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My 4ft from DSB to BB


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Bro, if you change to 3 X 250W lumenarch, you will have the same problem as me.. cos I'm also using the same chiller as yours. Running lumenarch reflectors will heat up the water real fast.

BTW, what's the temp u set on yr chiller ? 26-28 :huh:

Bro, I set it at 25-27 degree.

What do you think, adjust to 26-28?

I think, I will stick to my current mh fitting,

already broke................. :(

Maybe see what I get for year end bonus if any! <_<

Then will upgrade to luminarc and chiller. :yeah:

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would you mind posting a pict of the de lumiarcs in your hood? Thinking of installing one but not sure how it would obstruct access. Hope its not too much trouble.

Bro, lazy to take pics.... I jus draw a simple pic ;)

Tomorrow gotta service my chiller again... hope it helps to cool down the tank. If it cant, pocket broke again :cry2:


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  • SRC Member
nice...wished I have a great scape like yours... :lol:

Great tank

Hey DB, long time no c. How's yr tank doing... :huh:

BTW, while cleaning return pump this morning, broke the shaft of my 2nd return pump Quietone6000. This evening turn on the 3 X MH, surprise that the chiller able to maintain the heat load.

I was thinking whether to fix it up and run it back to the tank, right now using only 1 eheim 1262. Is 1 X 1262 sufficient ?

Some opinion please guys.

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Hey DB, long time no c. How's yr tank doing... :huh:

I was thinking whether to fix it up and run it back to the tank, right now using only 1 eheim 1262. Is 1 X 1262 sufficient ?

Some opinion please guys.

yup..been a while....just went Iwarna for a look today..

actually passing by, was bringing my girl to see some puppies and kittenss at ericsson pet farm.....

My tank is on auto run...acros are doing so so without great colours as I havent pay attention to the water qualities for a while...lol..

Luckily Joe's skimmer is a work horse.....w/o ReefManiacs' skimmer...I'll be in big trouble than some brown out acros... :lol:

Will try to get a Phos reactor running soon to lower the phos level...been procrastinating on that...:P

Regarding the pump..drilling a outlet is not a huge problem...you can replace the sump if you want to as well... it does help a lot if your pumps are running out of the sump...(Wei Leong is right) :lol:

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  • SRC Member
yup..been a while....just went Iwarna for a look today..

actually passing by, was bringing my girl to see some puppies and kittenss at ericsson pet farm.....

My tank is on auto run...acros are doing so so without great colours as I havent pay attention to the water qualities for a while...lol..

Luckily Joe's skimmer is a work horse.....w/o ReefManiacs' skimmer...I'll be in big trouble than some brown out acros... :lol:

Will try to get a Phos reactor running soon to lower the phos level...been procrastinating on that...:P

Regarding the pump..drilling a outlet is not a huge problem...you can replace the sump if you want to as well... it does help a lot if your pumps are running out of the sump...(Wei Leong is right) :lol:

wow... good daddy, u thinking of getting a pet for her ? I suggest u teach her reefing instead :lol:

yr tank always give me inspiration... remember last time my LPS tank.. also follow yr rescape ...hahahaha, cos I like "jam packed" tank ;) But u havent teach me how u place yr mixed reef (hardly see any rock space and sand) :D

I wonder how much heat loss will there be, I wonder if there's a calculation for that. Cos, If I fix up the Quietone and if the chiller cant support, I'll likely go for a better chiller.... $ not easy to earn leh

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  • SRC Member
Wuhoo chio chio BB sps tank..... ;)

BRo now you need one center piece fish like an AT to complete the tank look :lol:

Seriously I like angels more than tangs (maybe becos tang poo alot) :lol: , recently bought 1 potteri angel, put into tank 1 day up lorry liao... I have 2 angels in my tank now, flame back and flame. They both gang rape the potteri... end up :cry2:

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