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Calling all FrogFish LOVERS :D

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hmmm...don't know if this question sounds wierd but is there anything that you can feed to ya froggies that can enhance their coloration?

hmmm to my experience, when fed with ghost shrimp .. the colour seems to fade after some time .. but when feed wif marine feeds.. the colour sort of remains unchange but the water paremeter do plays a pert too.. not forgetting the PH.. SG level :D

btw the nirtate tooo :peace:

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hmmm to my experience, when fed with ghost shrimp .. the colour seems to fade after some time .. but when feed wif marine feeds.. the colour sort of remains unchange but the water paremeter do plays a pert too.. not forgetting the PH.. SG level :D

btw the nirtate tooo :peace:

so baring the parameters, it would be better to feed them saltwater feeders rather than fresh water ones?

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hey all..just gotten a new froggy today...note the lil orange dots...haha...

now in my quarantine tank...

a question to the experts though...he seems to like to float on the surface and swim ard...not like the rest whom would settle down hiding behind a rock or something...why this behaviour or did i get myself a sick fish?


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  • SRC Member

I'm quite new to frogfish too but my very 1st frogfish did exactly the same thing, floating and hovering near the surface... but after 1 day it settled down on the sandbed and its now hopping ard the tank :D

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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  • SRC Member
hey all..just gotten a new froggy today...note the lil orange dots...haha...

now in my quarantine tank...

a question to the experts though...he seems to like to float on the surface and swim ard...not like the rest whom would settle down hiding behind a rock or something...why this behaviour or did i get myself a sick fish?

Hi :D nice black one u have there :D

is it angler or warty ?... seems like n angler .. :D more pics :D:P

hmmm ther could be a few possibility for ur question..

1) just getting new to the tank.. checking things out :D

2) have air inside , this can kill..

3) well stress up :D

hope all the best :D:P

cheers :P

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Hi :D nice black one u have there :D

is it angler or warty ?... seems like n angler .. :D more pics :D:P

hmmm ther could be a few possibility for ur question..

1) just getting new to the tank.. checking things out :D

2) have air inside , this can kill..

3) well stress up :D

hope all the best :D:P

cheers :P

thanks...i really dunno is angler or warty leh...whats the diff??? to me all seems the same...

yeah kinda scared its air...heard they cannot be lift out of the water even for bagging at the LFS...else will bloat up or something...

well latest is that it kinda settled down in the qurantine tank liao...on the side near the water surface...hopefully all will be well...

pics to come...lights off liao...take again tomorrow...=)

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  • SRC Member

Can ID if mine's a warty or angler?

A pic of it when it first came back and hovering ard :P


“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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  • SRC Member

Thank you...

hmm....then i think its should be a warty...it doesn't look as hairy as an angler...hmmm then again i maybe wrong...

but heck...it still damn cute...haha...

hmm if i not wrong it is a @@#@@... i forget the name.. bro shawn.. wat is that name called ?

it is not a warty :D cos

1) the body length ratio

2) the Fin pattern

3) the lenght of the rod and lure


Lester :fear:

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hey news update...i jus bought ey froggy :yeah: ....if im nt wrong mine is the Antennarius striatus,man it was nice n becoz of its features i decide to name my first froggy HYDRA :eyebrow: .....hahahha jus love to c it on my tank oni for him/her... :lol:

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  • SRC Member

this is a warty :D

ok got it bro... so those at Aquamarin are warty lar? Nice specimens... might go get a few later haha

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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