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Whatever happened to my five footer...


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  • SRC Member
if i am not wrong they need soft water and low ph ??

very nice setup ..

hee was thinking u might go into planted tanks instead

Bro hammy - thanks for the compliments....

Bro djviper - Nope... Tanganyikan needs hard water (pH 8.3 - 9.0).... My sump tank is filled with so much coral chips... which I used as buffer... Now I add bicarbonate and epsom salt as additives... still looking for seachem cichlid buffer...

Bro Rocks - thanks for the offer... but I am a bit worried of adding too many granite rocks.... there is already about 140kg+++ in my tank... Though my tank has 12mm glass and is supported by chenggai base, I am still sceptical... In fact, I dun have any rock dwelling fishes (such as calvus)... so I think should be ok... foais and leptosomas are open water fishes... as for my occellatus, well, they live in shells... I agreed with bro fuel, their behaviour is interesting!

Bro fuel - I did went to H2O in Kembangan once when I was starting my cichlid tank... it is deep in the private estate right, some walk from the MRT? But it closed leh? Dunno whether close for good or just happen that day? Called no one pick up leh for a few days liao so I gave up trying there...

Bro Ancelot - I did considered the tropheus, but as what bro fuel mentioned, I gave it a pass because of its specific dietary habits (vege?) and its aggressive nature... my understanding is that it would have to be a species-tank only...

Bro fuel - btw, what is dropsy?

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  • SRC Member
dropsy is a infection of the fish whereby body fluids starts to accumulate and the body begins to swell, and swells so much that the scales begin to stand out like pine cones....fish also loses boyancy...

supposedly incurable...

just my 2 cents :peace::peace:

btw...nice tank...rock work almost similar to your marine tank eh :lol:

the colours of cichilids are the closet u can get when compared to marine...nice tank!

Thanks for sharing.. I found out more on the web...

Rockscape almost the same as marine... this is because my tank is two view (from front and right side)...

So a slope is still the best option in design...

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