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Clown tang

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  • SRC Member

Hi bro n sis... :D

Anybody keeping clown tang???

Like to noe if it is aggressive towards other fishes anot beside TANGS???

Currently i have,salfin,yellow tang,firefish n flame angel...Thinking of adding a small clown tang in.Will it chase or bully my firefish n flame angel... :erm:


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  • SRC Member

Remember to burn incense paper next year this time for your clown tang. :lol::lol:


You have the family of trio zebrasoma. Aggression to my knowlegde as I kept them before. YT, ST and PT. Never being successful in introducing any other tang except AT into my tank after them. My YT and ST like to tag team to kill any tangs that are smaller then them.

Size of my tangs then

ST ~ 3.5"

YT ~ 4"

PT ~ 3.5"




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  • SRC Member
Remember to burn incense paper next year this time for your clown tang. :lol::lol:


You have the family of trio zebrasoma. Aggression to my knowlegde as I kept them before. YT, ST and PT. Never being successful in introducing any other tang except AT into my tank after them. My YT and ST like to tag team to kill any tangs that are smaller then them.

Size of my tangs then

ST ~ 3.5"

YT ~ 4"

PT ~ 3.5"

Wow.....u have apair of WWF tag team champion....kekeke..... :D

Was thinking if clown tang is aggressive so shldnt have any prob in adding it in as it will protect itself.... huh.....

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  • SRC Member

Wow.....u have apair of WWF tag team champion....kekeke..... :D

Was thinking if clown tang is aggressive so shldnt have any prob in adding it in as it will protect itself.... huh.....

You are right to say clown tang is aggressive but as they're new to the your tank thus they will be timid as a mouse. That's when your resident zebrasoma will take the change.




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  • SRC Member


:thanks: 4 d info.

Anyway, anybdy kip this clown tang b4? :P

I noe tat All d tangs in my tank will start fighting with each other but will this Clown Tang ATTACK my Flame Angel & Fire Fishes?:) Tat is my REAL MAIN CONCERN nw! Ha Ha... :P


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  • SRC Member

im keeping a clown tang in my tank

its resident PT did not kill it..

i think u should isolate your new fish first in a smaller tank submerge inside your main tank for them to "get to know each other better"

when they get use of seeing it..they will know that they meant no harm and they "come in peace"

or if your tank has limited place...try the mirror method..

it works perfectly for me =)

i didnt know that the clown tang was an expert fish at first..lol..

but with good husbandry..it is still surviving in my tank for around a month already

it will grow into only 3inches though as an adult..

it is a very active tang that will swim about day or night...

its colours make a marvellous addition to the tank

after adding 10 chromises into the tank..

it didnt attack any of them even though they are smaller


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  • SRC Member
Hi bro n sis... :D

Anybody keeping clown tang???

Like to noe if it is aggressive towards other fishes anot beside TANGS???

Currently i have,salfin,yellow tang,firefish n flame angel...Thinking of adding a small clown tang in.Will it chase or bully my firefish n flame angel... :erm:


Hi Marble,

May i ask what is the size of your tank?


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  • SRC Member

Hi stabilo

So :cry2: tat yr PT kills yr coral beauty. So far my PT & Coral Beauty has been living 2gether peacefully. Mayb d reason is my coral beauty is also quite big in size liao. Ha Ha. Nw I have a partition 2 d tank where I put d clown Tang with d PT & Coral Beauty. Let it get used 2 d tank 1st and later take out d partition 2 meet its nw friends PT & coral beauty. Ha Ha... :P

4 d mirror method, just hang a mirror facing d tang and it w start 2 shw off its anger by opening its fins big big and it wun chase d other tangs liao as it is busy fighting itself when its image mirrored at d mirror. Ha Ha...Gd Luck! ;)

Hi Jem

Tks 4 d info! 4 d Tangs, I also use d mirror method and it does wk 4 my YT & PT. Hee Hee.

Hi Rocks

My tank is 3ft by 1.5(width) by 2(Height). Y leh?

:thanks: a lot bros! ;)

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  • SRC Member
Hi Rocks

My tank is 3ft by 1.5(width) by 2(Height). Y leh?

:thanks: a lot bros! ;)


was just wondering is there a concern on the size of the tank as to how many tangs can be kept...

was asking myself this question for some time now.. :D


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  • SRC Member

Hi Rocks!

My main tank onli have 1 YT & 1 ST. My PT, CT & 2 small BTs r still in Quarantine tank. Ha Ha. Actually, d nw occupants r CT & d 2 small BTs. My PT has been with me 4 abt a yr liao but it kills a lot of my fishes eg. fire fishes & lots more so bo pian have 2 catch it and put it d last fish in after my main tank is stable liao. Ha Ha. ;)

Hopefully my wish 2 have all d tangs live happily 2gether. Ha Ha...Wish me luck! :lol:

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  • SRC Member

How big is your tank and your current setup? Don't worry Tang Police resign already so no one will penalize you.


Its 3by 1.5 by 2ft.....

Not keeping any corals...

Onli fishes n invert like 2*cleaner n 2*fire shrimp,2*hermit crabs,1*anemone,2*coco worm n 8*feather dust.

Clown tang is e 2nd last fish that i hope to put in b4 i try putting bk my PT.If e PT still cant get along with e rest of e fishes,then i will sell it away lor :cry2: .Its getting bigger n bigger liao...Think ard 3.5in liao.....Dammn healthy guy...As gone though alot of iches liao n it always win e battle without any medi,jzt feeding him garlic mix fd will do e trick.... :D

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  • SRC Member
:D As for e 2*tiny blue tang(20cent coin size).Its too beautiful n cute for me to resist buying....noe tat its a ich king so will be keeping it in my QT untill it grow bigger n free fm ich(wic is quite tough)...Tink now due to ich, its rubbing itself on e LR untill some of its skin peel off liao...Sigh :( dun noe whether it will pull though aot???) :(
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  • SRC Member
Hi Rocks!

My main tank onli have 1 YT & 1 ST. My PT, CT & 2 small BTs r still in Quarantine tank. Ha Ha. Actually, d nw occupants r CT & d 2 small BTs. My PT has been with me 4 abt a yr liao but it kills a lot of my fishes eg. fire fishes & lots more so bo pian have 2 catch it and put it d last fish in after my main tank is stable liao. Ha Ha. ;)

Hopefully my wish 2 have all d tangs live happily 2gether. Ha Ha...Wish me luck! :lol:


Just sharing my thoughts ... hope you are not offended...

Purple Tangs are aggressive (IMO) and Yellow Tangs are no easy push-over also.. :lol: housing them together i guess need to give them some "personal space" to feel secure. I suspect that your Purple felt in-secure (stressed) with other fishes, especially those with similar body shape or colour as the Purple that's why it is hostile toward other fishes.

As such my concern is housing YT, ST, PT, CT and 2 small BT, all 6 Tangs together in a 3 x 1½ x 2 tank.. the "personal space" do play an important part, no matter who is introduced to the tank first or last in the end you might still have WWIII every day until the tangs are reduced to a number that the stronger tangs feel secure. That might be 2 - 3 tangs in the end.

BUT ... having said the above... I have heard some reefer achieved housing 6 - 8 tangs living happily together in a 4 footer.. (depending on the size of the tangs itself also).

That's why asking what is the size of your tank..

There is no right or wrong anyway, hope you are not offended... ;)

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  • SRC Member


Just sharing my thoughts ... hope you are not offended...

Purple Tangs are aggressive (IMO) and Yellow Tangs are no easy push-over also.. :lol: housing them together i guess need to give them some "personal space" to feel secure. I suspect that your Purple felt in-secure (stressed) with other fishes, especially those with similar body shape or colour as the Purple that's why it is hostile toward other fishes.

As such my concern is housing YT, ST, PT, CT and 2 small BT, all 6 Tangs together in a 3 x 1½ x 2 tank.. the "personal space" do play an important part, no matter who is introduced to the tank first or last in the end you might still have WWIII every day until the tangs are reduced to a number that the stronger tangs feel secure. That might be 2 - 3 tangs in the end.

BUT ... having said the above... I have heard some reefer achieved housing 6 - 8 tangs living happily together in a 4 footer.. (depending on the size of the tangs itself also).

That's why asking what is the size of your tank..

There is no right or wrong anyway, hope you are not offended... ;)

No prob bro..... :D

If i dare to post out how many tangs i have,then im not worie tat ppl will shot n give me nasty commends....I undstd tat oso...But i always have e tot tat if u nvr try,u nvr noe wat will happen.Its those ppl who dare to try out new things tat now we r able to keep marine fishes rite???Beri high likly i will end up havin injure or dead fishes..But no wories,i will fish them out immediately if they reali cant get along well eventot if it means tearing dw my LR to catch them...Thats wat i do whenever i ned to catch any fish out.Damn tiring leh....keke..I aways intro fishes into tank during my off days so tat i can montior them lor...So anything wrong then i can fish them out immed.....

I dun think e 2 tiny blue tang will b big enough to join them for at least 3mths later if they reali surviv n grow big.If they both survive then i will add in one onli n e other one sell away lor..... :D

Tks :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
No prob bro..... :D

If i dare to post out how many tangs i have,then im not worie tat ppl will shot n give me nasty commends....I undstd tat oso...But i always have e tot tat if u nvr try,u nvr noe wat will happen.Its those ppl who dare to try out new things tat now we r able to keep marine fishes rite???Beri high likly i will end up havin injure or dead fishes..But no wories,i will fish them out immediately if they reali cant get along well eventot if it means tearing dw my LR to catch them...Thats wat i do whenever i ned to catch any fish out.Damn tiring leh....keke..I aways intro fishes into tank during my off days so tat i can montior them lor...So anything wrong then i can fish them out immed.....

I dun think e 2 tiny blue tang will b big enough to join them for at least 3mths later if they reali surviv n grow big.If they both survive then i will add in one onli n e other one sell away lor..... :D

Tks  :thanks:

:P *clap clap* as long as you know where i am coming from and NOT giving discouragement or attacking you... anyway, glad that you know what you are doing and trying to prevent fishes from getting killed... :lol:

anyway, i'm just expressing my opinions... :lol::lol:

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  • SRC Member
Hi stabilo

So :cry2: tat yr PT kills yr coral beauty. So far my PT & Coral Beauty has been living 2gether peacefully. Mayb d reason is my coral beauty is also quite big in size liao. Ha Ha. Nw I have a partition 2 d tank where I put d clown Tang with d PT & Coral Beauty. Let it get used 2 d tank 1st and later take out d partition 2 meet its nw friends PT & coral beauty. Ha Ha... :P

4 d mirror method, just hang a mirror facing d tang and it w start 2 shw off its anger by opening its fins big big and it wun chase d other tangs liao as it is busy fighting itself when its image mirrored at d mirror. Ha Ha...Gd Luck! ;)

Hi Jem

Tks 4 d info! 4 d Tangs, I also use d mirror method and it does wk 4 my YT & PT. Hee Hee.

Hi Rocks

My tank is 3ft by 1.5(width) by 2(Height). Y leh?

:thanks: a lot bros! ;)

Hi Marble,

When I first put in my Coral Beauty, the PT attack the Coral Beauty until die....2nd time is chase and chase for 2 days, then I fedup and change the rock scape then was better, but I think the Coral Beauty died of heart attack...... :cry2:

My PT really fierce, when I put my hydrometer in the tank, he oso attack :shock: !!

Latest is I put a damsel, the PT attack until bored now 3 weeks liao, the PT doesn't bother the damsel at all.....

I haven tried the mirror method yet, how long you put the mirror?

Will try the mirror method soon, cos I getting a YT...... :yeah::upsidedown::whistle


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  • SRC Member

If u intend to increase you tang collection in your tank slowly. Mirror effect is very effective as the more aggressive fish will be concentrating on fighting it's own image and lessen the attack on your new intro.

I had use this method when I intro my YT into my tank which already housed a PT and ST. I will stick 2 mirrors in the tangs favourite swimming area and that works out very well.




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  • SRC Member

:P *clap clap* as long as you know where i am coming from and NOT giving discouragement or attacking you... anyway, glad that you know what you are doing and trying to prevent fishes from getting killed... :lol:

anyway, i'm just expressing my opinions... :lol::lol:

E dead of a fish hurts my heart :( more then my pocket leh.....As $$ can earn back one but beautiful healthy fishes hard to find leh...Thats how i feel lor....

So if they cant get along well better fish them out n find them another owner..... :D

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  • SRC Member

Hi Marble,

When I first put in my Coral Beauty, the PT attack the Coral Beauty until die....2nd time is chase and chase for 2 days, then I fedup and change the rock scape then was better, but I think the Coral Beauty died of heart attack...... :cry2:

My PT really fierce, when I put my hydrometer in the tank, he oso attack :shock: !!

Latest is I put a damsel, the PT attack until bored now 3 weeks liao, the PT doesn't bother the damsel at all.....

I haven tried the mirror method yet, how long you put the mirror?

Will try the mirror method soon, cos I getting a YT...... :yeah::upsidedown::whistle



remember to monitor ur fish when lgts off as serious WWF starts when lgts r off as they fighting for places to rest n slep...kekeke..Mirror method doesnt works during lgts off.... :D

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  • SRC Member
If u intend to increase you tang collection in your tank slowly. Mirror effect is very effective as the more aggressive fish will be concentrating on fighting it's own image and lessen the attack on your new intro.

I had use this method when I intro my YT into my tank which already housed a PT and ST. I will stick 2 mirrors in the tangs favourite swimming area and that works out very well.

:o Where do u place your mirrors ? Inside tank or you stick on the glass ?

Any PICs to show ?

Thanks... :D

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  • SRC Member
Hi bro n sis... :D

Anybody keeping clown tang???

Like to noe if it is aggressive towards other fishes anot beside TANGS???

Currently i have,salfin,yellow tang,firefish n flame angel...Thinking of adding a small clown tang in.Will it chase or bully my firefish n flame angel... :erm:


:o I heard from one reefer that his Clown Tang will even attack his fingers whenever he does some maintenance in his tank. And they do have 'sharp protruding teeth'.... :evil: BEWARE !!! :ph34r:

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  • SRC Member

:o Where do u place your mirrors ? Inside tank or you stick on the glass ?

Any PICs to show ?

Thanks... :D

Outside the tank, thus explains the reason y my missy not very happy as I "uglyise" the tank :lol::lol:

Stick onto the glass with tapes. I had them on for abt 4 months as during that period I stockup alot. (Stupid of me, waste $)




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