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Pulsing Xenia colony for sale!


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  • SRC Member

hi there bros ettin, ozy, flamey, potomotrygon, and deadman, nicken, dt8666, dleecool, and clarkiiclown04

actually, i'm not really sure how much to charge which is why i asked for offers, as the xenias have been with me almost half a year now and have grown quite alot. i bought the colony at $20.

at present, highest bid is $20 by ozy, second bid being ettin at $15. so i'll set the selling price at $20 and the first person to confirm purchase gets it ya. ozy, pls kindly contact me at 9-028-4368 to confirm with me if youre buying the xenia, so that if you arent, i can put it back on offer.

pls note that to ensure that the xenias thrive, you will need to maintain appropriate water parameters, with ph from 8-8.3, dkh from 8-12, and with temps below 28C. problem with xenias is that they dont ship well, usually suffering from low oxygen yields during transit, so i will be packing them in a screw on container rather than bag.

collection is at blk 5, toh yi drive, near bukit timah plaza/king albert park macdonalds.

if anyone else is interested in small frags of my other colony, pls do pm me as the other colony that i'm keeping is due for fragging and pruning already.

thanks everyone,


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  • SRC Member

hi akahoshi,

the videos actually show three separate colonies, two of which are placed quite close so they appear as one, but all are on their separate acroporid staghorn bases placed in the sand.

ive sold one previously, and fragged the other two many times since, so i'm not really sure as to be able to point out which one in the video i'm selling- but the one i'm selling is definitely taller and more polyped than either in the videos.


hi all bros, ozy has reserved the xenia already, with ettin next in line should first buyer back out.

apologies for those who were interested- if anyone of you is interested in small frags of several polyps each from my other colony, pls do pm me, and i will frag accordingly.

cheers all, and thanks again.


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  • SRC Member

hi everyone, pls reply me in this thread from now on instead of pm k. sorry but mailbox really filling fast! :P

for all those that have contacted me for frags, pls note that youll have to wait a week to two wks time for my next fragging session as i'm only able to frag so much this time. so pls be patient ya.

cheers all!


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