offer my apologises. :bow::bow::bow:

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • SRC Member

Hi Gouldian

I totally agree with your points other than your 1st line.

However, we are here because RAV65 asked me to close the thread.

If I ask you , will only my thread go stray, if there are people who want to flame @ her.

They can start thier any thread. They don't need me at all.

Whether J.Er want consuling or not we are not consider yet.

Shall we let focus on the heart of the heat started. So we will have more things to learn in out life :)

Cheer, no hurt feeling.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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This is getting crazy, because of this Justiana, u have gone of our yr mind.

Maybe u should ask ur wife to help u to solve this problem.

Open so many thread just to make her happy..

Are u really that free??? If yes u can get it to better use...

This time i think U are really overboard, a very childish old man...

Wat :Rules of the game.... Wat:using will suspense the nick..

Get a life minsmarine.

life sucks

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Hi morish_idol

Thank for your advise.

If you are not happy to read my thread, just go to other thread.

Why do you want to boil your blood.

Yes I am old man, childish, got a lot of time to spent.

So what ?

Please remember, neither of us own this place.

If you don't like my thread, simple don't read.

Simple huh.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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Hi Gouldian

I totally agree with your points other than your 1st line.

However, we are here because RAV65 asked me to close the thread.

If I ask you , will only my thread go stray, if there are people who want to flame @ her.

They can start thier any thread. They don't need me at all.

Whether J.Er want consuling or not we are not consider yet.

Shall we let focus on the heart of the heat started. So we will have more things to learn in out life :)

Cheer, no hurt feeling.

Hate to have to say this, but you have chosen to twist your words again, you said you agree with Gouldian, den why not use PM to console her and cheer her up, why post a thread that may lead to "all hells breaking loose"?

You haven't answer my questions that I've posted for you while you had the time to respond to me in an ambigous and incomplete way, totally avoiding my questions den say you agree with Gouldian "to use PM" and in the process twisted your position again.

Anyway, enough being said, I shall not be indulging myself in squabbling with you, but I have to add : Whether J. Er is angry with you is inconsequential here, you have adopted a less than favourable way to "lure" her back, a potential outlet for more flaming to happen, which leads to my suggestion that the thread be closed, but you insisted that you're right in your choice of actions.

Diabolus notice what he has done and was gracious and gentleman enough to apologise and clarify himself, and I trust that he has no ill-intentions.

You, on the other hand insisted that you are right, even when I tried to suggest nicely to you, that the thread isn't a good idea, and kept trying to convince everyone with your numerous posts and threads, it seems that you are not keeping to your own rules that if you have been challenged and dun have enough proof, to humbly accept and back down.

Happy Reefing to all and sorry to have to take your time to read my lengthy post.

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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  • SRC Member

Hi RAV65

All I can say, let time and people decide.

BTW, if u happened not to read yet,

Even though my soul is clear,

I appologized to her in my thread

"My SINCERE appology to J.E....."


Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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hi GUYS,

this marine thingy is a cute hobby to all. SRC is a gift from heaven ... (thanks to AT)

further this is kopi-tiam ... i love kopi tiam forums as they allow more lateral thinking ...

so why get so uptight.

i know you both MIN and RAV personally.

both ages add up is 3 times my age ... ohhh boy ...

let's chill and talk rots lah ...

there is no right or wrong, just shades of grey ... MIN taught me ...

there is a holy grail - SPS ... RAV taught me ...

so guys, please chill ...

drinks on me ... (coke only, been very broke lately due to personal friends)



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  • SRC Member
This is getting crazy, because of this Justiana, u have gone of our yr mind.

Maybe u should ask ur wife to help u to solve this problem.

Open so many thread just to make her happy..

Are u really that free??? If yes u can get it to better use...

This time i think U are really overboard, a very childish old man...

Wat :Rules of the game.... Wat:using will suspense the nick..

Get a life minsmarine.

now that she's back , dun need to get a life..

Get A Job..


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  • SRC Member
On this topic alone, some from copepod turned into barracuda. Mods, just shut this thread down. Bandwidth too much huh? :nc:

haha, u are a barracuda too :rolleyes:


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  • SRC Member
On this topic alone, some from copepod turned into barracuda. Mods, just shut this thread down. Bandwidth too much huh?  :nc:

If in the first place u didn't post this kind of comments, then there won't be a chance for me to flame u nor any chance for flaming to start.

And i dont see whats wrong in saying that u are a barracuda too.


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