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  • SRC Member
  AlfaRomeo said:

Yup, ppl never learn. Its always amazing to see the tally of votes. Seems like my votes didnt matter. A lot of ppl are scared of lashbacks cos they have the perception that the votes are tracked due to the S/Ns. Tracked? So what? They can give those who voted 'correctly' more jobs/priviledge meh? Still the same mah.. A monopoly is always unhealthy, thats why we have duapoly in almost everything apart from our beloved Raffles Institution attired ppl.

:lol::lol::lol: our "comfort zone" is safer mah... we dare not trying new thing. we dare not step out and do something different. we dare not take the challenge. we dare not create history for our future generation. we like to stay where we are and it is much safer to give our support than... it is safer to be a follower :P

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  • SRC Member

hmmm salaries are becoming lower and lower..... transports, petrol, food etc etc all increasing.. no bonus, AWS etcetc.. how to carryon?? how to get marry..., how to buy flat, car.. etc etc have babies.... soon it will become only the bosses can carry on.. workers all will die ... only low class and super high class... no in between class liao ...

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  AlfaRomeo said:

Yup, ppl never learn. Its always amazing to see the tally of votes. Seems like my votes didnt matter. A lot of ppl are scared of lashbacks cos they have the perception that the votes are tracked due to the S/Ns. Tracked? So what? They can give those who voted 'correctly' more jobs/priviledge meh? Still the same mah.. A monopoly is always unhealthy, thats why we have duapoly in almost everything apart from our beloved Raffles Institution attired ppl.

no other given choice......... suck thumb........ migration is another way out, but for the better or worse??? subjected to another country's political exploits........

come on, let's start singing.........


Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

Austin's Birthday


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  • SRC Member
  stabilo said:
My company oso MNC, no bonus but got give AWS cos that is in my employment contract.....I think those who didn't get their AWS better check your employement contract. Although it is not against the law for a company not to pay AWS but if your employement contract states that you have AWS then they MUST pay you AWS!!

And a gentle reminder for those who are looking for a new job, always negotiate with your potential employer to pay you AWS, don't work for free.....

The thing about us employees is that we are not very much "covered or protected" by the garment (in legislation) as compared to other countries other then if we get injured or die when caused by our jobs, so whatever is thrown to us by our employers we just have to suck thumb.

A friend of mine worked at this MNC for 10 years......kana chop, employer say thank you, bye bye.....that's it!!!

My mom kana chop after working for 25 years, slightly better, was given 6 months pay.

Another friend, just graduated with a degree in Computer Science (Distinction), went for an interview with a SME for a programmer job, they offered him $1.3k p/month my friend  :shock:  then decline. They said "You don want, nevermind, alot of Indians will take.". Recently, there was this new law, I think, stating that to hire foreigners for certain jobs pay must be minimum $2K per month, but can hire 3 or more years experience  :shock: !!!! Can hire Indian or chinese with 5 to 10 years experience and pay 2.5K, confirm they will take. At the end, Singaporeans lose out!! In Australia, a fresh graduates minimum salary is 2.5k, irregardless of what the job is.

1 of my colleage took the garments advice to upgrade. He spent thousands of $$ and time to get his degree....at the end he got $50 increment from our company. He and another of my colleague quit and left for the UK to work.....3 times the salary and 2 times the benifits compared to what they get in Singapore..........I ask them saying "UK safe anot??" they replied, " Although UK is not as safe as Singapore but still can lah, as long as not Iraq. If one is fated, no where is safe!!!"......They are currently doing very well at UK and not effected by the London bombings at all.

Recently the garment (MOM) warned employers not to be racist by asking interviewees whether they know how to speak chinese and write chinese (Straits Times), you think they will give a dam? If you really look into it, it's not about racism.

Another friend of mine went for interview with a stat board, the interviewer ask "Why you no honors ar?". My friend ask back "You mean I can't do and perform in this job if I have no honors? Would you like me to prove to you?" In the end, never get the job.

Don't say lah, my gf work in Stat board in HR, recently they looking to employ CFO with more then 10 years experience.....the CEO asked my gf to ask the interviewees to bring along their 'O' level cert for the interview, my gf  :shock:  :shock: , I had a good laugh  :lol: !!!!

What's the difference if an employer ask you whether you can read and write chinese and asking you to produce 'O' Level cert if you have a degree?

At the end of it all, power corrupts....absolute power gets rich...........end of rant!!! :D

My husband worked for this big MNC from Europe for 18yrs,9 months in Singapore,whole department kena chopped ...was supposed to compensate according but they asked him to finish the project he has on hand...3mths after that,when he was leaving the company,the MNC didnt compensate him any cent,The person he liased with left the company already...even with proof,only in email,not recognized.Hired a lawyer,only managed to get back a small potion,not even enough to pay the 1st instalment of a car (imagine how small is that)

first job after this retrenchment...that company dragged salary.From first month onward,every month late.From 5 days to as late as 3 weeks....

Now this job has low salary (only 1/3 of the pay in MNC) but at least they pay on time.On the contract stated it would have AWS but during the SARS,they issued another letter to everyone with an immediate effect of 30% pay cut and no AWS according to govt's flexi pay...no medical...no taxi claims....Now govt says economy improved...then still no changes for the employee?If the business is no good,sure the employee would know right?But if the employee has to even throw in their weekend for work,how can the business be bad?

really,what can we say?Maids are covered by MOM,what about us?

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  • SRC Member

companies are probably the ones who lobbied to gahmen to introduce flexi wage.

flexi wage means they can cut anytime they want. what makes u think it means they will return to you :P

nowadays, once u hit 35, can start to worry about losing your job liao. stupid gahmen still thinks 62 is an ideal retirement age.

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  • SRC Member
  Jaslyn said:

My husband worked for this big MNC from Europe for 18yrs,9 months in Singapore,whole department kena chopped ...was supposed to compensate according but they asked him to finish the project he has on hand...3mths after that,when he was leaving the company,the MNC didnt compensate him any cent,The person he liased with left the company already...even with proof,only in email,not recognized.Hired a lawyer,only managed to get back a small potion,not even enough to pay the 1st instalment of a car (imagine how small is that)

first job after this retrenchment...that company dragged salary.From first month onward,every month late.From 5 days to as late as 3 weeks....

Now this job has low salary (only 1/3 of the pay in MNC) but at least they pay on time.On the contract stated it would have AWS but during the SARS,they issued another letter to everyone with an immediate effect of 30% pay cut and no AWS according to govt's flexi pay...no medical...no taxi claims....Now govt says economy improved...then still no changes for the employee?If the business is no good,sure the employee would know right?But if the employee has to even throw in their weekend for work,how can the business be bad?

really,what can we say?Maids are covered by MOM,what about us?

Jas, I think you better check with your hubby to see whether did he sign the so called "new contract", if he didn't, he might have a case.....however, u win the case probably lose the job so both ways oso lose :cry: !!!

Nowadays it's the employers world......last time people hit 50+ then get worried about job security, then it was 40+, now 30+........retire after 60, can forget it, unless you have "power"!!! Else start training yourself physically fit everyday and prepare to be a cleaner or labourer after 60!!

A bro said in an earlier thread, the middle class will soon become no class....I think if nothing is done, it will become true :fear:

Rich become richer -> poor still the same or poorer -> middle class will join poor, middle class extinct then rich control the poor, poor become the rich people's slaves.......end up, new age communism... :fear:

IMHO, middle class people better start seriously planning their future......I am, and when it's time, I will bail outta here......

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  • SRC Member

the disparity amongst the rich and poor gets bigger... afterall, not anybody by the coffeshop or us can afford to say that $600k is peanuts.. <_<

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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  • SRC Member

nobody signed the new contract.It just say with effect immediately.Just like you say,speak up lose the job so unless we have at least 6 digit in the bank account,we just have to tahan till better offer comes along.

Rich would be richer,poor would be alive (with so called govt aid) and middle class would join the no class...like one of our bro says,no income doesnt mean low income.

I really think our govt is not matured enough.Everything what other countries have,they want to have....most countries dont have ERP except on bridge and toll...they are much bigger country than us...its ridiculous making payment almost every direction to go,without a choice.Low income,high level of living...I think they should do their math properly...

start planning for future...that explain why the rich and talented only choice out is to leave the country...

In the past,older people always say,working in the military is iron rice bowl but then,those who are in the 40s got kicked out by the army...where to find work since they dont have other experience beside army?Security guard?Thats really siao liao.

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  • SRC Member

IMO, i think singapore really think very far liao, so far that they didnt even want to care about the present factors.................

to archieve world class standard, developed country, 1st world country etc etc, all are really bull shit......................

i think problem will only resolve when a society riot outbreak.............but?????

who dare to lead?? :cry:

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  • SRC Member
  hermit said:
IMO, i think singapore really think very far liao, so far that they didnt even want to care about the present factors.................

to archieve world class standard, developed country, 1st world country etc etc, all are really bull shit......................

i think problem will only resolve when a society riot outbreak.............but?????

who dare to lead?? :cry:

dont you know what Jackie Neo always say? Singaporean all very kiasi dont dare to speak up.So what we are given a speech corner? Anyhow talk later either kena in the woodbridge or the govt one room bungalow.

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  • SRC Member
  Jaslyn said:

dont you know what Jackie Neo always say? Singaporean all very kiasi dont dare to speak up.So what we are given a speech corner? Anyhow talk later either kena in the woodbridge or the govt one room bungalow.

if they do something to the middle income ppl, then they better shut up their mouth for telling us to have more babies...................so wat if they give us more maternity leave or incentive for giving birth...........utimately is WE, the middle class ppl who goin to bring up our kids. with wat? wif our miserable pay !!! :evil:

just dun understand why some people still say spore economy is better liao, and will be even better 5yrs down the road............really dun understand at all.............

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to my understanding,singapore economy is better liao,would be better 5 yrs down the street meaning: more foreign worker in the countries as wages competiting against other region...the poor dont look very poor anymore...the middle class have to stick to their miserabole pay cos if not would be downgraded to no income class....

so what if they give more maternity leave?Nowaday,company always ask 1 question to female candidate "are you planning to have baby soon?" and if your answer is yes,then your resume would be in the bin.

What is baby bonus anyway?We all know how much it cost to have a baby and to bring up one.We all know that education here is stressful and expensive.The same rule applies to edusave for students.Most school dont even allow you to use edusave so whats the point of giving them?

Some will produce more babies,not supporting our govt but for the sake of baby bonus but is that what our govt really want?Bring more babies but the parents have no ability to educate or groom them?I think this is another wrong message sent out by our dear govt.

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  • SRC Member

When the garmen introduced flexi wage thing, I knew then alot of Singaporeans will be short changed and exploited, especially those who work for Singaporean bosses which by the way alot of us are........

The economy is better for the rich and powerful, not for the poor and middle class an example is, just look at the salary difference.....btw, when garmen say economy is better, better look between the lines....

Have kids....i really scared my kids cannot cope especially with the education system.....here's my story....

I finished school in the early 90s, I only have 2 'O' level passes, English and maths....after I finish army, I realise that studies is important, so I decided to study.....

I took up a certificate in IT, then advance cert in IT, then diploma in IT after which a TOP Australian Uni took me in for a Bachelor in Computer Science, I used up all my savings and my parents savings for my degree program.....

though I am not top student, I pass and got my degree, came back to Singapore and hope for a nice comfortable job (I am not that super ambitous type), so ultimately I tried to look for a garmen job, I applied almost 20 stat boards and garmen agencies, non called me even for an interview......almost 1 year cannot find job......

So I tried Mindef and they called me (guess as much as my Aunt is the PA for Perm Sec Ministry of Defence) saying I do not meet their requirement. I ask them is it because I do not have full 'O' level cert and they said yah......imagine garmen is the largest employer in Singapore with over 60% of employable Singaporeans working for them and this is their mentality, very good example to private sector.....my degree is good as useless because I do not have 'O' levels.......so people out there with kids better make sure if you want them to get a job is Singapore better have an 'O' level cert, even CFO opening oso need 'O' level cert I tell u! Better PRAY VERY HARD that your kids will make it academically......

now I am working for an American company :whistle lucky, dam lucky, during interview just took my degree cert, thats all!!! I ask my boss and HR whether they need my 'O' level cert, they say "Whatever for?"

In 15 to 20 years time when your kid comes out to work in Singapore, no academic certs he/she is out, I mean OUT (that's if you, the parents, are not RICH and powerful now), no such thing as low income jobs as they will be taken up by cheap labour foreigners, even if don't mind I don't think one will survive for long with the ever going up standard of living....work 12 hours daily, 6 days a week earning 1.6k, how to have kids??Even if want, where got strength and time to have kids???

Soon ,in fact, now, a degree will be useless in Singapore, better have at least a 2nd Upper, for those of you who wants to get a degree.......

And don't tell me to be contented that I have a job. Contentment is one thing, survivability and security is another......there is today and there will be tomorrow.....

The working/employment conditions are getting bad to worst, soon, middle class people will be extinct and all that are left are rich and poor! All those who are in the middle class segment, better start planning cos getting chop from ur jobs are as easy as ABC...... :fear:

End of another rant!! :D

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  • SRC Member
  AlfaRomeo said:
Papers cannot do anything lah, they are another arm of the garmen. Dunt bother.

Ah hem, not arm lar gun :)

If I don't like you , just pay for the bullet :ph34r:

If I think you are doing goo job, I can afford 3-4 bullets.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

sooner we shall see alot of social problems.................

by then spore got to answer to the rest of the nations what they have done in the past............!!!


why there was a time when people say that spore cant make it, but we DID?

do we???


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  • SRC Member
  hermit said:
sooner we shall see alot of social problems.................

by then spore got to answer to the rest of the nations what they have done in the past............!!!


why there was a time when people say that spore cant make it, but we DID?

do we???


hehe ... still in national day mood .. :P

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  • SRC Member
  hermit said:
sooner we shall see alot of social problems.................

by then spore got to answer to the rest of the nations what they have done in the past............!!!


why there was a time when people say that spore cant make it, but we DID?

do we???


they probably mean this

there was a time when people say that singapore can make it,but we didnt?


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  • SRC Member

There are many solutions;

1) In the past we have Secret Societies, now we can still have it, but in different forms...the rich also have their societies and it is Secretly planning how to get rich - so it is also another form of Secret Society. We can have ours too, since the most basic and open forms - like Unions has been crippled. Question is, those who just talk here or chance upon this thread and just read - DO YOU HAVE THE GUTS?

2) We can have a "Hero" to spearhead a revolution...who wants to step out? We have Dr Chee who ask "where is our money..." people just laugh - to me, sometimes he is a bit clownish, but he has some guts (lets not dispute the type of guts). Since the typical Singaporean Mentality as it is, NO ONE WILL DARE TO STEP OUT, since the motivating factors are not strong enough like for instance, if Middleclass become no income class, in Singapore you will still be able to find the basic necessity food anyhow, so the motivating force is not strong enough for people to challenge the status quo - so many if not all will be lan lan sit down there do nothing.

Maybe we can anoint a Hero?

3) Lets all go on strike (but first must have item 1) first) by not going to work and that will crippled the economic operations. The other way is since you do not have item 1) lets all go out to the streets and sleep and all the newspapers attention will be drawn and cross your fingers that the Government (its Government not Gahmen - another representation of those who are afraid thinking typing Gahmen will protect them somehow) will do something. There is an improvement here already - last time people put disclaimer when they speak.

Such protest will help? Do you want to miss your next Macdonald lunch? Tim Sum at Crystal Jade? Outing with your children and family to the Zoo? Are the forces that strong to do that? Its not like as if like those with big properties (Freehold) worth millions that they will do all things to protect their interest, what about you? You only have HDB and the best thing is - its not even yours, its leasehold - so what stake are you having that will have you challenge the status quo?

4) Think about what stake you wanna have in Singapore (besides migration like some people - who think its the way out, many stupid people later find themselves in a worse off situation and lan lan comes back. I am not saying it is not a good solution, it is but a selfish solution, and provided you have the professional means (but caught-up in singapore since you cannot have your place here).

Have a thought along the line of Unity is strength. Without manipulations and control. But you will still need a head? :lol::lol:

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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