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When the tough get going?

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  • SRC Member

Guys just wanna share my view on the working enviroment now.

Recently during the economy downfall lots of things have happen such as retrenchments, wage cuts and etc. Recently I kind of look around me and in my view lot of my friends and even myself dun have much time to ourselves, it seems like our life is being control by the drive of making money.

Is this the way life in singapore is going to be? Sometimes when I think of it I feel sad, angry and hopeless. Cause we are constantly being driven to boost the economy. Sometimes I even neglected my own girlfriend just to boost business and even forget abt having fun. Time seems to be very short nowadays.

Is this what they call employers market? A brother of mine is gonna suffer from heart problem due to work stress. Who are we gonna blame? Employer? Goverment for implementing work reforms and cutting manpower?

Care to share your point of view?


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  • SRC Member

Yah, thats why you see long queue everywhere at the betting stations. Everyone hope to make a quick buck so that they can be out of the rat race sooner. But i feel that the more money you make, the more you spend....

I guess the drive of making money is due to the expectations and material wants of each individual person. It is the same everywhere (be it europe or whatever), the more material assets you want, the more money you need to make to sustain that want. End of the day, it is up to the choice of each individual to decide what he wants in life.

In singapore context, it seems that a person is deemed to be successful if he owns a car, condo, etc. I have friends who don't mind giving up weekly treats at restaurants so that they have more money to pay for their condo and bmw. They are so stretched that i'm wondering how will they cope if either one of them loses their job.

I think if they will not be so stressed out to make more money and much happier if they were to reduce their expectation by having a smaller car, house and probably a smaller marine tank :D

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  • SRC Member

high pay job=stress

Somemore, owning a big flat/condo is still expensive nowadays and force u to be in debt for many more yrs. (technically, it does not belongs to u when not fully paid up). We are constantly reminded that labour force is the most valuable asset in our small little country, and pleas were made not to retire early.

Ask yourself, are you a slave to materialism and had missed out so many wonderful things in this world? Once we are old and frail, we would not be able to do the things that we want anymore.

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  • SRC Member

Well well well, u work 4 $, everybody else. u need $ to keep life going.

I think Economy bad is just an excuse 4 d Co. 2 AXE people!

I joined a Co. less than half a year in year 2000. Pay is $500 more than my ex-Co. tat i had been there 4 7 yrs! They RETRENCHED me saying bad economy,want 2 cut cost. Y in the 1st place u employ me??


SHUIA loh wat else???????????????????

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  • SRC Member

What are singaporeans to do? to say? All that we can do is watch, wait and let it be cause being singaporeans I believe that all we can do is hope for the best?

Let the goverment decide? Let our bosses decide? Now every employee is just an expandable asset to them. Very sad, very sad indeed to those who lose their job, their morale and some even their families due to the downturn.

I still remember the phrase being said by our minister that time. "those who can spend do so as it can help boost the economy." My question is when the is already boosted who is it gonna benefit? Singaporeans or the goverment. Sometimes it is just useless cause our silent cries are often unheard.

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  • SRC Member

I feel that Singapore is getting too stress up. You can actually see it in our daily life. People rushing to work in the MRT. Talking business while walking along the road.

But what to do, If you dont work = no pay = no money = cannot pay installment, car loan, kids school fee, etc...

Maybe next time when I earn enough I would emigrate to another country which is less stressful. Dont think I can take it when I gets older.



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  • SRC Member

Thailand is a good place.. food is cheap, ppl are friendly.. Aus is too common already.. B)

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member

Getting older worries me too. I see the situation that you need to work pass your retirement age in order to support yourself. For now, just enjoy the hobby until it's time we have to say goodbye to the hobby.

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