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Operation Quiet Tank


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  • SRC Member

Just setup a second hand tank in our living room and the wife aint happy with the noise.

Does anyone have any advise on making a tank quiter?

I need to start with the quietest return pump, skimmer pump, chiller etc?

Overflow is a bit noisy too, what is the quietest method for durso and sump filtration?

Also has anyone look at putting any sound insulators inside the tank?

Any advice appreciated?


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  • SRC Member

noise from pump, if the pump is inwater, then you likely have to replace with a better one.

if they are external, depend how the noise come. if is from the pump itself, again replace with better one.

If noise through vibration, vibrating the pipe, maybe some cloth or soft-thing to help reduce the piping vibration.

If is knocking on where its placing, then put something soft as vibration absorbor.

For durso, that only about 1 type of design.

Of you may try shop in LFS, some do sell them. Remember your overflow compartment must big enough to fit the durso. Else ask LFS custom make for you.

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  • SRC Member

in or out sump has nothing to do with noise level. Some reefers just place it out to cut down on heat transfer, while others find it easier in plumbing to have it inside. Some better pump like an Ehiem transfer little heat that pose a significant problem. Pumps also comes with solely external, internal or dual functions.

you can have a good quiet pump but if you hard plumb with lots or elbow and small diameter tube then the back pressure will cause it to hum too. Sometimes your cure could just be a simple rubber mat underneath the pump, like Kelmen described.

your system is just as unique as mine, so we or you won't know untill you try out the various remedies; single or a combination of.

But common sense will lead us to use the easiest method first (rubber mat) to the most over kill of re routing the piping and hook it up to a red dragon.

Durso are meant to be quiet if done properly. the water level inside the weir should be just around 3 inches lower than the display, preventing a noisy water fall sound. You can simply replace the standpipe to suit your height.

Durso also needs an air hole to breathe to prevent gargling sound.

ball park figure are around 7- 10 times turnover.

some that uses a refugium for the bulk of the nutrient export prefer slower turn over while others with powerful downdraft/Beckett prefer a high turnover, in par with thier skimmer turn over. The purpose is for a chance of maximum exposure of nutrients to be uptaken.

So again, your system could use a different requirement here.

hope that helps. :D

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  • SRC Member
Change the wife easier, just joking...

Aiya, you can't be sure of the outcome after the replacement leh.

Maybe the new one will even bang on your tank!


Mmm... I didn't claim that in-sump pump any better than outside one in terms of noise.

To put it simply, its the pump quality --- brand, used period.

As a bro pointed, the plumping can be the factor too.

As abou the noise of overflow, I used to have that problem too. After I attempt to workout a special durso from the RC, it help reduce the noise to very low, even I just half-done with the thing :P

I believe the noise is caused by the air in the overflow pipe rushing out.

So if you can work out a way that the pipe will always full of water, then no air gushing out noise liao.

You can try (on your own risk), try to block the outlet of the overflow, so to attempt make the water flow jam up as to fill up the pipe, and notice the noise. When its about time to "flood", let it go then see see.

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