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Some Pics of My Humble Tank


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  • SRC Member

Hi Nitro, very distinctive finnage black beauty u got there. :rolleyes:

the maxi is :eyebrow: drooling. Did u got it from the Irwana shipment recently? Could see u spending a hefty sum of amount on your rics.:)

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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  • SRC Member
Hi Nitro, very distinctive finnage black beauty u got there. :rolleyes:

the maxi is :eyebrow: drooling. Did u got it from the Irwana shipment recently? Could see u spending a hefty sum of amount on your rics.:)

Ya, got this cute fellow from Ah Beng. It was in a bag and if dun pay attention to it, it does looks like juz an ordinary baby warty, black and gold spots. The blueish tint finnage is juz amazing once I realised when I put into my sump. Got it for less then $70.

The maxi is from Irwana's shipment. Good stuffs too, total got 3 of them.

I didn't spent much on the rics as I bought those left over ones and some are like going to die that type. Somehow after I put them into my sump, they juz get well and now growing. As you can see, I'm trying to let them stick onto one piece of rock themselves. No glue used and I find that the sump is a very good place to keep such gems :eyebrow: Rics, clams, ###### shrimps, my fav warty froggies etc.

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  • SRC Member

Hi Nitro, I used to have a warty in my sump tank too. I love the way they looked and my wife strongly opposed this fellow as she says, their food pattern disgusted her. Consuming live fishes which is so cute hp cruel. :eyeblur: till i resort to feeding them with market prawn, n it responded to it :rolleyes: Do u think the face resembles a British Bull dog? Lol..

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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  • SRC Member
Hi Nitro, I used to have a warty in my sump tank too. I love the way they looked and my wife strongly opposed this fellow as she says, their food pattern disgusted her. Consuming live fishes which is so cute hp cruel. :eyeblur: till i resort to feeding them with market prawn, n it responded to it :rolleyes: Do u think the face resembles a British Bull dog? Lol..

Yes they do resembles the British Bull dog :upsidedown: Wow u fed 5 fish at a go? I only feed them 1-2 fishes once a week or fortnightly. I find that warties are very prone to get skin infections, compares to some other frog fish.

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  • SRC Member
Yes they do resembles the British Bull dog :upsidedown: Wow u fed 5 fish at a go? I only feed them 1-2 fishes once a week or fortnightly. I find that warties are very prone to get skin infections, compares to some other frog fish.

er.. bro.. its live fishes and not 5 fishes.. but mine does ate 2-3 live fishes at one go. I give up trying to feed the warty damsel as they swims too fast for the warty to catch :eyeblur:

Think warty are senitive to salinity if not wrong... They are some warty lovers over the other forum which u can learn much from too :lol: So how many wartries u have for ur collection?

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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  • SRC Member

Oops! My ###### eyes or maybe I shd said my ###### brain :P Didn't register what I saw. Ya I also got visit the other forum to post some of the same pics but seems like the Frogfish club abit quite there leh.

I've got a total of 5 warties but 1 smallest Clown Warty died last week. Can't find any symptoms <_<

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  • SRC Member

Your sump tank looks more like a reef tank.

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  • SRC Member
Here are the warties... Orangy, Black with Gold spots and yellow finnage, White Clown and Black with Gold spots and blueish finnage.

Ur warties are all nice nice.. I see tat there's Clams on every pics. Cre to reveal how many clams u have for ur collections? :eyebrow:

A person, himself can be his own Lawyer, but he can never be his own Judge ........

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  • 1 year later...
  • SRC Member

Incase some might asked what happened to the clams, rics and warties in the sump...

Well all rics had been txf to the main tank, some clams died while some have also been txf to the main. Sad thing is all warties died during my overseas trip. Power to the tank was switched off by one of my daughter for at least half a day. A major crash of the tank with almost all fishes wiped out in early 08'. No punishment was awarded to my daughter as all of them are more precious than my hobby ;)

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Incase some might asked what happened to the clams, rics and warties in the sump...

Well all rics had been txf to the main tank, some clams died while some have also been txf to the main. Sad thing is all warties died during my overseas trip. Power to the tank was switched off by one of my daughter for at least half a day. A major crash of the tank with almost all fishes wiped out in early 08'. No punishment was awarded to my daughter as all of them are more precious than my hobby ;)

OMG! What a pity... will you keep warty again? Saw some at Ah Beng recently... ;)

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  • Senior Reefer

i admire your love and passion for ur hobby and ur kids. although precious money and life was lost because of ur children, u forgive them and i respect u for that alot. i know some people who punish their kids for the slightest reason.....sometimes i feel like telling them off but heck what do i know right? im just a kid ;)

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  • SRC Member
Such a pity your warties died :(

It was your avatar that first introduced me to this strange creature :eyebrow:

I'm honoured to hear that my avatar is ur "love at first sight" for this species. Yes they are indeed very strange and funny to observed, esp meal time with live fish/shrimps. Very cool to watch. I love the warty family the most. I like their looks and body skin type.

So r u keeping any frogies?

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  • SRC Member
OMG! What a pity... will you keep warty again? Saw some at Ah Beng recently... ;)

Ya saw those at Ah Beng's place lately but I'm still looking for the Black Warty with Gold spots and blue finnage. That's my fav warty I've seen and kept before it was eaten by another bigger warty.

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  • SRC Member
his sump tank nicer than my display tank lol. with all that angels. and did i see a BLACK TANG!?

Sump tank normal normal only lah, juz that I realized that it's a good place to keep injured fishes or corals and also ideal to intro new LS before going to the main tank. In my plans for a future upgrade, I'll try to connect the system to a secondary tank for such purposes.

Ya, that is a Black Night (Black Tang) bought from CF abt 2 mths back. It was smaller and skinnier than now but has fatten up liao. Dare not put in the main cuz inside got 2 Yellow Tang of 4" and a Purple Tang of 3.5". They're fat and strong :ph34r:

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