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Help with Sump configuration


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  • SRC Member

I've recently brought a tank & sump from a fellow reefer and I'm looking for any expert opinion on the best way to utilise the sump and IOS?

I eventually plan to maintain corals and I've heard that BIO balls or other substances can build up Nitrates.

I've also read that having a Refugium with Macro algae can reduce the Nitrates.

I'm not sure if the design of my Sump will allow for a DSB or refugium and whether it's possible to make physical alterations etc?

Your advise on how you would configure is appreciated.


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  • SRC Member

Would really appreciate any of you experts giving advice on how you should configure the sump + equipment etc.

Are there any benifits in hosting the Skimmer outside of the sump?

Is it worth while me drilling a hole and hosting the return pump outside the sump so I dont warm up the water?


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No way am I an expert, but just to share my thoughts.

My preferrence is for an external skimmer. Reason - When taking the cup out to clean, no chance for the rubbish to drop into the sump.

I also like the concept of running the pump externally. You've already mentioned the reason, less heat transfer to the water. I did not do this for mine and ow I wish I had.


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  • SRC Member

Hi! Iam no expert but would like to help out in whatever limited way I can. :)

the sump from RC qould require two overflows, or a tee off from a single overflow. Note this aspect as it might not be feasible with your design.

Retain your current sump, and place the macro algae in the 11.5inch section (the last compartment). Screen your return pump so you wont get choked with debris. Dump the DSB- you dont have enough space, and it wont work well anyway if its of such limited volume.

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for the advice Riot.

Why do you say "Screen your return pump so you wont get choked with debris". If my return pump fits in the middle section, then surely it wont get choked from debri in the refuge?

I was under the impression that the Refugium consisted of DSB, Live rocks and macro algae? Which I would have planned to keep in the 11.5 inch section.

As for the tee off, I assumed that I can simply split the existing overflow 1.5" into two pipes? Can?

Thanks again.

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