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How To Get Rid Of Finrot?

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  • SRC Member
1) blue tang, yellow tang,picasso trigger, niger trigger,undulated trigger, bi colour angel, majestic angel, indian smoke angel, juvenile emperor angel, butterfly fish, maroon clown

2)overflow system

3)pH = 8.0, NO3 = 25 to 50, NO2 = <0.3 to 0.3, KH = 9 & Ca = 440

Thanks guys....


You said that your dad's tank is relatively new.. therefore, it is not advisable to fill up your tank with 11 fishes within such a short span of time. Doing so may contribute to higher chances of ammonia spike. Anyway, that's beside the point. But do take note of that.

From what I read in this forum, Maroon Clown Fish is quite an aggressive fish. Is your Maroon Clown Fish having fin rot too?

Good luck! :)

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Your fishes are stressed up totally.

I think your filtration system cannot handle the current bioload and looking at your nitrites...it can be seen. Nitrites should be ZERO all the time...best to be ZERO before you add any new fish.

Not to mention the choice of fishes. If I were you I would remove the triggers ASAP and put them in a tank of their own.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

Also safer not to mix same species of triggers, same species of angels & same species of tangs together. Unless they are of totally different size or coloartion & patterns. They may appear ok when very sml together but its one big WWF waiting to happen.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
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pls check, are there clumps at the edge of the fins? if so, is finrot.

if not, clean cut fins means aggression.

anyway, if is finrot, try changing 25% water. remove fishes to hospital

tank, or remove LR & others sensitive to medication. for finrot, light

dose of copper treatment n medalene blue (i think wrong spelling),

u can try taking out fish n cut the fin off (rotting part only) with very

sharp scissors, then drip with iodine solution.

make sure after few water changes, months later then can put in LR,

invert, corals, etc.

if u r only keeping fishes, invest a UV steriliser. :upsidedown:

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