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FOWLR ---4x1.5x1.5--- BRUNEI


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Fish N Chip restaurant,

Fisherman's Wharf,

Fremantle, Perth,

Western Australia.


Took this photo as a momento during my convocation holidays

this year before i leave Perth for good. Love to go back there

sometime in the future, maybe for my honeymoon. :lol:


A super long tank with linkas, batfish, trevally, chromis etc etc...



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  • SRC Member
bro, i dun think ur lights are strong enuff for the anemones.

as per ur post, u only have 60w of illumination. make sure ur anemones dun die on you, otherwise, tank could crash.


brunei..sorry to use ur tread...

dia...so wats' the recommended lighting for anessss..pls advise i'm using t5 now at 10k..2 whites and 2 blues....

Henry Tan


3x1.5x1.5 2.5x1x1.5


1xfire clown/ 1xyellow boxer

1xpercular/ 1xcoral beauty

1xboxer/ 2xfire shrimps

1xcoral beauty/ 2xfalse clowns

2xhawk fish/ 1xane crab

1xyellow tail damsel/ 2xcleaners

3xturbo snails


1xtomato clown

Set up.....

Sump - Done

DIY Cabinet - Done

DIY Overflow Pipe - Done

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brunei..... saw ur tank...pretty neat but just wondering why the water level is so low??? like ur two-island concept..i'm sending anothr tank and is going to be a two-isles too....

Henry Tan


3x1.5x1.5 2.5x1x1.5


1xfire clown/ 1xyellow boxer

1xpercular/ 1xcoral beauty

1xboxer/ 2xfire shrimps

1xcoral beauty/ 2xfalse clowns

2xhawk fish/ 1xane crab

1xyellow tail damsel/ 2xcleaners

3xturbo snails


1xtomato clown

Set up.....

Sump - Done

DIY Cabinet - Done

DIY Overflow Pipe - Done

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For a 6x2.5x2.5 tank,

1) Say i am going SPS only tank, would 4 x 400 Watts 20K MH be sufficient?

    (What's sort of lighting and 'K's does SPS craves?)

2) For such tank specs, what skimmer should i use?

    Can anyone suggest a good skimmer? A beckett perhaps?

    How much does one Beckett cost in SG?

3) What is a Calcium Reactor? Is it necessasary for SPS dominated tank?

    What brand and how much $ am i looking at?

Some pics would be nice.

Thanks for any replies.......

Hi Brunei

1) Go into the sps and advanced reefkeepers forum , take a look around on the light setups of others. You will see the different effects of kelvin bulbs too.

250w will suffice for tanks of 2ft depth, - as it is, with 4x 250w you will need a chiller.(this you can't avoid)

If you decide to go with 400w (4x 400w) + a 1hp Chiller + all the pumps you will run, you will most probably hit 2kw of electricity in an hour. (& there are 10-12hrs in a lighted day x 365 a yr)

2) Go for something as big as you can afford, then you won't need to upgrade which cost more in the long run. or run 2x smaller skimmers (rated for 4ft tanks).

*Keep less fishes! this helps a lot.

3) In a sps dominated tank, the uptake of calcium and carbonates are high - a calcium reactor makes life easier by providing a stable input of calcium&carbonates throughout the whole day. But if your uptake is higher than what your reactor can churn out you may have to adjust some of the parameters with a additive supplement and even with a reactor your parameters will slowly start to drift & needs to be adjusted. Just do your water testing on a regular basis & you will be able to catch the drift in parameters.

As i mentioned, it makes life easier and you just need to tweak levels (instead of daily feeding the tank additives)

roughly, 1/2/3 can seduce the wallet for abt $1.5k each.

regards :)

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Bro Bawater,

Firstly, thanks for the valuable information. It'll probably be begining of next year before i start on my new tank. Will need a lot of planning first. Just want to know as for Skimmer and Calcium Reactor, what brands would be best?

Judging from your experience with those gadgets, what do u recommend?




I bet u miss the chilli mussels at NorthBridge as well huh?

Not to mention "The Church" ? :upsidedown:

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The sps forum is a vault of information on what you seek, i'm just pointing you there :D .

Look at which method you want - beckett/needlewheel/venturi - then look at the brands. Becketts require a powerful pump (again adding to the electric bill, but if that's not an issue then they skim well ) You are limited to the various brands here in SRC,

Needlewheel skimmers are efficient - look at H&S or EuroReef. (the bigger models)

venturi.....not really for the tank size you are looking at.

Calcium reactor, you can check out ian's (i-aqua) in the sponsor's thread.

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Hi bros,

Some pics of my elusive little eel :)

I guess it's the aroma of pieces of prawns which i feed to my anemones

that lured the sensitive eel our from it's lair. I still have not been sucessful in identifying this species of eel yet. :unsure: I especially like to see when it

slithers between those live rocks like a serpent! I've also witnessed my Fire-Shrimp hanging around the eel's mouth and head. The eel seems unbothered.

What a pair they make. :lol: I also have another bigger eel of the same species

that polished off 4 of my Damsels already. It's in a 2 feet tank sentenced to solitary confinement now. In the pics here, the eel is trying to nip a piece of

prawn from the purple-tip anemone. It jerks back its head hard when one of the

anemone's tentacles touches its face. :lol:

Enjoy the pics.


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  • 2 months later...

An update 28th November 2005


Live-Stock as to date:

3 Blue Chromis

1 Clarki Clown Fish

1 Common False Percula Clown Fish

1 Naso Tang

1 Yellow Tang

1 Sail-Fin Tang

1 Unicorn Tang

1 Scopas Tang

1 Blue-Ring Angelfish

1 Dwarf Coral Beauty

1 Cleaner Shrimp



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Hi guys..

Been a while since i last posted.

The yellow tang still doesnt wan to eat. Duno how to entice it to eat.

(It's my 3rd YT. Previous 2 died. I'm real bad luck with YTs)

The Unicorn is a big-eater (Eating it's own waste product too)

Acquired the blue ring angel from a friend who owns a fish farm

just yesterday when i was fishing at his floating platform.

Their diet consist of: Frozen brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, blood worm,

Nori and Formula 2 pellets.


Any comments anyone?


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