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Feather Starfish

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for sweet colours.....go for red pratas, red open brains, neo green pratas, white finger leather, florida ricordeas(lots of them), zoanthids, luminous green LPS, bubbles.....dun go for feather stars....not lasting and it moves all over the shop...had one before...really gorgeous, but hate to see the animal withered away......... :)

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VEry selective feeders. It will only choose certain plankton that it recognises as food. It uses the mucus secreted by its cilia to trap the food. The cilia then sweep the food laden mucus to the mouth. Even with live phyto and frozen zooplankton IMO it is still impossible to keep this fella alive. They need live zooplankton.

Always something more important than fish.


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Saw a bunch of them at a LFS at Bukit Purmei... **7 managed by an Ah Pek... He told me just came in...

They were already in very bad condition when arrived.

When I go there again the next day, they were all dead... and thrown away...

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Hihi nicky30092002

If u want colors, I would suggest u get a red fromia. Easier to keep - feeds on bacteria n detritus. Henry still hv quite a number of them when I went there last fri. Very bright red colour.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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  • SRC Member
for sweet colours.....go for red pratas, red open brains, neo green pratas, white finger leather, florida ricordeas(lots of them), zoanthids, luminous green LPS, bubbles.....dun go for feather stars....not lasting and it moves all over the shop...had one before...really gorgeous, but hate to see the animal withered away......... :)

water temp/light requirement high??? i dun own a MH or a chiller ..

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  • SRC Member
for sweet colours.....go for red pratas, red open brains, neo green pratas, white finger leather, florida ricordeas(lots of them), zoanthids, luminous green LPS, bubbles.....dun go for feather stars....not lasting and it moves all over the shop...had one before...really gorgeous, but hate to see the animal withered away......... :)

wrong thread again ~


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  • SRC Member

Wow talking about these... when i was 15 and just started this hobby, I was told by a particular LFS that they are so easy to keep... bought one back, and it practically disintegrated in front of my eyes... as if that wasnt enough... when i tried to fish it out of my tank, my net got stained blood red...

IMAGINE the trauma and shock i had... I was only 15 okae... ;)

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