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Justiana Er a reefer?


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Bro Diabolus, call one of the mods to close this thread

It'll be better this way ;)

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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The bright red signature in bold is disturbing me more so than all of Justiana's postings combined. There is no need to make people think that you have violent tendecies. It's not community wise in the long run. Just my thoughts~

Totally agreed... like I said... you dun have to belittle others to elevate oneself... ;)

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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I have to confess I was kinda afraid you when I read some of your fierce direct postings previously but now I have to salute you with such gentleman act. 

diabolus, I envy you man!!!!! Anyway, I'v no choice but to agree with her - that's gentlemanly act - keep it up! :bow:

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I have to confess I was kinda afraid you when I read some of your fierce direct postings previously but now I have to salute you with such gentleman act. :bow:

two fan....

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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diabolus, I envy you man!!!!! Anyway, I'v no choice but to agree with her - that's gentlemanly act - keep it up! :bow:

three fan....

can we start a fan club of my toy boy yet???

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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Ok guy, let cool down

we are here to cool down,

someone wants to be serious, there are enough specialize sub cats,

so like AT has said, let goes anything NO RELATED TO REEFING here.

simple, if you don't want to read , skip her post .

Anyway, if you notice there are nothing much to talk about anymore in REEFING, once you have enough experience.

But frankly speaking,

I love Kopitian the most,

You need more info about Reefing, there are more serious and more teaching at RC.

You want balance between Reefing and Chilling out,


Now Happy Reefing and Firing ( ops,sorry, should be Chilling )

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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this's the first time i read this thread :D:evil::D

and singaporean "unquie" style/social behavour/watever u call that ...

neber fail to amuse me ... :D:D:D

btw, i am singaporean too ... :D:D dunno whether wan to cry :cry:

or dig a hole and hide myself :ph34r:

juz cant resist posting, but this will be the 1st and last post from me in this

thread ... maybe another flamewar :evil::evil:

cheers and have a nice day :P

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Aiyo..... my personal opinion

1. too much postings

2. irrevelant topics ( but in kopitaim mah wat to do ?)

3. sick to see baby topics, agree ? ( i'll get my daughter to post, she had plenty)

4. personal attacks is not advisable

5. Am i sick ?? YES I AM

Those who like to see many "crab postings" i can do it, cos i super free. PM me how many u want a day.... Max 5 thread a day :lol:

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If she really talks a lot ... maybe it will cause some disturb to the guys..

but i think it is not so good to use those words against her

When its thread make ppl laught , ppl will just keep quiet

but when become a nusience , ppl just use words against her

No one is pefect .. so before one use any unkind words towards one

maybe should reflect on your own character

"Am i a 100 percent perfect sinless person"

If one answer to this Q "Yes i am "

then i think you are really a God , All should worship you

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maybe should reflect on your own character

"Am i a 100 percent perfect sinless person"

If one answer to this Q "Yes i am "

then i think you are really a God , All should worship you

What can I say ? :bow::peace:

I think you should say, the person became a saint.

Not a god.

If we have so many god here, than how to worship. Everyday and the whole day, we end up just worship.

Our reef will sufer, cause we are worshiping too much :angel:

If there was a god here, I will worship that "please make my browny SPSs turned in to the colors and grow that no1 can match with me" :paiseh:

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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I think I should apologize too for the IQ comment.

It was uncalled for and redundant, and was plain insulting.

Really sorry to justiana for those remarks I made.

Peace out.


Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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I think I should apologize too for the IQ comment.

It was uncalled for and redundant, and was plain insulting.

Really sorry to justiana for those remarks I made.

Peace out.

Well done bro... well done for being MAN enough to admit to your mistake and apologise.... :)

Unlike some people... :angry:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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To justiana - i apologise if this thread has caused you any embarassment or wat nots.
I think I should apologize too for the IQ comment. It was uncalled for and redundant, and was plain insulting. Really sorry to justiana for those remarks I made.

You guys have my 100% respect for the above .... :bow:

To those bros who called her names...maybe you guys should look at urself and then PM her with your apologies.

IMO ... (if these people realised what they have done with their mightly "words") .. I think for those that openly insulted her should openly apologise to her ... why apologise via PM? to save "face" har?


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