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Calling all FrogFish LOVERS :D

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cool..thanks! cant remember the names now..anyway just a question to ask. are the spines venomous like those of the lionfish?
which spine bro? :eyeblur: u mean on top of its head one?nope tats for luring the froggy prey hehehe :D
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no not the lure..those behind it. anyway what's a good beginner frogfish? and what do you feed them? i intend to feed them live glass shrimps. comments?
tat one u must ask Bro Lester...hahahha im in the same boat as u bro hahahah
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  NavIgatoR said:
Bro Lester...sure no prob so we r having T shirt first rite...ok...as for the logo pic i choose the black colour one :D

hi bro :D

yap ..t-shirts first :D hehe you voted for the pic liao ??? :P

i guess the logo will be black one since it is on a black t-shirt :)

cheers :D

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i still dun have a frog. :(

300 Gallon Reef Paradise

6X2.5X2.5 FT Tank : 4x2x2 ft sump : 2x1x2 ft refugim

Skimmer: Deltec AP851

Calcium Reactor:

Lightings: Aqualight T5 Retrofit, 150 watt MH X2

Chiller: Hailea HC-500A model w/ Aquabee 2000

Ozonizer: Hailea HLO-300 Digital ozonizer

Wavemaker: Tunze 6080, Tunze 6060

Return Pumps: Aquabee 5000 x2

Other equipments: Aquabee 2000, Quietone 1200, 5L Co2 Cylinder w/ Dupla regulator

American Marine Wireless Thermometer

Reefing is a dedication, not a competition.

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  NavIgatoR said:
tat one u must ask Bro Lester...hahahha im in the same boat as u bro hahahah

ok ... hmmm IMO.. for beginners..

1) to get a proper tank with proper setup and let the tank cycle :) ( not toomany in a single tank!!! they are massive shitters )

2) try not to get into veri expensive frogfish like warty etc etc.. but get an angler first which cost a few dollars.. to get experience first

3) study their behaviour and characters and at the same time get used to the setup u are having.. like maintaining correct water paremeters, proper skimate etc etc..

4) feeding ..start off with live food like chromis , damsels or ghost shrimps( not for long term cos lots of fats, ok for now and then ) and slowly wean it to forzens.. it will be more troubles free.........

5) a good size will be around 2.5in~3in to start off with for begineers..

6) IMO when comes to lighting... they dun reali like veri bright lights ... FL shall be ok ...

7) rem lastly not to overfeed...!! for me one feeding every 3to 4 days

the above are based on my own experience.. i believe there are more advises too.. :) hehe take it at ur own risk :P

hopes it helps

cheers :D

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Dear all frog lovers,

i need your advice on the resetting of my tank. I currently have a 6ft tank. used to be a coral tank until a mishap happened. most of my corals are dead and my tank looks like a scene in titantic. i gonna throw all my live rocks and sand bed away. however, i need help in setting up my tank. i used to have a few frogsfish in my tank until they got too big and started to eat my purple tangs. i gave them away in the end.

as my start up was done by professionals. i was basically manintaining it . After running thur this forum, the pics here triggered my love for frogfish again....

looking forward to ur help.... thanxxx :rolleyes:

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  yellowfin tuna said:
however, i need help in setting up my tank. i used to have a few frogsfish in my tank until they got too big and started to eat my purple tangs. i gave them away in the end.

eating purple tangs!!! :o how big is it man.. expensive meal also...

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  Lester said:
4) feeding ..start off with live food like chromis , damsels or ghost shrimps( not for long term cos lots of fats, ok for now and then ) and slowly wean it to forzens.. it will be more troubles free.........

can also consider those bait fish in the fishing tackle shops.

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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i still dun have a frog. 
I also don hav a frogfish...hahah still learning from the old bird here on hw to keep them...so when i hav them it would be much easier to look after them heheh :lol::heh:
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  yellowfin tuna said:
Dear all frog lovers,

i need your advice on the resetting of my tank. I currently have a 6ft tank. used to be a coral tank until a mishap happened. most of my corals are dead and my tank looks like a scene in titantic. i gonna throw all my live rocks and sand bed away. however, i need help in setting up my tank. i used to have a few frogsfish in my tank until they got too big and started to eat my purple tangs. i gave them away in the end.

as my start up was done by professionals. i was basically manintaining it . After running thur this forum, the pics here triggered my love for frogfish again....

looking forward to ur help.... thanxxx :rolleyes:

hi.. welcome to SRC .. :)

great to know another frogfish lover :) kekeke

maybe u would like to intro urself more and let the members here knows u better and wat u intend to do with ur tank:D and type of frogfish you would like to keep :D.

i believe lots of bros here would be more willing to help .. hehe

no problem just voice out :D

btw.. there is a vote going on to vote for the best t-shirt design for frogfish lovers :D.. going to have our own t-shirt :) do take a little of ur time voting k ... :)

cheers :)

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  NavIgatoR said:
Hmmm i think with lionfish cn if about the same size...correct me if im wrong...about the others im nt sure yet hmmmm :)

hi :D

the two can't be mixed together... the frogfish will take the lion fish for lunch ....

as the frogfish can sollow it prey up to 1.5 times it size ...

i lost one lion to my yellow froggie a veri long time again :(

hope it helps :D

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hi lester and all,,,

thanks for the warm welcome.... i started having my marine tank abt one and half yr ago... only 3 mths ago,,, my chiller broke down and boy,, the repair sure took a long time to replace my spolit parts,,, thats how my coral tank went down,,,,

currently i have only two fish left,, the rest i have gave away.. as these 2 fish (one purple tang and one blue tang) has been with me since the start my tank,,, i thought of keeping them til i restart my whole marine system,,, any idea how to keep them while i reset my tank..

and lastly,,, the frog fish (5 inches) whack my purple tang in front of my eyes.... saw my tang swam past him and got whacked .... :sick:

anyway... i really need the basic help... like when i empty the tank... how much sand and what type of sand to put in... water... mixture... :cry2:

dun reali know whether my live rocks can be used... cos the rock is covered with green algae..


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  yellowfin tuna said:
hi lester and all,,,

thanks for the warm welcome.... i started having my marine tank abt one and half yr ago... only 3 mths ago,,, my chiller broke down and boy,, the repair sure took a long time to replace my spolit parts,,, thats how my coral tank went down,,,,

currently i have only two fish left,, the rest i have gave away.. as these 2 fish (one purple tang and one blue tang) has been with me since the start my tank,,, i thought of keeping them til i restart my whole marine system,,, any idea how to keep them while i reset my tank..

and lastly,,, the frog fish (5 inches) whack my purple tang in front of my eyes.... saw my tang swam past him and got whacked .... :sick:

anyway... i really need the basic help... like when i empty the tank... how much sand and what type of sand to put in... water... mixture... :cry2:

dun reali know whether my live rocks can be used... cos the rock is covered with green algae..


hi bro :D

hi lester and all,,,

thanks for the warm welcome.... i started having my marine tank abt one and half yr ago... only 3 mths ago,,, my chiller broke down and boy,, the repair sure took a long time to replace my spolit parts,,, thats how my coral tank went down,,,,

veri sorry to hear ...i know the feeling ......but never give up :D

currently i have only two fish left,, the rest i have gave away.. as these 2 fish (one purple tang and one blue tang) has been with me since the start my tank,,, i thought of keeping them til i restart my whole marine system,,, any idea how to keep them while i reset my tank..

ok.... firstly u need to ask urself.. the tank when re setup... wat are u going to keep ? reef tank? fowlr? or frogfish tank ..? IMO.. i normally will keep them in a small tank first when i rescape my tank or re setup.. but only for temp.. :P

depending on ur tangs size.. i believe a normal 2 feet tank shall be no problem wif a over head filter running .. shall be able to last a few days .. :D

and lastly,,, the frog fish (5 inches) whack my purple tang in front of my eyes.... saw my tang swam past him and got whacked .... :sick:

anyway... i really need the basic help... like when i empty the tank... how much sand and what type of sand to put in... water... mixture... :cry2:

dun reali know whether my live rocks can be used... cos the rock is covered with green algae..

for sand.. is quite easy.. u going for DSB ? 6ft tank with DSB.hmm quite alot i think :P grade 0 or 1 sand

for salt water.. hmm either u can go for premix salt or nsw... :D

for mixture... sorry not reali sure wat u meant by that .......

for ur LR...... actually there are quite alot of ways to do with it .. for me i would just dip in fresh water .. let it die.. srub it off... and reuse it .cos the dead rocks after some time when placed in re setup tank will live again.. some would suggust using of p04 remover.. reduce light time etc etc ...

hope the above helps ...........


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i am getting my first two frogs in a couple more days.

Just have a few questions. . sld i put in my main tank sump or my fowlr tank sump.

Main tank temp : 26 degres to 27 degrees

Fowlr tank temp: 29 degrees to 30 degrees

300 Gallon Reef Paradise

6X2.5X2.5 FT Tank : 4x2x2 ft sump : 2x1x2 ft refugim

Skimmer: Deltec AP851

Calcium Reactor:

Lightings: Aqualight T5 Retrofit, 150 watt MH X2

Chiller: Hailea HC-500A model w/ Aquabee 2000

Ozonizer: Hailea HLO-300 Digital ozonizer

Wavemaker: Tunze 6080, Tunze 6060

Return Pumps: Aquabee 5000 x2

Other equipments: Aquabee 2000, Quietone 1200, 5L Co2 Cylinder w/ Dupla regulator

American Marine Wireless Thermometer

Reefing is a dedication, not a competition.

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  acidjazz said:
i am getting my first two frogs in a couple more days.

Just have a few questions. . sld i put in my main tank sump or my fowlr tank sump.

Main tank temp : 26 degres to 27 degrees

Fowlr tank temp: 29 degrees to 30 degrees

hi bro :D

so i see u got the fishes :D congrats hehe

imo.. ur reef tank sump would be better ... not due to temp but higher flow rate compare to ur fowlr sump/regium design ..... :D

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