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BLV Nepturion 250W DE 14,000k


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Tonight i took delivery of 2 new BLV 14000K 250W DE bulbs from Dr Evil

Firstly my set-up has, on either end 2 separate pendants from STM in the UK, which i assume are fired by HQI ballasts. In the middle is an aqualight unit which is fired by an electronic ballast. Currently i run 10,000K BLV's in the STM's and a Phoenix bulb in the centre.

The electronic ballast burns the Phoenix very blue, the STM's fire the Phoenix to a ice blue/white colour, whiter and brighter than the aqualight unit when i tried it in the past.

On fitting the new 14,000K bulb in one of the STM's i was initially surprised that it had, on first impression, no hint of blue. I fired up the other STM which still had the 10,000K bulb in it for comparison.

The difference was clear, the new 14,000K bulb was much whiter than the 10,000K bulb and in my opinion, brighter. It is whitest brightest bulb i have run in these units.

I have not yet tried it in the aqualight unit since i like this unit with the more actinic colour of the Phoenix. The BLV 14,000K - Phoenix - BLV 14,000K combo is a good balance for my tank.

So the bulb, on an HQI ballast is crisp white and bright, it may disappoint those who are looking for a more blue colour. However it may well burn a little bluer on an electronic ballast.

Time will tell how it performs for coral colour and growth

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  • SRC Member

Good Stuff, keep us updated on when the bulbs have about 100hrs runtime on them pls. These BLVs might be what we are all looking for, very white and bright bulbs with equivalent or similar PAR levels as the BLV 10kk. :)

The phoenixes are IMO too dim for a good combination of growth and color for SPSes. Granted we might have good coloration of the sps but growth will take ahit when compared to the BLV 10kk :)

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