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What is the PURPOSE of LIFE !


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  • SRC Member

It might related to religion, but please try to keep religion out of discussion.

As far as I can think of

Purpose of Life is SUFFERING.

Why, most of the times, u suffer.

There are times that you enjoy, happy, but compare to the time you suffer,

U suffer more.

Any other points ?

PS. Not discussion of Religion and SERIOUS discussion in this thread Please.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member
It might related to religion, but please try to keep religion out of discussion.

As far as I can think of

Purpose of Life is SUFFERING.

Why, most of the times, u suffer.

There are times that you enjoy, happy, but compare to the time you suffer,

U suffer more.

Any other points ?

PS. Not discussion of Religion and SERIOUS discussion in this thread Please.

Hi Justiana... Opps.. I mean MinsMarine.. :lol:

I think whether is Life SUFFERING or NOT depends very much on how you look at Life...


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  • SRC Member

My title was PURPOSE OF LIFE

not how u look @ the life or thing.

I believe you know what are the different between PURPOSE and LOOK.

When u were born u CRIED

When u die u CRIED.

Catch any clue !

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

Aiya my reply is towards the phase you said "Why, most of the times, u suffer. There are times that you enjoy, happy, but compare to the time you suffer, U suffer more." mah ...


p/s: aiya... missed my lunch time afternoon nap liao !..

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  • SRC Member

It was a general statement.

But what I wanted to discuss was

Purpose of Life.

What r we doing on this earth.

Why ?

In short sentence

We are born to die !

Is that our purpose ?

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

That's interesting

Purpose of life is to find a purpose in life :)

Or rather said

We r looking for the answer which never exist ?

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

This is the most basic yet most difficult question everyone faces in LIFE. To be honest, I don't know the answer.

All I know is :

"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it"

I'll do my best to make myself and all those around me HAPPY - not just by "pleasing" but also by "putting right" whatever I deem "not right" - to maintain LOVE, PEACE and HARMONY.

HOW? - I really don't know now!!! When the time comes, I hope I know what to do! Maybe, through DIVINE inspiration!!!

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  • SRC Member

hi everyone,

i think the only purpose life has is the purpose one accords it- that is, we determine our own life's purposes.

i was listening to the bbc in the car recently, and they spoke about humans being earth's dominant keystone species, and how every keystone species in different habitats serve a distinct purpose, but that man has no obvious purpose. why are we here? maybe its like the discovery channel ad which is really smart- maybe man is here to protect the rest of nature.

what do you think?

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  • SRC Member
Purpose in life is to make the world a better place for others by the time you leave.

So with the time human beings had spend on earth, do u think that it is any

better than when we are just apes???

Is what we are having right now consider to be "better" than "yesterday"?

Is our so-call making "better" is actually making "worse"?

Why are we always measuring in "human" perspective?

In the whole animal kingdom (fr single cell to high intelligent being),


Look closely and u'll notice that we are the only one that's not contributing anything

back. Even when we die, we choose to burn our remains. We only know

how to take and take and take ...

"Humans thrilled by destruction and yawn at creation"

In nature, we are totally out of the food-chain cycle. So what purpose are

we taking about? Does inventing electricity, computer, tools a purpose, but

to what end?

Or are we like the fishes and corals we keep in our tanks for our amusment?

So maybe our ultimate PURPOSE is to entertain some higher beings?

There are many uncertain purpose or "man-made" purpose,

but one definite purpose is,


:D:D But since i dun really like the dieing purpose, MY purpose is

- earn as much money while enjoying life

- play as many games on PC/PS/whatever

- keep a nice marine tank

- eat alot of good food

- visit many nice places

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  • SRC Member
hi everyone,

i think the only purpose life has is the purpose one accords it- that is, we determine our own life's purposes.

i was listening to the bbc in the car recently, and they spoke about humans being earth's dominant keystone species, and how every keystone species in different habitats serve a distinct purpose, but that man has no obvious purpose. why are we here? maybe its like the discovery channel ad which is really smart- maybe man is here to protect the rest of nature.

what do you think?

bros ian ... :D:D

the best way to protect nature is to annihilate the whole human race lar :evil:

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  • SRC Member

Great discussion, come on some more please.

But remember, this is discussion.

Please no trace of religion and not effect to others.


Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

yes we suffer at time but life also gives us the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars... ultimately, the purposeful of life is to be the blessing to other :)

look at it this way, we live on this earth is to help and support for our fellow human being. when human chose to live in selfish way, we will have destruction, both ourselves and our planet earth.

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yes we suffer at time but life also gives us the chance to love and to work and to play and to look up at the stars... ultimately, the purposeful of life is to be the blessing to other :)

look at it this way, we live on this earth is to help and support for our fellow human being. when human chose to live in selfish way, we will have destruction, both ourselves and our planet earth.

agree with bro loster.

there are times for everything .

in life i am touched by love of my family , friends , or even my marine pets =)

however destruction set in whenever i am selfish, wanna my own ways.

my purpose in life is to love , to the best of my ability lah, and to be a blessing to others in planet Earth. =)

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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  • SRC Member

I really seriously believe our life is just kind of Matrix.

Human suck. The only good thing I can see from human is the "science".

Its something more solid, can pass down onto next gen for better good.

All other are just "talks" and "feels" only.

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  • SRC Member
Great discussion, come on some more please.

But remember, this is discussion.

Please no trace of religion and not effect to others.


that's like saying "lets have a discussion on how a car runs.... but please no mention of PETROL!"

maybe if you weren't so against discussion religion, you might actually find some answers ;)

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

Haa Haa

remember when we talk about religion, there are so many could happen here.

so I said, no religion. In the religion teaching , there are so many believe.

However, we are educated, so we believe in what we believe.


Well lets have a discussion on how a car runs, but don't mention of petrol , ASSUME we are running on GAS :)

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

Purpose of life ..

To me, it is a time to cherish your family, friends and fellow human beings, animals and even plants.

To spend every moment of time to observe, appreciate and admire the wonders of nature, of human spirit and even man-made objects (They are too, the creation of toil ,sweat and effort).

To look out of the window and take a deep breath, smell the flowers, grass and trees; see the clear (usually cloudy) blue sky, the birds playfully flying in the sky with fluffy clouds morphing from one shape to another; the kids laughing and teasing among themselves as they head back home, the mothers strolling with their toddlers; joggers and dogs pacing one another; hear the gentle wind blowing across the fields with trees swaying to their silent song; that clown fish wiggling among the buttons, yellow tang nibbling on the rocks; and to smile and be at peace with the universe.

To realise that life has its up and downs, and to learn to smile at moments of rough patches, to laugh at moments of ups.

To lend a helping hand when u can, and to receive help when given.

To learn what you wish to learn, to do what you wish to do, to move in the direction you wish to move in, to free oneself from ones belief, to smile with oneself, to smile with family, to smile with friends, to smile with nature.

To sum up ..... think my life purpose is to smile, and spread that smile; to laugh and spread that laughter; to love and spread that love. :)

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  • SRC Member

I find that the biggest illusion that we humans have is 'finding the purpose in life'.

It mainly exists as an unproven theory to why we are put on earth.

A species to fill in an evolutionary gap?

If anyone had read the theory of evolution by charles darwin.

We humans is a result of a genetic mutant strain that happened to have bigger brains, ability to learn fast, communicate effectively and have better social structure compared to animals.

A good example is a new born baby.

I once ask a friend if he thinks a baby will understand and bring logic to the things thats happening ard him.

" They are animals. They are just responding to sounds and movements ard them. Its those ard him that teaches him wat he can do." This coming from a man with 2 grown up kids.

He is not wrong of course. Come to think of it.

What he said does have a ring of logic.

Give a dog a bigger brain, a longer life and communication skills, Hey maybe they will take over the earth?

We are suppose to be here to occupy a certain niche in the food chain. But somehow we ended up on top of it. An accident? Maybe. :nc:


My Tank

Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy

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