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Petrol price going crazy


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  • SRC Member

Used to pay $55 - $60 for a 98 full tank for my 1.6l, just came back from shell just now spending $83 for 43l !!!

Heard petrol price going up again :( how to tahan man? :pinch:

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  • SRC Member

good news..just heard from the news that somekind of fuel member of what $@#!$!% organization going to release 26 millions barrel of their fuel reserves for this 1 month to the world and thus petrol price will be reduced. GOOD NEWS?

btw....do u know the current supplies of fuel world wide is in shortage and those TOP MANAGEMENT proudly declared that new fuel source are discovered and it will mean

58 million barrels in the total supplies which is just 1 million extra.... and a "good" news to celebrate..

How as fuel price gone up, petrol price, electricity bill will go up too...

and most important.... these surging of petrol price will narrow PROFIT margin resulting in less bonuses for EMPLOYEES (we) and this will lead to less $$$ allowance for reefing..


I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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  • SRC Member
How as fuel price gone up, petrol price, electricity bill will go up too...

and most important.... these surging of petrol price will narrow PROFIT margin resulting in less bonuses for EMPLOYEES (we) and this will lead to less $$$ allowance for reefing..


eerrr...is this good news or bad news? :lol: anyway alot of the employees hasnt been seeing bonus for some yrs now,regardless of whether what reason behind...

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  • SRC Member

hehehe go jb pump la cheaper.....me ride a beemers also gotto jb n pump...my frn say wah u ride so xpen bike also go jb huh...i dun care lor as long can save abit here n there is gd.....

yea last week jus tell my frnd im not suprise the petrol will hit $2 n car owners esp will start to feel the pinch...like smokers in sg will start to feel the pinch wen the tobacco $$ start to reach $10 per pack.......

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  • SRC Member
Yeah... it's scary...

not to send anyone into a pianic frenzy, but my client who works in Shell tells me that there's no ending yet, seems like the fuel price is headed upwards... :(

Seems tat petrol cost no one can do anything even they 1 2 increase price somemore.....sigh....wat 2 do.... gotto cut down driving..... Hey but if all takes MRt buses.... won't it be over crowded...esp... peak hrs/??? :blink:

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  • SRC Member

Winter is coming to the northern hemisphere and that means USA, Europe and China will consume even more oil during the next 6 months. Be prepared for the price of petrol to go up some more. It is also an self fufilling target of oil traders as they targeted the price of US$100 per barrel. When that target price is near, the world will feel the real pinch and may go into an world wide crisis and maybe....maybe....an oil crisis like in the 80s.

So, better keep you hard cash and be prudent in any big ticket investments. But then just my own thoughts.

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  • SRC Member

Funny though about the prices. In jb, 1lt 98 costs 80cts sg$.

Spore, 1lt cost 1.70 sg $

Its all the tax tats making our petrol so expensive.

If the world price of petrol going up, y our tax not adjusted to make it more affordable? :(

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  • SRC Member

But at a time like this, shouldnt it be adjusted, a bit, for all to breathe easier?

Ours is doubled theirs. I pump in jb, i pay half of wat i pay here. :( yet i get the same amount.

Quite sad to say, this petrol price thingy is causing a lot of sporeans to tighten their belts further.

Arent the better roads and infrastructures paid for by road taxes, erps, etc?

Think lots of fellow reefers here do agree, we are not asking for as low a price as in malaysia. Jus give us a more manageable pricing for the petrol tat is a neccessity for travelling to work, school etc. Let us loosen our belt a bit and breathe easier.

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  • SRC Member
I believe that Malaysian Govt is heavily subsidising the petrol as in the case in Indonesia. that will cause a heavy burden on the govt. Whereas in S'pore the govt subsidise less and thus they have the money for better roads and infrastructure.

so should the govt subsidize more or spend $$ on the infrastructure

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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  • SRC Member

No, any links?

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