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The real cleaner shrimps?


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From the Lysmata group: L.amboinensis, L.debelius, L.californica, L.grabhami, L.seticaudata.

From the Stenopus group: S.hispidus, S.scutellatus, S.pyrsonotus.

Was quite surprised S.tenuirostris and S.cyanoscelis (both common in Sg marine trade) were not listed as fish cleaners. S.pyrsonotus, although still stated as rare, is not a deep water species as I thought..even S.hispidus can be found in greater depths.

Reference for those who want to know more (I don't have a soft copy unfortunately).

Calado, R., Lin., J., Rhyne, A.L., Araújo, R., Narciso, L., 2003. Marine ornamental decapods – Popular, pricey, and poorly studied. Journal of Crustacean Biology 23, 963-973.

Always something more important than fish.


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hi alfaromeo,

bro fuel is explaining the main shrimp families that perform some degree of cleaning (not all are obligate cleaners)

Lysmata amboinensis= skunk (or white striped) cleaner shrimp (Indo)

L.debelius= scarlet or blood cleaner shrimp

L.californica= catalina cleaner shrimp

L.grabhami= skunk (or white striped) cleaner shrimp (atlantic)

L.seticaudata= this is the shrimp that looks like a more red peppermint shrimp i think, but dont htink ive seen it in local lfs before

the stenopus shrimps are the coral-banded or boxer shrimps that are really common in lfs.

links to a quickguide qith pics on these shrimps from WWM




bro fuel, do the Periclimenes holthusi and pedersoni also perform some cleaning functions? and i was talking to henry just yesterday and he mentioned that he's seen his "yellow arrow shrimp" performing cleaning too. do you know the scientific name of the yellow arrow?



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Most shrimps play a cleaning role in the eco-system. Some will ride on sea urchins, sea stars, even cukes.

I have seen tiny transparent shrimps hopping onto fishies in my dives and I have no idea what species these are!

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Thanks for the clarification iantoh..nice black-cap basslet. ;) Think you mean Periclimenes holthuisi? :) Anyway according to this paper they indicated that all Periclimenes are associated with invertebrates. However from a hobbyist point of view I have my doubts as I've seen certain cleaning behavior from these shrimp. Maybe the cleaning function is only a secondary function and thus ignored in the paper. Even for S.tenuirostris, I did swear I observed it "cleaning" my algae blenny. Guess you'll have to believe what you see at times.

As for the yellow arrow shrimp I have'nt found the scientific name for it exactly. It's in the same genus as the red spotted shrimp. Both are labelled Urocaridella sp 1 and 2 respectively in some websites. However, recent literature seems to have given the red spotted shrimp the scientific name Urocaridella antonbruunii. As for the yellow arrow, I have'nt been able to find its scientific name even after so many searches. Guess literature is real scarce on this genus. Anyway, the yellow arrow performs cleaning functions better compared to Lysmata sp. or Stenopus sp. That's just my personal observation. They remain hardworking..unlike the latter species which tend to get lazy once they hit maturity.

Always something more important than fish.


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hi bro AT and Fuel, thanks for the explanations.

fuel, as for my black cap, hahahha. i dont have one la! ive been waiting some five months now to add one as i planned my tank to house it, but ive been either broke when lck brought some in, or theyre out of stock other times. so, still waiting... ;)

really agree with you that personal experience is the best guide; the literature is impt, but not definitive, and it itself is shaped by experiences. thanks for sharing with your cleaning observations of the yellow arrow- i'm waiting to get one of those too. hahha.



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thanks for sharing with your cleaning observations of the yellow arrow- i'm waiting to get one of those too. hahha.



Such an awesome shrimp..why get 1? Get 10. :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have been doing some searching. So far I found that Urocaridella a.k.a glass shrimps/arrow shrimps got 4 species. Might be more but literature is really scarce..


The site also has pics of many marine shrimps and crabs in the aquarium trade. Man...I just love japanese sites.. :upsidedown: All shrimp lovers unite! :lol:

Always something more important than fish.


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hey bro fuel,

cool site! thanks for sharing the info. i got one yellow arrow today- and going to get another come monday.

the jap sites are superb i think, just the language problem in the way. like that jap reefer yusuhiro or something whos got this spot-light MH lighting system and gets no coralline algae issues whilst getting phenomenal sps growth. check it out ya guys- http://www.reefaqua.com/



ps: fuel, have you got a good translating software to convert the jap or do you understand jap?

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hey bro fuel,

cool site! thanks for sharing the info. i got one yellow arrow today- and going to get another come monday.

the jap sites are superb i think, just the language problem in the way. like that jap reefer yusuhiro or something whos got this spot-light MH lighting system and gets no coralline algae issues whilst getting phenomenal sps growth. check it out ya guys- http://www.reefaqua.com/



ps: fuel, have you got a good translating software to convert the jap or do you understand jap?

Hmmm...I dont understand Jap..only look at it for species identification. Once I get the species name the rest of the info should be easy to find from other sources. :D

Always something more important than fish.


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