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Angels reef safe...????

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  • SRC Member

hi Madz, just my two cents....

angels arent reef safe, and anecdotal experiences of them being reef safe are in the minority rather than majority of experiences. they'll nip at most corals and clams, oftentimes, not so much to actually eat apart the coral or clam, but this nipping activity invariably leads to the demise of the coral or clam as it prevents them from extending their tentacles or mantles to feed or photosynthesize.

also, many angels can spend months to years showing no signs of being a menace to corals only to suddenly start nipping at corals one day. furthermore, angels grow really large- adult size at more than one foot in length, so unless youve a large tank, try avoiding angels. maybe progress to them in the future or have a separate FOWLR as opposed to trying them in reefs.

this is.... unless you were planning to feed our angels a natural diet that includes some corals and sponges, like some members on RC do- that is, the reef corals are there for the benefit of the angel. in that case, reefsafeness would be less of a concern.

hope that helps


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  akahoshi said:
You can try the Lamarck's Angelfish and Swallowtail Angelfish, they are both reef-safe.

I can tell u now.. my Lamarcks was a real "@$*#($*(@"""

It sampled many corals - soooo much for them being reef safe..

Oh.. it was real agressive to other fish too.

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Dun know about your Larmark.

But pictures says a thousands words, I have a Female G.bellus and a Male G.watanabe in my 3ft mixed reef with a C.loriculus.

Its should be around 5 months liao. ;)


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Never witness any bullying to the smaller Centropyge

Never witness any direct pecking on any of my corals (SPS & LPS)

Never witness any direct pecking on my polychaete worms (Coco & Feather Dusters)

Never witness any direct pecking to my clams (T.maxima & T.crocea)


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  • SRC Member

Oh my word!! Those watanabei angels are simply gorgeous!! :yeah::yeah:

I cannot really vouch for the lamarck angel but i am very sure the swallowtail angel is reef-safe.. gonna get one soon!! :yeah: Ok, must start saving money first.. :whistle

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  akahoshi said:
Oh my word!! Those watanabei angels are simply gorgeous!! :yeah::yeah:

I cannot really vouch for the lamarck angel but i am very sure the swallowtail angel is reef-safe.. gonna get one soon!! :yeah: Ok, must start saving money first.. :whistle

Its about $80 for one nia.

Anyway, if you intersted, you have to drop by Sealife once a while to check on shipment.

From my limited knowledge, Sealife is one of the LFS that have good Watanbe.

Athough Watanabe is commonly found in the waters off Phillipines, Japan & Taiwan.

Most suffers from decompression sickness upon arrival due to improper collection technique. Thus not many LFS are confident that they will get good specimens.

Good luck bro! :peace:

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  flamey said:
sorry :off: but bro gouldian your pbt colouration is VERY nice! :shock: the face black black, the body colouration is awesome... is the colour like dat when u bought it or isit the food u feed? :D

Lots of factors, heard from some seniors that PBT colour is determined by:

1) Location where the fish is caught, some says Sri Lanka's PBT is more intense

2) Feed, most Angels require varied diet in order to get colouration

3) Captive evironment, if the PBT is place in bare tank, it will temporary losses it colour

HTH ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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  akahoshi said:
$80 for watanabe angel..

but what i looking for is swallowtail angel...

how much ah?

Hi Bro,

All Genicathus. sp are commonly known as swallowtails thus G. watanabe or G. Bellus etc are known as swallowtails.

Are your referring to the Genicanthus melanospilos? Some called it Zebra angel some called it the Japanese Swallowtail angel. See Link

They are commonly brought in but I am not sure of its price. :( If my memory serves me well, I think I saw it at ML and CF recently.

Anyway glad to know another brother interested in these beautiful fishes.

:off: Btw, AT recently took over Seamonkee's pair of G. watanabe! So we are not alone. :yeah:

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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  • SRC Member
  Gouldian said:

Lots of factors, heard from some seniors that PBT colour is determined by:

1) Location where the fish is caught, some says Sri Lanka's PBT is more intense

2) Feed, most Angels require varied diet in order to get colouration

3) Captive evironment, if the PBT is place in bare tank, it will temporary losses it colour

HTH ;)


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  akahoshi said:
Phew!! Finally.. an affordable reef-safe angel..

Thats next on my shopping list!!!

Good luck in finding your favourite fish. :D

Update us when its in your tank! :D

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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  • SRC Member
  Gouldian said:

Lots of factors, heard from some seniors that PBT colour is determined by:

1) Location where the fish is caught, some says Sri Lanka's PBT is more intense

2) Feed, most Angels require varied diet in order to get colouration

3) Captive evironment, if the PBT is place in bare tank, it will temporary losses it colour

HTH ;)

ok noted, must learn some tips, hope my PBT can be very very blue :P

GIve up liao!!!!!!!!!!!

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