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Dark Red algae

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  • SRC Member
Why worry when RO/DI would get rid of the bromide?

In fact I would worry abt bromide from the salt mix instead.

Now you'll see reefers hunting for Turbo snails at the seaside :P

How I wish someone will tell me where to get this snail?? ;) Anyone seen one in the LFS .... else 'HUNTING TIME' :fear:

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I try to find but I need something in return lei :P errmmm like sps frags lol

Sell to me lah bro... I don't have any SPS .... SPC have lah... next to my house. :lol:

Bro anglefish, rabbit fish helps? They actual eat it? OR yours special case :erm:

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Well, day by day the tank looks worse. Since starting up the tank again 2 years ago its been a constant battle against byopsis, mantis shrimps and now red algae(as well as moving). When you solve one problem a worse one come to light.

With my constant and regular overseas trips, i an begining to wonder if it really worth all the stress. Perhaps fill the tank with extra live rock, ditch the sps and just go back to a mixed tank which will certainly be less critical to keep

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