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Min's 3rd SPS Experimental Trail


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  • SRC Member

Really wish to be in country where can get all those nice color SPSs cheap, wild selections, electronic fee CHEAP and of course GOOD INCOME to maintain 10x10x3' SPS tank and big house , so I can have 3 1,000G sump. One for refug, one for water change, one to quaritine fishes :D

In reality I am in Singapore, some more old town Hougang where Electronic Fee is HIGH, can't afford to run 2x400 MH.

Even the tank doesn't come with overflow, no cabinet, even lights have to DIY. Geez

After 2 SPS tank crashed, no money to spent end up buying browny SPS ( yes half of this tank are from browny ) . Miss all the SPS with nice colors, shapes and my MONEY........................... :(

After seeing all seniors reefer's SPS, my jaw drop and told my self, what I have in my SPS tanks are not compareable to those gems in their tanks.........

Should had save enough money and :kiss:

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

Moving to muslim law country would be difficult. Because I love to drink red wine :D Even though I have no special about meat.

This photo ( I managed to dip from my mobile phone ) was taken by my beloved daughter on 14 May 05, my last time rescaping. ( 32 hours of nonstop scaping )

Helping hand LOBSTER :)

Oh SBS is not in the picture :D


Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

was i sleeping at that time ? :o

btw very impressive tank , u can achive nice sps colours from brown to beautiful colours, seen it for myself, when using a macro skimmer.


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  • SRC Member


Yes, I would if I could. Than no beatle with BGA , GHA haahaa :D

Anyway, my two losses are nothing to do with proper equipments. Both are human mistakes.

Gardening SPS is not a joke. Proper equipments would ease a lot hard work and really admire all your equipment, really wish I could able to afford.


The stand has 3 running steel bar under main tank. So I believe should be able to wistand for a while unitl I upgrade or downgrade to no reef :D so far 1 year plus and still strong.


May be you hasn't came down yet lar.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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Weileong :D

I expected my CR to be arrived on time or a little bit late, I didn't dose any buffer since I was waiting CR. However CR was exterme late crossed CNY. I was out of town, come back left with Ca 200, Kh 1, bit tired and worry, so 10L gone. CR collected 5 days after 2nd crash, so its human error. :(

Actually, it was a great experience. Everything ( left only a few ) gone in 3 days. I didn't know that I can't do that at all. From that day, I read a lot about chemistry ( I failed my chemistry in highschool ) like 1 hr everyday.

Now, I am quite comfortable to talk about chemistry :D after paid high price.


Nice to see you back as well. Hope you could pick up back again , so can share knowledge.


I am waiting your visit to my house lay, haa haa.


Only half of the SPS in my tank were from browny ( stated in pictures ) or bit of color left when I get the time from Iwarna. The rest, yes I was like all of you, push here and there on day of arrival and paid arm and leg........ :whistle

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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I am waiting your visit to my house lay, haa haa.

Soon..Okie..No transport...staying so far away from me ..thu....call SBS-Transit to sent me frm BB Bus interchange all the way..hmm..

Will meet up some time and view your sps.. *with some containers* :P


Btw, why is your tempt so low??? the lower ,colour more issit? haha :lol:

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  • SRC Member


That time, I had nothing better to do, every day went to office nothing to do, so take nap in the car, night time can't sleep than start rubbish :D now time is different. Don't worry will start again.


Don't forget u have better than mime ") with plenty of gems.


My house temp is around 27. I went to east cost on a hot day and the water is very cold even though sun is really shinny and hot. So I guess, there must be colder in the sea where the corals are collected, their day temp should be around 26 and windy so ....... ( I may be wrong , diver can confirm that ).

Since I lower down temp to 24, start realize growing getting faster. I know calcification take place only @ higher temp. I even started a thread on SPS temp before. I can only say that every individual tank has different signature. So it could be reason.

Why did I choose 24, I love that # lar , so simple, since every1 @ 25-6 so a bit lower to different with others mah. I drove Audi cause I want to different from those who drive BMW and Merz.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

Mins, its great lookin! :o

Thats some amazing growth you have.

How long was all this, since Feb? I'm wondering if its attributed to the CR? Wat was growwth like when you manually doze... slower?

Also I'm not sure if its the white balance or jus to much exposure... the colours look a bit 'washed' out.. cud tis be also be due to the T5s... like they say, you get pastel colours. The colours are definitely there... and I'm sure it looks better in person. :)

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  • SRC Member


In mid week of July, I tried SUGAR method to kill BGA ( I knew it was a stupid idea, but it me just want to experiment ) . I did dose 1/2 tea spoon everyday for 10 days (In morning before lights are on ). I regreated it.

1st day, all SPSs show stress.

2nd day, all are still stressed.

3rd-5th day, start recovering, stagehon is the first one and milli is the last one to recover.

6-8th day, All SPS's color are really really beautiful. ( Sorry I didn't take, cause it was just a another experimental ) How beautiful I don't know, I can tell you it is 10 time beautiful than now. Especially in colors, Creamy, Red, Blue. These became exterme bright ( not to breaching color )

On 10th Day, on regual check notice.....

- my return pump is slow down a lot

- So Chiller kick in and out like every 5 mins

- Tested Water, Saltinity is below 1.018 ( before 1.026 )

- KH 4dKh, Ca 300, Mg < 1,000

- FR chocked

- Skimmer giving me some funny color ( TOO BLACK to be realistic )

Oh my god, all my SPSs are in first stage of breaching. All changing toward to Creamy to White based ( I learned this in my 2nd tank crash ).

So quickly, restoring Saltinity by pouring concerated Salt Mix.

Manual Kh buffer and Ca dosgages ( 6 hours a part )

Take out all the pumps and clean throughly. Ha you won't believe how dirty pumps could be. Clean thoughly all the flexible pipe, geez damn diry as well within 10 days.

After 3 days of damage control, most of my SPS gone to BROWNY. Yes, almost all of SPSs show stress and shifted color to brown.

By 5th day, I reach back to normal parameters and put back CR on track.

Since than all SPSs recover ( 3 weeks by now ) , however only 30-40% of previously ( I believe it's fastest they could go ) . So I wasted 3 months of my time in coloring up them.

Leasson learned, Sugar is definately no no, but zevoit yes ( because zevoit is based on sugar method but with more balanced )

Or it's human error, I should have dose less. ( Will try again, not going to give up )


There are two equipments I will not regreat buying. Those are my Tunze 6100 and Koralline 3001 CR.

When we dose manually, everything shotup within 1 hour ( even though we will try very slowly , in the sump so won't upset to much to main tank ), however with CR, it add slowly but surely.

Some of the color especially blue and purple are washed out. Could be due to background or exposure. Anyway, I am using cheap ( or worthless ) camera. So as I siad in first post, if pictures are not good enough as it is, than camera fault, otherwise my skills ( photographing, reefing is still in doubt :D )

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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That is caused by overdose and not knowing the proper way to dose, you should dose in very small amount and slowly increasing it while measuring for reduction in nutrients level, when nutrients level starts to drop then you must reduce the dosage already. You did not do that and hence up stressed all your lifestock.

Cheap methods can be effective but provided you dose carefully and correctly.

The very same thing happening to some ex-zeovit users, they dose and dose and without knowing what is going on they encountered overdose and that cause big problem yet zeovit gets the blame.

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  • SRC Member


Beacuse of you lar, post your zeovit thing so late, so I could not wait ;)

Totally agreed with you after all this, I should had started very small amount to let tank use to, increase slowly to maximum, steady for awhile ( All SPSs show their true colors ), reduce slowly than here we are. U have to give me access to all you equipments so I would have better result.hee hee :P

It's I am going to try soon, just let all SPSs color up a bit and grow.

I have no doubt zerovit is definately excellent ( I wanted to try out, but didn't reach to stage cause I became NOINCOME (nice word for being unemployed huh ) Person ). I believe in Chemistry is the solution to reefing than natureway to achieve very excellent result.

Patient, Observant, Learn, Discuss are the keys for SPS Gardening.............. B)

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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Bo pian, I can't post without trying it out first right? No experience how to talk? End up talk like "internet reefer" cos everything requoted from what they read from internet but actual experience is close to zero.

All these methods can be useful to you or can kill you so you really need to know what's going on.

Even the volka which is similar to the sugar method tells you to slowly up the dose and at the same time monitor the nutrients levels and when they start to drop reduce the dosage by 50% and so on. But then I still see from SRC got pple not advising the correct way to dose it and then after sometime I see that they feedback abt negative experience with whatever they are trying to do.

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  • SRC Member

List down all your equipments which I will have access to it for my next round of experimental trail ( SUGAR AGAIN ) :eyebrow:

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

Ah yea, don't be like that lar, friend friend can or not :D

Me broke mah.

So many things to upgrade, light, skimmer, chiller ...........

I know u have lot of gadget mah. Razak always tell me, u have this u have that...

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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