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  • SRC Member

Since the govt introduced this flexi wage thingy.I noticed that alot of companies not paying bonuses at all.

Wonder if anyone is having the same problem too?Yes,its good to even have a job now but having 13th month would be nice,isnt it?

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  • SRC Member

Yah, I agree, now we are at the mercy of our employers, they chop our pay say economy no good and performance so so, then when economy become better and performance improve, they keep quite, then pay the CEO 12 months bonus and tell everyone it's peanuts!!! That's why the wage gap now is so different....and I am having a bad feeling already that it will keep getting worst.....

BTW, 13 month, which is called AWS, is NOT bonus!!! In 1 year you have 52 weeks therefore "13" months, so by right AWS is what you work for!! ;)

My company have not been giving bonus for the past 2 years, "applause" oso don have!!!! :cry: Funny thing is that it is still making profits...... <_<

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  • SRC Member

I know 13th month is AWS but its now more of a out of good will 'bonus' since those who worked for it never get it.

Sis in law changed job recently cos the company she worked for didnt give AWS or bonus or whatever you call it for the past 2 yrs,not even a hongbao.And this company is the one company making big profit during the SARS (no,its not coffin business lah :D )

Husband's company making them take a 30% pay slash during SARS and then the 30% never seems to come back...then no AWS at all after that,saying govt introduced flexi pay....

Will govt say anything?They were the one who introduce this leh...

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  • SRC Member
I know 13th month is AWS but its now more of a out of good will 'bonus' since those who worked for it never get it.

Sis in law changed job recently cos the company she worked for didnt give AWS or bonus or whatever you call it for the past 2 yrs,not even a hongbao.And this company is the one company making big profit during the SARS (no,its not coffin business lah :D )

Husband's company making them take a 30% pay slash during SARS and then the 30% never seems to come back...then no AWS at all after that,saying govt introduced flexi pay....

Will govt say anything?They were the one who introduce this leh...

yap i agreed .. :P

when times are bad... i understand the comapny are going thru hard times and i dun mind reducing my pay or not getting bonus.. this i believe could somehow help the compay abit thru..but when things are picking up.. it seems the companies are using this excuse for not rewarding the staffs and pocket all the money... this is not fair ..!!!!!

hmmmm this extra little money reali help some to get thru a hard time.. and not be so tight........


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  • SRC Member

A company's main objective is to make as much $ as possible and it doesnt matter if they are highly profitable or not. Why would they give you back what they have taken away is they are not forced to? And who can force them?

Ppl are graduating with degrees and masters by the truckload. Even ppl who dunt even have a basic grasp of the english language can also write thesis and get a masters. So there is an over supply of such 'qualified' ppl in the market, all chasing the same statically stagnant job market.

As such, they can tell you 'If you are not happy, there is the door and there is a long queue for the position you are holding now'

Its an employers market nowadays. What to do?

The Govt will not do anything as they are trying to keep the cost of labor down to be competitive with the rest of the region.

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  • SRC Member

so... why work so hard with no reward? is our life all about working and OT? why not enjoy our time with our loved one? are we miss something in life?

actually it is easy to say this than living in the reality - the real world. life is tough. living in singpore is tougher.

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so... why work so hard with no reward? is our life all about working and OT? why not enjoy our time with our loved one? are we miss something in life?

actually it is easy to say this than living in the reality - the real world. life is tough. living in singpore is tougher.

go try sell bread ........ u may get listed on SES for all u know. ;)

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  • SRC Member
so... why work so hard with no reward? is our life all about working and OT? why not enjoy our time with our loved one? are we miss something in life?

actually it is easy to say this than living in the reality - the real world. life is tough. living in singpore is tougher.

yap totally agreed.. it just get tougher and tougher ... abit worried for the next generation.... hmmmmmmmm any thoughts?

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  • SRC Member
SME will usually try to act blur when talking abt bonus, increments etc. But MNC still quite ok. I really think the pro-business policies set by the govt have hurt many of our wallets....

Thats why I posted this thread wanting to know if there is any company out there not acting blur at all.Sis in law company is MNC....and they acted blur too,in fact very very blur like sotong.

Govt wants cheaper labour to be competitive with the region,yes I agree but then not forgetting that the living cost in the region are not so high.Anyone out there think that they really earning too much?I m seeing many people seeing RED by the end of the month.....quite pathetic.Everytime when we read a news released by the govt,its always about this or that,what and what going to pose increased price....bet we wouldnt be receiving a letter from employer telling us who and who,you are going to get an increment since company making money...

Our govt wants to be a first world country but yet having low cost labour to be competitive.Its like MOM wants employers to be humane to maids but then they posed a 5k bond on employers should maids run away ...contradicting lor...

True lah,govt give out aids but only to LOW income people.Middle class like many of us....yao yao si (die of hunger)

I just feel,many of us have put most of our time into work and having lesser time to spend with our love ones but then nothing paid off.

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  • SRC Member

beside the lower salary package,no AWS,no hongbao during CNY....travel expenses have to be bear by employees and submit to company for reimbursement,and the whole thing takes 8weeks! If travel to europe or US,meaning half of the pay goes to paying the tickets,accomodation...blahblah.....

I hope this is not the usual practice of SME here....or even MNC

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  • SRC Member

Be happy that you are gainfully employed. Many people out there are jobless - many lost their jobs (retrenched or company closed down), many capable and able bodied and bright youngsters are still looking around for a job (my own son included). Some ex-businessmen are driving taxis to earn a living and make make end meet.

I also know of families that are facing extreme hardship because their sole breadwinner are jobless (some subsequently were so depressed that they committed suicide to end their agony - leaving their loved ones broken hearted.

It is true that many companies are acting "blur" to save money for themselves. There are`also companies that are not really doing well.

So, be happy with what we have now and keep hoping that we will spot a "silver lining" in the clouds.

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  • SRC Member

My company oso MNC, no bonus but got give AWS cos that is in my employment contract.....I think those who didn't get their AWS better check your employement contract. Although it is not against the law for a company not to pay AWS but if your employement contract states that you have AWS then they MUST pay you AWS!!

And a gentle reminder for those who are looking for a new job, always negotiate with your potential employer to pay you AWS, don't work for free.....

The thing about us employees is that we are not very much "covered or protected" by the garment (in legislation) as compared to other countries other then if we get injured or die when caused by our jobs, so whatever is thrown to us by our employers we just have to suck thumb.

A friend of mine worked at this MNC for 10 years......kana chop, employer say thank you, bye bye.....that's it!!!

My mom kana chop after working for 25 years, slightly better, was given 6 months pay.

Another friend, just graduated with a degree in Computer Science (Distinction), went for an interview with a SME for a programmer job, they offered him $1.3k p/month my friend :shock: then decline. They said "You don want, nevermind, alot of Indians will take.". Recently, there was this new law, I think, stating that to hire foreigners for certain jobs pay must be minimum $2K per month, but can hire 3 or more years experience :shock: !!!! Can hire Indian or chinese with 5 to 10 years experience and pay 2.5K, confirm they will take. At the end, Singaporeans lose out!! In Australia, a fresh graduates minimum salary is 2.5k, irregardless of what the job is.

1 of my colleage took the garments advice to upgrade. He spent thousands of $$ and time to get his degree....at the end he got $50 increment from our company. He and another of my colleague quit and left for the UK to work.....3 times the salary and 2 times the benifits compared to what they get in Singapore..........I ask them saying "UK safe anot??" they replied, " Although UK is not as safe as Singapore but still can lah, as long as not Iraq. If one is fated, no where is safe!!!"......They are currently doing very well at UK and not effected by the London bombings at all.

Recently the garment (MOM) warned employers not to be racist by asking interviewees whether they know how to speak chinese and write chinese (Straits Times), you think they will give a dam? If you really look into it, it's not about racism.

Another friend of mine went for interview with a stat board, the interviewer ask "Why you no honors ar?". My friend ask back "You mean I can't do and perform in this job if I have no honors? Would you like me to prove to you?" In the end, never get the job.

Don't say lah, my gf work in Stat board in HR, recently they looking to employ CFO with more then 10 years experience.....the CEO asked my gf to ask the interviewees to bring along their 'O' level cert for the interview, my gf :shock::shock: , I had a good laugh :lol: !!!!

What's the difference if an employer ask you whether you can read and write chinese and asking you to produce 'O' Level cert if you have a degree?

At the end of it all, power corrupts....absolute power gets rich...........end of rant!!! :D

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  • SRC Member
The Govt will not do anything as they are trying to keep the cost of labor down to be competitive with the rest of the region.

Like to say this again after so many times: Singapore has priced itself too high, by going into developed country status too fast. And the after effects are cutting labour cost etc. More after effects of labour cost cutting are: land prices has to come down, something the government has always looked upon it as a 'gold pot'. All these will come to an equilibrium state after some time.

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  • SRC Member

the reason why they still ask for O and A levels is becos degree is too common liao. hard to judge the academic performance in uni cos nowadays, there are projects, etc that makes up the grades and some uni are not so stringent with grades since they are mostly profit churning business. if a uni always produce a lot of 1st class honours, the student enrolment will jump! so they look at O and A levels.

number of years working does not equate to experience. experience is what you learnt and able to apply. that is hard to evaluate, hence the reason why the interviewer normally gives scenarios, etc. this is why now it is common to ask candidate to describe most challenging moment, how you overcome, etc. but someone who knows nuts can still smoke lah. juz read all those interview tips and think of a story first.

govt should restrict FT, juz like US and Australia. there are guidelines in place to ensure locals get priority. being competitive is not only about lower cost of labour. govt should take a holistic view. if labour cost is the factor, downgrade singapore to 3rd world country status. only when the cost of living is low then it is possible to get people to take lower pay. im sure we can be even cheaper than india or china.

unfortunately, we have to live with their policies cos they won the election. so what do we do? the way out is to migrate, take lower salary than FT or move yourself up to management (but then u will face what middle mgrs fear... retrenchment cos they are the 1st to go). upgrading is juz moving from one problem to another (eg u used to program in C, now u upgrade and can do Java, what is the diff??? or u upgrade to do network, same thing rite??? FT is always in your shadow!). upgrading is juz propaganda, juz like job redesign.

btw, did u read about the extra $ being put into the Transport Assistance program or something like that. this is to help those who cannot afford to pay for public transport. stupid rite? the policy created this problem in the first place. public transport, or should i say, public services should never be privatised becos a private company (or public listed) priority is making $.

the reality sucks! we are doomed...

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  • SRC Member
btw, did u read about the extra $ being put into the Transport Assistance program or something like that. this is to help those who cannot afford to pay for public transport. stupid rite? the policy created this problem in the first place. public transport, or should i say, public services should never be privatised becos a private company (or public listed) priority is making $.

the reality sucks! we are doomed...

You know why? Because election is on the way! They still need the older generation votes. But be careful as the after election effect can turn back and bite the people harder just like the last one. <_< After election, time to get back what they have given out and more by increasing transport fares, electricity charges, telecommunication charges etc. :whistle

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  • SRC Member

gov said always , "lower income people needs help, so we help them"

but since 3 years ago, no income pople population is overtaken lower income population.

Wonder whether gov seen that ?

Now a day , middle class people , find very difficult to find the job, even if they are willing to take up to 50% off their previous pay. some take years to find.

gov has lot of policy to change, say ,

previously you r doing well, so u stay A ward while hospitalize than everything gone, and need to hospitalize, go ahead they will tell you, you can't downgrade to C class.

C class is for lower income, since you have no income , u r not qualified to be in lower income group.................................

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

You know why? Because election is on the way! They still need the older generation votes. But be careful as the after election effect can turn back and bite the people harder just like the last one. <_< After election, time to get back what they have given out and more by increasing transport fares, electricity charges, telecommunication charges etc. :whistle

that's always the case... history repeated itself... :(

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  • SRC Member

You know why? Because election is on the way! They still need the older generation votes. But be careful as the after election effect can turn back and bite the people harder just like the last one. <_< After election, time to get back what they have given out and more by increasing transport fares, electricity charges, telecommunication charges etc. :whistle

Somemore nowadays the bus service getting from bad to worst.....always have to wait up to 20 min for a dam bus, from early become late, from late wake up become early wake up..... :angry:

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  • SRC Member

And people never learn...Or their memory is short.. Or the threshold of pain (increased cost of living)is higher than one can imagine.

you are called "quiter" if you can't reach your income upto 1M per year. It's cost of living comfortable in Singapore.

1M per year is not including your REEF TANK & HIS PUB bills YET :)

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

And people never learn...Or their memory is short.. Or the threshold of pain (increased cost of living)is higher than one can imagine.

Yup, ppl never learn. Its always amazing to see the tally of votes. Seems like my votes didnt matter. A lot of ppl are scared of lashbacks cos they have the perception that the votes are tracked due to the S/Ns. Tracked? So what? They can give those who voted 'correctly' more jobs/priviledge meh? Still the same mah.. A monopoly is always unhealthy, thats why we have duapoly in almost everything apart from our beloved Raffles Institution attired ppl.

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  • SRC Member

And people never learn...Or their memory is short.. Or the threshold of pain (increased cost of living)is higher than one can imagine.

i guess we, singaporean are very short-sighted. when there is free goody and money, we are very satisfy and contented. and we will forget the pain that we had. after receiving all the free goody... we will say; "this is good and we will give our best support..." after that our dream of goody cut short and everything on the rise after the e-event and we will complain: "why like that one huh?" "why increase this and that one huh?" few years later, when the e-day comes, more promise on goody and we will forget our past pain... and everything repeated again and again and again... same"strategy", same way of doing... same voice of complain... same singaporean :P:lol:

when can we be smarter? :rolleyes:

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