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I came up with this monster beckett by daydreaming


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Hi guys, the holidays are here and I had actually "dreamed" up this skimmer design while daydreaming.

Hope you guys like it.

If it is functional, I might turn it into reality some day :lol:


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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Yep, it's supposed to be a fusion of BK and Beckett ;)

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

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You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Nothing much unique about it la (came up while daydreaming, what you expect? :lol: )

I'm looking at 24 inch height 10 inch diameter

Hope I can achieve the same foaming capabilities as the BK B)

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

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You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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You guys think that short and fat would be better than skinny and tall?

See all those new needlewheels are all short and fat ;)

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

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You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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Oh that's something new :lol:

Anyway, was wondering wouldn't those tall becketts have big bubbles at the top?

Since the needlewheels are short, the bubbles would not be so huge and thus have better foaming? :huh:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

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The theory still holds in this case I think. For max contact/dwell time & turn-over rate, the chamber will need to be of a certain size (thus cannot be too short or small).

Optimally, contact time should be about 2 mins and at the same time turnover rate should be 1.5x-2x/day of total system water. This is of course assuming that there is a high l/hr of air being injected with suitably sized bubbles.

Weileong, sorry if I offended you with the LPPL thingie. Was not meant the way. Sorry once again.

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Alfa, I did feel a little offended, maybe read your intention wrongly but that's always the case with internet post.

I offer you my apologies too.

Shorter chamber can be overcome with reduced air injection but that will reduced performance to a certain extend. Just look at the specification for deltec's AP702 and AP902 and you can see the difference in specification.

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Yeah you are right, I am concerned with the turbulence caused by the shortness but I don't really understand the part about the downtube.

I have also measured, the min height I need is about 30 inches so is that enough to lower any turbulences? :huh:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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You see, my sump height only permits the output tube to be at around 30 inches so that it would not be taller than the neck.

Therefore, I must make it at least 30 inches tall :lol:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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Saw that the BK has the injection plate with the holes to reduce turbulence. You guys think that will work on a beckett? :huh:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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I was wondering, why can't beckett injectors be made like this? :huh:

Not only it receives higher pressured water, it is supposed to be used upside down in pactical use right?


But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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CHAETO Farmer FarmerDan.gif

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With water coming straight out of the pump to the injector, I think gravity would not play much of a part here :lol:

But if you tame me, we shall need each other.

To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

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isn't it easier for water to travel before than after the injector?

well, after all you may still get it to work.

I was also looking at if water inside the injector housing be held at 1/4 level for air to enter the 4 venturi holes. Or you are thinking about absolute water tight?

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