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any1 c this b4?

mayb u c them b4 but too small to take pics of it liaoz..

i think bit lesser than 1cm

it like to dig inside corals to hide i would say..always got 2 long feelers sticking out of my corals then e coral will eventualy die over sumtime...

but its like a scavenger likes to crawl ard e remaining market prawns i feed my fish

its close to transparent at night..

i catch it during day time cus trap in overflow box then turn bit light brownish yellow...

any1 c it b4?


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What cam are u using? Damn gd photography !

Anyway, when i did my bare bottom excercise on the eve of national day, i found a bunch of them near my front glass panel.

Any expert can share wht are they and iszit gd?

Yu really save my day cos i wanted to take pictures of mine but i know vry well tht my olympus c750 wudnt capture anything tht small !

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but reli dun understand y they like to dig their way in coral.s....

They just hate light and hide in any concealed places. Normally they are more active during the night. If they come out during the day most likely they'll get eaten in no time. :lol:

Always something more important than fish.


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