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UV Steriliser

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  • SRC Member

you will have a mixed opinion on this. UV do help in killing free swimming pathogens but not those on the fish body.

But has to why I said mixed opnion cos there are other factors that determined an ending with a death "ich" fish, or a healed ones, largely by the food, water condition and tank physical enviroment.

ya, i am a UV user. :D

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  • SRC Member


UV will probably "help" in combating the Ich, but when the outbreak is there, you can't "solely rely" on it.

You may look it this way: 100% efforts for fighting Ich, UV will likely contribute <50% efforts (maybe as low as 10%).

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  • SRC Member

Its not really prevention. The proper prevention is quarantine, and the least is to feed your fish with good food + immunity stuff (anti-biotic).

Ozone would be more like "prevention" in this context, IMO.

Assuming if all water with Ich swimming are flow through the UV, then its a real good cure. But that's very impractical.

IMO: Its more on the cure side, but not effective. But UV do serve other purposes like killing undesired bacteria\chemical\algae in the water flow through it.

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  • SRC Member

IMHO, i think uv really helps with ich. i tried it with a really slow flow and it seems that the subsequent outbreaks of ich were just on about the same scale as the first outbreak. Without uv, i think the white spots on the fish will increase perhaps also exponentially as they multiply.

Of course, the bottomline is the fish's health and good water condition. UV is just there to keep the no. of parasites under control, plenty of garlic in the diet should be a good complement to cure ich. :peace:

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tried garlic n octozine to cure my fish from ich..

1st outbreak detected 2weeks ago...this week for the past 3days i lost 95% of my fish....

fish that been with me for nearly 1.5years totally wipe out....

1.flame angel

2.bicolor blenny

3.flame clown

4.purple tang

5.coral beauty

6.blue devil damsels.

all this thanks to the purple tang..... :(

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tried garlic n octozine to cure my fish from ich..

1st outbreak detected 2weeks ago...this week for the past 3days i lost 95% of my fish....

fish that been with me for nearly 1.5years totally wipe out....

1.flame angel

2.bicolor blenny

3.flame clown

4.purple tang

5.coral beauty

6.blue devil damsels.

all this thanks to the purple tang..... :(

Hi ahkit81,

Sorry to heard about your losses. I had gone through the hard way and had put in alot of effort before I came to this. Luckily my only loss was 2 cleaner shrimp. I would advice that a hospital tank would come in handy and takes up less time. You can use it as a hospital tank as well as a Q-tank. Run it at 1.008 to kill off the ICH. Keep close watch of the water PH. Would say that a refractometer is a good invesment as its much more acxcurate den the swing-arm type.

I will not make the same mistake again. Any new fish will go to the Q-tank for at least a week b4 going into the main tank. Any ICH spotted in the main tank, all fish will go out to Q-tank and leave the Main tank fallow for at least a month or so. Had tried dose medication but they are only effective till a certain extend. For big tanks... the ICH reproduction is way faster den medication effectiveness.

Hope this helps


Tak :peace:

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  • SRC Member

i believe uv sterilisation and ozoniser have different functions.depends on your applications.

At 254nm wavelength lamp,correct wattage and flowrate,UV capable of killing protozoa/parasite and microorganisms

Ozone are more to disinfections,it oxidises metals,pesticides,cyanide and hydrocarbons,bleaching,odour elimination,decolouration.almost same function as activated carbon in different process.

so,i believe to have ur water in pristine condition go for ozone.

control parasite and microorganisms with UV.

UV sterilisation is the highest level of disinfection

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  • SRC Member

Actually if you got the $$$, go for it.

You don't need to run it full time. Maybe during disease outbreak, then get it work on 2 months.

Or 1 week per month, regularly.

UV will kill bad and good living things, the light will zapped anything living cells. I believe only very few can survive under them.

So kind of like carbon, whack on bad and good chemical\ions.

You can treat the UV like carbon, in a way.

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  • SRC Member

icic..thanks bros for the valuable info!

after much thought about it..

i maybe running one on my 4 footer tangs only tank

my tangs are now all infested with the dreaded ich

jus hope that i am able to save up in time to get the UV before they "up the lorry"

=(...all are doing fine and feeding well..

no signs of shyness...but the irritating ich jus wun leave them alone..

like the previous thread says "I DECLARE WAR"

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  • SRC Member

thanks bro/sis

my uncle gave me his uv steriliser which he used last time to run on his arowana tank..

then..i read more about it..and found out that it cant be use with saltwater :cry:

any recommendations on a good uv steriliser which is suitable for marine setup?..

and what is the price range?

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  • SRC Member
thanks bro/sis

my uncle gave me his uv steriliser which he used last time to run on his arowana tank..

then..i read more about it..and found out that it cant be use with saltwater :cry:

any recommendations on a good uv steriliser which is suitable for marine setup?..

and what is the price range?

here, this will gives you a good start


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