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Eheim & Rio Hyper flow


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Hi Guysxz.

I need some suggestions here as i am confussed on which return pump is better in terms of less consumtion of electric over high capacity and of course, price wise.

Have thought of using either 1 of these brands for my return pump. Head loss will be ard 2feet and my tank is 2.5 by 1.5 by 2 feet.

Which pump is in the catergoery of the above ________ ?


Btw, any one have capacity and everything abt the rio Hyperflow Chart.Dont mind post it here?


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  • SRC Member

electricity vs price definitely rio hyperflow will win over eheim for its low wattage and higher pump flow.

eheim 50w can yield 2280l/hr

rio 60w can yield 4000 odd l/hr

but as for reliability wise, eheim is top notch.

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  prec said:
electricity vs price definitely rio hyperflow will win over eheim for its low wattage and higher pump flow.

eheim 50w can yield 2280l/hr

rio 60w can yield 4000 odd l/hr

but as for reliability wise, eheim is top notch.

Thanks :thanks:

yeah, thats why now dont know which to choose...

hmm,ehiem is a consideration for years down the road.every part is serviceable.

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  • SRC Member

sorry bro....my 4ft by 2.5ft by 2ft use which model is prefered?

RIO and Ehiem.

Btw, i am using a china brand pump and i believe due to its heat dissipation, it cos my temp to raise from 29 to 32.

Will using RIO or Ehiem reduce the deficit?

Thank you.

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i'm using Ehiem 1260 for only 1 month. there's a low humming sound from the pump, any way to reduce it?

i'm new to this, not sure if this sound is the lowest, but still can hear something. Is it possible to reduce till non audioable?

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  • SRC Member
you might probably be aware that there are some threads here that mention the Rio are noisy, but none for a Ehiem.

i'm using Ehiem 1260 for only 1 month. there's a low humming sound from the pump, any way to reduce it?

well..., at least this just a low humming sound :D

the first simple thing you can do is put a rubber mat underneath the pump. The second thing is if its hard plumb, you can cut a section near the output and insert a soft plumb (PVC hose) there. The last concern is if the piping is of smaller diameter piping, elbows and height can put considerable back pressure to the pump. Thus causing the humming sound.

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i did place a rubber mat.

hard plumb? -- maybe, it is a hard pipe, will try to change that tonight see it help (good idea)

smaller diameter? Not really but got at least 3 elbows


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  • SRC Member
  tineng said:
all 3 of my rio have their shaft broken after some time.....:(

can't seem to find replacement for them, i suspect if i had gone with eheim would have saved the cost.....

you mean can't get the part from local agent?



If they are not going to stock parts, we may need to provide constructive feedback to the vendor.

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