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Unlucky days!!!!!!!!!!!&#3

Justiana Er

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  • SRC Member

Er..... how abt this...

Yesterday was at home doing some housechores..... Ya ya.... man do DO housechores........ I was mopping the floor when the mop breaks into 2 !! :evil:

Boh bian, went downstairs to get another mop. Came back to finished the undone chores. Guess wat !!! Brokt again !!! :evil::evil:

After housechores, drive out to pick wife. Along Woodlands Rd towards Bk Panjang, A stupid BMW make a illegal U-turn and nearly collided into me. Phew.... lucky I managed to jammed my brake hard enough to avoid a potential accident... Wat a day :fear::ph34r:

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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  lizard44 said:
drive a van like me ...

sure no one want to bang you one ...

bang a van, they feel insulted by the fact that they banged an inferior creature ... lor ...



hahahaha... :lol: that's true...

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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Hey Fishtalk1517,

Cheer up frend! The unlucky time/day is over! But tat BMW driver quite reckless leh! Wat car are u driving?

The other day there's this Nissan driver almost bang onto my car (he overtook me in a one lane)

Drove a small tiny little dirty yellow suzuki ignis nia lah.... If got bang by the BMW, God knows how much smaller my yellow would turn out ? :(

So Justiana Er, u have any unlucky ones to share with ? :P

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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  fishtalk1517 said:

Drove a small tiny little dirty yellow suzuki ignis nia lah.... If got bang by the BMW, God knows how much smaller my yellow would turn out ? :(

So Justiana Er, u have any unlucky ones to share with ? :P

:lol::lol: it probably reshaped it into beetles lookalike but even more smaller model.

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Alalmak..... clumsy hand f :sick: orgot to add my sentences......

it probably reshaped it into beetles lookalike but even more smaller model

It would be best if can reshaped into beettle :yeah: But guess might turn out to be like a tiny little HOUSEFLY ah :pinch:

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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  fishtalk1517 said:
Alalmak..... clumsy hand f :sick: orgot to add my sentences......


It would be best if can reshaped into beettle :yeah: But guess might turn out to be like a tiny little HOUSEFLY ah :pinch:

mini cooper instead... :lol::lol: my bad luck also got to do with driving.That happened couple of yrs back with my 6mths old trajet.

One morning woke up late,got to prepare for my class at 8am...rush here,rush there and then finally managed to leave the house.Stupid car wont start at all!!!!! battery got problem...already running late so called for a taxi.Taxi came to the wrong house and ended up waiting for 25mins for him to find my house.

FInally got to the school,just to find out,its holiday! NO CLASS!!!!!

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  Jaslyn said:
One morning woke up late,got to prepare for my class at 8am...rush here,rush there and then finally managed to leave the house.Stupid car wont start at all!!!!! battery got problem...already running late so called for a taxi.Taxi came to the wrong house and ended up waiting for 25mins for him to find my house.

FInally got to the school,just to find out,its holiday! NO CLASS!!!!!

this is the classic.. it should get the award of the yr.. winner.. hahaha :bow::bow::lol:

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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Talkinng abt van, I was real mad @ tis crazy van!

@ a turning pt. I'm turning right, he turning left. I turned half way he also turn! Almost bang on my car! I shun horn him & flash him. I got a shock out of my life tis Am on my way 2 breakfast b4 i go work!*&&^^^^

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hey YOU road bully,


you have things against van drivers ...

we van drivers got familee got pride too you know ...

we are so small, you so big ... you still expect to squeeze the last drop of the road for your use ... please lah

every second is important to us ... we make deliveries on a daily basis ... each time only 10 bucks.

we have to make many many trips per day ... so please spare us the thoughts ...

you only drive from home to work and then from work back to home ...

we not so talented as you ... study so well ...

we van drivers no tuck shit, doesn't mean you can bully us ...



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