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Protein Skimmer during cycling

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  • SRC Member

I think you should turn on protein skimming while cycling. Especially when you have a large amount of live rocks to cycle.

One of the very important function of a protein skimmer is to aerate the water. During cycling, the live rock will require a lot of dissolved oxygen to complete the cycling process.

You will need to complement the skimming with good water flow over the rocks.

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  • SRC Member


Can someone else confirm this?

Cuz as far as i know.. You aren't supposed to on the skimmer becuz you are trying to build the bacteria and stuff in the water, and with the skimmer on, it isn't helping the cycling...?

Can someone clarify??

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  • SRC Member

that was what i had some problems with!!

my skimmer was skimming like mad, bubbles everywhere.. too much for collection cup.

i guess the bacteria that are starting to grow and cycle in the tank is being skimmed out by the skimmer, which explains why the skimmer is skimming so much..

and if that is true.. isn't that bad as what we want are the good bacteria to cycle??

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  • SRC Member

Skimmers dont skim out bacteria. Skimmers skim out proteins from the water. IMHO, a skimmer would be beneficial during the cycling.

Bacteria will usually be found on the LR and other surfaces of the tank instead of free-floating.

Anopther good thing for you to run is rowaphos or equivalent to help extract out PO4 else the LRs will absorb the PO4 and it wil lead to prolonged algae issues etc etc.

Bottomline, you need to keep the tank as clean as possible from day 1.

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  • SRC Member

Actually, I think if you leave the skimmer on, you are slowing down the cycling process. But it just means you will have to introduce LS gradually, which is not a bad thing.

I would rather cycle without skimming and then once the nitrite levels drop to undetectable, do a major water change just before introducing LS. From this point onwards I would start skimming heavily.

Don't forget, your overflow system helps to aerate the tank, to skim while cycling is not only wasting electricity, it is counter-productive to the cycling process (in terms of how long it will take to be cycled).

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

It is true that the overflow system aerate the water, but I have experience that it was not enough and the water became foul.

I believe the fundamental question here is: does protein skimmer remove bacteria?

Agree with Alfa, my opinion is that although there may be free swimming bacteria, the majority of the bacteria colony should be residing on the live rocks. Even if protein skimmer do remove the free swimming ones, the colonies on the rocks should be safe.

But like everyone says, it is up to you, as both sides of the arguments make some sense.

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  • SRC Member

piangz!! :pinch: confusing leh.. u all.. haha..

haiz.. anyway.. i want to fire up the skimmer also cannot lah, cuz when i fire it up, too much bubbles and skimate producing until the collection cup also not enuff space..

i guess got no choice..

btw.. i added the bacteria starter thingy that you can buy at LFS.. therefore the bacteria should be free swimming at this point..

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  • SRC Member
  akahoshi said:
piangz!! :pinch: confusing leh.. u all.. haha..

haiz.. anyway.. i want to fire up the skimmer also cannot lah, cuz when i fire it up, too much bubbles and skimate producing until the collection cup also not enuff space..

i guess got no choice..

btw.. i added the bacteria starter thingy that you can buy at LFS.. therefore the bacteria should be free swimming at this point..

Hi bro,

I use the bacteria thingy oso when I first started my tank cycle....was told by the LFS to off the skimmer until the NO2 read 0, then turn on the skimmer.....I did it and it turn out fine. The LFS told me the reason is because if you add the bacteria and if your skimmer is on, the bacteria will be skimmed off!

BTW, my Ammonia and NO2 read 0 in 2.5 week from day 1 after adding the bacteria, but I played safe waited for another 2 weeks before I added LS.

Just my experience! ;)

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  • SRC Member

i off mine during cycling process till the NO2 reading turn 0...

do a 15% water change with LRs inside..den fire the skimmer..

:D my 2 cents..

view my 2ft tank thread update here!!


Tank Dimension: 24'x15'x19' with black silicon. All round 8mm.


Return Pump : Hailea HX6540

Skimmer/Chiller : Sicce 2500lph

Skimmer : Weipro 2011

Lightings: 4xT5s HO..2 20,000k & 2 Blue Pro(Aquaz) Retrofits

Chiller : Resun CL280

Auto Water Top Up

Life Stock:

More then 35kg of figi rocks

Blue Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Bristletooth tang, Clown Tang, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, Sunrise Dottyback. 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Green Bubble, Orange Yuma, Hammer, True Octopus, Acans,

Frogspawn, Green/Orange Cyannaria, Red Prata, Red Open Brain, Star Polyp, Acan Enchinata

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  • SRC Member
  akahoshi said:
piangz!! :pinch: confusing leh.. u all.. haha..

haiz.. anyway.. i want to fire up the skimmer also cannot lah, cuz when i fire it up, too much bubbles and skimate producing until the collection cup also not enuff space..

i guess got no choice..

btw.. i added the bacteria starter thingy that you can buy at LFS.. therefore the bacteria should be free swimming at this point..

when u add the bacteria starter of course your skimmer went crazy ;)

me simple. i switch on my skimmer since day one. i didn't add anything. i just cycled my tank with sandbed and live rock. i let it cycled for 1 months +. after that did 25% water change and than transfered everything from my 2ft tank to my new 3ft tank. that's all :)

my fishes was so happy when they enter into their new home. more space to swim about :D

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  akahoshi said:
piangz!! :pinch: confusing leh.. u all.. haha..

haiz.. anyway.. i want to fire up the skimmer also cannot lah, cuz when i fire it up, too much bubbles and skimate producing until the collection cup also not enuff space..

i guess got no choice..

btw.. i added the bacteria starter thingy that you can buy at LFS.. therefore the bacteria should be free swimming at this point..

I also get my skimmer running during cycling, somemore add the filter wool to capture all the debris.

I dont think the skimmer will skimmer out any bacteria, it should skim out the unwanted things like waste from LS and LR.... correct me if I am wrong. :nc:

I hope to see my skimmer working hard with all bubble in collection cup, after 2 weeks although with skimmer on, the skimmer seem like didnt skim anything from my tank. Maybe nothing left to be skimmed. :)

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